I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 389 Proposal

Chapter 389 Proposal

"Brigade Commander, are you really willing to transfer the regiment leader here?" Liu Gen looked at the Brigadier with some doubts. Did he know how much the Brigadier attached to Li Yunlong?

If the brigade commander can really transfer Li Yunlong, then Liu Gen will definitely welcome it. With Li Yunlong's ability, it will definitely make it easier for Liu Gen to establish the artillery school.It's just that Liu Gen felt that the brigade commander was more joking, and he would not easily give up this powerful general in his hands.

"You kid still don't believe me? Don't worry, since I said that I will transfer Li Yunlong to you, I will definitely not regret it."

"There haven't been too many battles on the front line during this time, so it's good to let Li Yunlong follow you to build the artillery school, but you need to find the important person of the division commander!" The brigade commander said with a smile.

Immediately, Liu Gen understood, he knew why the brigade commander was willing to transfer Li Yunlong to himself, it was very simple, now Li Yunlong made a mistake.And once Liu Gen went to find someone important to the division commander, Li Yunlong would be punished somewhat less. Li Yunlong was the head of the independent regiment. If Li Yunlong was temporarily transferred to the Artillery School, his position would definitely be lowered, which was enough as Li Yunlong's punishment.

When the battle on the front line becomes tense, or in two or three months, the brigade commander will transfer Li Yunlong back to the independent regiment.

In the case of the independent group, even if Li Yunlong, the head of the group, is not around, it will not affect the recuperation of the independent group.To be precise, the presence or absence of Li Yunlong will not have much impact on the recovery of the independent regiment's combat effectiveness.After all, it is true that Li Yunlong is the leader of the independent regiment, but he cannot replace the fighters of the independent regiment in training anyway.

What's more, there are many talents in the independent group, and with the political commissar Zhao Gang in charge of daily work, Li Yunlong's transfer will naturally not have much impact on the independent group.

"Brigade Commander, I understand, you still want to help the regiment commander." Liu Gen said.

The brigade commander gave Liu Gen a blank look, and he couldn't help it. Who made Li Yunlong so powerful in fighting?If it weren't for Li Yunlong's good ability, then the brigade commander would definitely not choose to speak easily, and this time he chose to help Li Yunlong, the brigade commander also wanted to avoid affecting the combat effectiveness of the independent regiment.One of the most important reasons is also because Li Yunlong's mistakes were not major and were still within the controllable range.

"What? You don't want to ask the teacher for someone, so just pretend I didn't say so." The brigade commander looked at Liu Gen with a calm expression, as if he didn't care what Liu Gen would do.

Seeing this, Liu Gen was very helpless. Li Yunlong was his old regiment leader. No matter it was Li Yunlong's care for him in the independent regiment, or Liu Gen was a member of the independent regiment, he would definitely choose to help Li Yunlong.

Regarding the establishment of the Artillery School, the division did not give Liu Gen much support. Now Liu Gen asked the division for a few people, isn't it too much?Liu Gen felt that it was no problem for him to ask for a few people from the division.

Regarding the matter of sending Li Yunlong to the Artillery School, Liu Gen still has some confidence, the reason is very simple, Li Yunlong made a mistake and needs to be punished.When Li Yunlong made no mistakes, even Liu Gen could not get Li Yunlong here even in the name of establishing an artillery school.But now that Li Yunlong made a mistake, Liu Gen has a chance.

"Brigade Commander, see what you said! The old regiment commander has an accident, I definitely want to help!" Liu Gen said seriously.

The brigade commander nodded in satisfaction. He had already said a few good words for Li Yunlong in front of the teacher. Now that he has Liu Gen's guarantee, Li Yunlong shouldn't have too many problems.It's just that with Li Yunlong's trouble-loving personality, the brigade commander doesn't want to see him in a short time. It's not bad to arrange him to the Artillery School, which can help Liu Gen a little.

Due to the limitations of objective conditions, the brigade commander was unable to provide much help to Liu Gen. Now that Li Yunlong was sent to the Artillery School for a period of time, it could help Liu Gen to some extent.

Before that, Liu Gen was the captain of the Artillery Team of the 386 Brigade Headquarters. Speaking of which, Liu Gen came out of the 386 Brigade. As the brigade commander, he naturally needed to provide Liu Gen with some help.

"By the way, brigade commander, I also want to transfer Yun Gui from the artillery team of the brigade headquarters to the artillery school. His ability is not bad, so he should be my deputy for the time being." Seeing that the brigade commander was about to leave, Liu Gen said again hastily.

The brigade commander was taken aback for a moment, thinking for a moment, he didn't know much about Yungui in Liu Gen's mouth.As the brigade commander, he has a lot of things to do every day. It is true that Yungui is a member of the artillery team, but it is impossible for the brigade commander to remember every soldier.But the brigade commander was sure that the soldiers who could be mentioned by Liu Gen would not be too weak, otherwise Liu Gen would not want Yungui.

"Let me go back and have a look." Finally, the brigade commander said.

Seeing that the brigade commander did not directly agree, Liu Gen was somewhat disappointed. He knew clearly that Yungui's artillery skills were enough to be his deputy.Seeing the brigade commander's appearance, Liu Gen felt that if he wanted to transfer Yungui, he might have some troubles.

The artillery team of the 386th brigade does not have many experts, and Yungui is one of them. It should be among the top artillery teams.With the character of the brigade commander, such a talent will definitely not let go easily.

After watching the brigade commander leave on horseback, Liu Gen walked towards his residence. He needed to think about how to build an artillery school.To establish an artillery school, Liu Gen needs a rough plan and the support he needs from the division headquarters.At least Liu Gen needs to get a certain amount of material and manpower support from the division headquarters, otherwise it would be impossible for him to establish an artillery school because he is poor and white.

Back in the room, Liu Gen took out a pen and paper, and wrote down all the thoughts in his mind, writing whatever came to mind, which seemed a bit messy.

In the evening, after a quick dinner, Liu Gen devoted himself to the formulation of the plan again. In order to get the support of the division, he needed to let the division commander and others see the results.A good plan is enough to help Liu Gen get the support of the teacher and others, and Liu Gen also needs to let the teacher and others see his ability.

Liu Gen has made a lot of achievements and made a lot of military exploits, but none of this can conceal the fact that Liu Gen is a young man.Young people always give people a feeling of unreliability. Even if the division headquarters entrusts Liu Gen with the task of establishing an artillery school, it does not mean that they have enough trust in Liu Gen.Choosing to let Liu Gen do this is more of an attempt.

Now Liu Gen just wants to let the division headquarters see his ability, and no longer let the division commander think that it is okay to fail to establish the artillery school. He wants to do his best to do this matter!Liu Gen hoped to successfully establish an artillery school to train enough artillery talents for the 129th Division, and even for the units of the Eighth Route Army. This is what he wanted to do.

One person's strength is limited, but Liu Gen can train a large number of artillery talents when establishing an artillery school. By then, more people will work hard for this country and the rise of this country!
(End of this chapter)

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