I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 391 Punishment Issued

Chapter 391 Punishment Issued
Leaving the combat command room, Liu Gen was a little disappointed, the division commander did not give a direct answer.

Regarding this, Liu Gen also had no choice. He had already done everything he could do. If he really couldn't help Li Yunlong, then Liu Gen had no choice.However, Liu Gen was sure that even if he failed to help Li Yunlong, the teacher's punishment for Li Yunlong would not be too severe.The reason is very simple. The root cause of this conflict is not Li Yunlong.

What's more, what Li Yunlong said was right, if he didn't respond to the other party's provocation, then this soldier would be too aggrieved.

No matter who encounters this kind of situation, he will definitely do the same as Li Yunlong, it's just the impact.

"Genzi, you came out? Did the commander say how to punish me?" Li Yunlong, who was squatting in the corner, walked up quickly when Liu Gen came out of the combat command room.

Liu Gen could see the uneasiness on Li Yunlong's face. Even though he knew that the teacher would not punish him too severely, Li Yunlong would still inevitably be nervous before the punishment came down.Li Yunlong doesn't mind his position.He just hopes to stay on the front line and keep killing the enemy!
"The teacher didn't say how to punish you. I think the punishment for you should not be too severe."

"What you said in it is very good. It can be seen that the teacher's anger has dissipated a lot." Liu Gen quickly comforted him.

Liu Gen looked at Li Yunlong worriedly. In the past two days, Li Yunlong probably didn't sleep well, and he could see obvious fatigue on his face.Looking at Li Yunlong who looked tired, Liu Gen felt that something was wrong. With Li Yunlong's character, even if he made a mistake, he should eat well and sleep well. How could he be so tired?

"Damn, if the teacher doesn't punish me for a day, I will feel uncomfortable all day. Damn, it's better to give me a key punishment directly, and I will die early and be reborn early." Li Yunlong complained.

Seeing Li Yunlong like this, a slight smile flashed in Liu Gen's eyes. This is really Li Yunlong's character, and I am afraid that only Li Yunlong dares to complain like this.Among the regiment leaders of the 129th Division, Li Yunlong was probably the only one who dared to do this, and the other regiment leaders did not dare to do the same.No way, who made Li Yunlong achieve so many military exploits?

"Regimental Commander, don't worry, you have made so many military exploits, and this time the responsibility is not on your shoulders. The division commander and all the bosses must have a good discussion on how to punish you."

"If you ask me, it's because the teacher values ​​you. If it were someone else, the teacher would definitely not take such a long time." Liu Gen said again.

Immediately, Li Yunlong laughed. He found that Liu Gen had made great progress after leaving the independent group, at least he became able to talk a lot!Li Yunlong felt that Liu Gen was more pleasing to the eye. If Liu Gen could not be brought back to the independent group, then Li Yunlong would definitely be willing to let Liu Gen be the deputy head of the independent group.

As for the official leader, it must be Li Yunlong's position. Li Yunlong believes that with himself, even if he asked Liu Gen to be the official leader of the independent group, Liu Gen would not do it.In this regard, Li Yunlong is still very confident.

"Regimental Commander, Teacher and the others need some time to discuss, why don't you go with me first? It's not a big deal to stand here all the time." Liu Gen looked at Li Yunlong and said so.

Li Yunlong shook his head directly, "Genzi, you boy, go back first, you are different from me, I am a body of guilt, so I can't leave easily. Besides, I made a mistake, so I need to admit it! In the combat command room What's wrong with standing outside for a while? Even if the teacher asks me to stand here all the time, I'm willing!"

Seeing Li Yunlong's determined appearance, Liu Gen resolutely gave up the idea of ​​continuing to persuade, he knew that even if he spoke again, it would not be of any use.Li Yunlong did the right thing. Standing here and waiting for the teacher's punishment may still make the teacher soften his heart.Even if Li Yunlong's punishment is not reduced, but Li Yunlong's doing so can let the teacher see his attitude,

It is very important to have a good attitude.

"Forget it, it's fine for me to go back, just wait here with the leader." Liu Gen gave up the idea of ​​leaving, and said directly.

Li Yunlong laughed, he didn't open his mouth to organize Liu Gen, just as Liu Gen knew him, Li Yunlong also knew Liu Gen very well.Li Yunlong knew that this time Liu Gen came to the teacher because he had something to do, but also because he wanted to plead for himself.

When he was reprimanded by the teacher, Liu Gen came to the teacher, which seemed a bit too coincidental.

Knowing Liu Gen's kindness, Li Yunlong did not choose to say anything, nor did he express his gratitude to Liu Gen.Li Yunlong just kept all this in his heart silently, he would borrow Liu Gen's favor, and he also knew that what Liu Gen wanted was not his own gratitude.

Standing with Li Yunlong outside the combat command room of the division headquarters, Liu Gen and Li Yunlong chatted and shared their experiences with each other. The only pity was that Liu Gen didn't have sweet potato burners beside them, otherwise they chatted and drank from time to time. How comfortable it would be to have a bite of sweet potato.

From Li Yunlong's mouth, Liu Gen had a certain understanding of the situation on the front line. The devil's troops raided frequently, which put a lot of pressure on the troops in the base area.

However, since each unit strictly abides by the orders of the headquarters.It is no longer easy to fight head-on with the devils' troops, but to use sparrow warfare and guerrilla warfare to continuously kill the devils, causing many casualties to the devils during this period.These casualties may be a drop in the bucket for the devil's army, but as long as they continue to accumulate like this, they will become unbearable casualties for the devil.

The independent regiment suffered a lot of casualties in several battles, and has always been in a state of recuperation.The ammunition of each unit is relatively short, and the independent regiment is inevitable. Even if it is supported by ammunition from the arsenal, compared with the number of troops of the Eighth Route Army, the ammunition produced by the arsenal is not too much after being distributed to the units.

Generally speaking, the fighting on the front line tended to be calm. Even if the devils kept making moves, as long as the Eighth Route Army did not accept the moves and did not reveal their location, the devils would not have any good solutions.

During the conversation, Li Yunlong also knew what Liu Gen had done in the arsenal. After knowing everything Liu Gen had done in the arsenal, Li Yunlong's eyes were filled with fiery heat.The ammunition of the Independent Regiment has never been enough. As for the weapons and equipment, it is temporarily enough.

In order to improve the lack of ammunition in the Independent Regiment, Li Yunlong thought of many ways, the simplest way of which was naturally to snatch it from the devils.But with the current situation, even if you want to snatch bullets from the devils, it will not be that simple, and it will easily attract the attention of the devils.

Li Yunlong also thought of getting some ammunition from the rear arsenal, but he didn't have any acquaintances in the arsenal, and only the director of the arsenal in the border area was more familiar with him.But what can the border arsenal do?The things produced cannot be compared with the Huangyadong Armory, and there are not so many pills in the Border Area Armory.

Looking at Liu Gen now, Li Yunlong felt that his chance had come. Liu Gen had done so many things in the arsenal. As long as he followed Liu Gen to the arsenal, Li Yunlong would still be very happy if he wanted to get some ammunition. simple right?However, Li Yunlong still hesitated, wondering if he should do this.

Liu Gen has done well in the arsenal, but he has not been in the arsenal for a long time, and he doesn't have much say in the arsenal, Li Yunlong is still clear about this.

"Head, what's the matter with you?" Liu Gen waved his hand in front of Li Yunlong and asked with some doubts.

Li Yunlong came to his senses, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's just that I'm not used to leaving the independent group."

"Damn, I don't know what the teacher will punish me this time. I hope I can return to the front line and have the opportunity to return to the independent regiment."

Seeing Li Yunlong like this, Liu Gen also smiled and said: "Regiment commander, don't worry, you will definitely be able to return to the independent regiment. You can stay at the rear for a while at most. Now the frontline fighting is suspended. Even if you are on the front line, the independent regiment There may be too many battles in the department. If I say it, you will stay behind for a while, commander, so that you can also take a good rest."

Li Yunlong stopped talking, his eyes fell on Liu Gen, and there was a strong look of doubt in his eyes. He felt that something was wrong. Why did Liu Gen want him to stay behind?

"Genzi, don't you really want me to stay behind? You know my character. If you let me stay behind, you might as well let me die!" Li Yunlong said angrily.Li Yunlong didn't want to stay in the back. Compared with the back, he still preferred to stay in the front and fight the devils!
Looking at Li Yunlong who looked angry, Liu Gen felt a little helpless, he knew Li Yunlong would be like this.

Liu Gen was silent for a moment, but he didn't know whether Li Yunlong should really be sent to the Artillery School. In the end, he could only shake his head secretly. Everything still depends on the division commander's punishment of Li Yunlong.If the division commander's punishment would not affect Li Yunlong's return to the front line, then Liu Gen would definitely not ask the division commander for someone again, but Liu Gen felt that there was little chance of Li Yunlong returning directly to the independent regiment.

If the battles on the front line are still relatively frequent, then if the commander is angry again, he will still need Li Yunlong, a capable general, to continue to fight with the independent regiment.But now that all the units of the 129th Division are recuperating, there is no need for Li Yunlong to preside over the independent regiment, and staying behind for a while will not have much impact.

"How long will it take, Master! Damn, it's been two or three hours, right? When did the Master move so slowly?" Li Yunlong found a place to squat down, and said helplessly.

Liu Gen also squatted down, but he was not in a hurry, the teacher and the others had a lot of things to do every day.Compared with punishing Li Yunlong, the teacher must have more important things to do.

Just when Li Yunlong was about to say something again, a soldier walked towards Liu Gen and the two quickly. It was the teacher who wanted to find them.

"Damn, the teacher finally came to us." Li Yunlong quickly stood up and said excitedly.

Just standing up suddenly, Li Yunlong felt his head dizzy suddenly, his body tilted suddenly, and he almost fell down.Fortunately, Liu Gen was by Li Yunlong's side, and he was quick enough to reach out his hand to hold Li Yunlong in time, so that Li Yunlong didn't fall to the ground.After holding Li Yunlong, Liu Gen realized that Li Yunlong was very light. He is tall and big, so his weight should be considered thin.

With Liu Gen's support, Li Yunlong stood there for a while before walking out towards the combat command room.With this moment of rest, Li Yunlong felt much more comfortable. It was not the first time this happened to him, but this time he was too anxious when he got up.

Walking into the combat command room, Li Yunlong broke away from Liu Gen's support, while Liu Gen looked at Li Yunlong worriedly, and was ready to support Li Yunlong at any time.

"Huh? Li Yunlong, what's the matter with you kid?" Seeing Li Yunlong's abnormality, the teacher asked with some doubts.

Li Yunlong scratched his head, and said helplessly: "I was too violent when I stood up just now, and I felt a little dizzy."

Knowing that Li Yunlong was not a big problem, the teacher was relieved, and the worries in his eyes dissipated. A general like Li Yunlong cannot easily have problems.It is one thing to punish Li Yunlong, but it is another thing to let Li Yunlong continue to fight. The teacher still likes Li Yunlong very much.If Li Yunlong can get rid of his habit of getting into trouble, then the teacher will definitely like Li Yunlong more,
"Master, how do you punish me directly? If you don't tell me, I will always think about this." Li Yunlong couldn't help asking.

The teacher laughed. Seeing Li Yunlong like this, he could understand Li Yunlong's state.Li Yunlong was fearless, but even so, he still couldn't keep calm when facing punishment, especially when the teacher hadn't announced the punishment.

"Okay, since you're so anxious to be punished, then I'll just tell you about your punishment!"

"After the division's discussion and decision, Li Yunlong, head of the independent regiment of the 129th Brigade of the 386th Division, was ordered to be temporarily transferred to the division's headquarters to serve as the squad leader of the division's cooking team!" .

Li Yunlong looked at the teacher with some helplessness. He smiled and leaned forward, wanting to refute himself, at least change his position.As the monitor of the cooking squad, Li Yunlong can't do well, and he doesn't know how to cook. If he is really asked to be the monitor of the cooking squad, the soldiers in the cooking squad might not even be able to eat the food he cooks.But who knows that the teacher is very firm, no matter what Li Yunlong said, he has no intention of changing his mind.

Seeing this, Li Yunlong could only look at Liu Gen at the side, wanting to let Liu Gen speak for himself.Li Yunlong really didn't want to be the squad leader of the cooking class in the division. Even though he knew he wouldn't do it for a long time, he still didn't want to do it, or he didn't want to stay in the division.There are teachers and others in the division headquarters. Li Yunlong is here, and he is eaten to death by the teachers. He naturally doesn't want to stay here.

(End of this chapter)

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