I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 4 You Fuck Hurry Up

Chapter 4 You Fuck Hurry Up
"Come on!"

"Come on!"


The charge trumpet sounded, and the soldiers in charge of blowing the charge trumpet worked very hard. The loud sound made Liu Gen's blood boil.If it weren't for the soldiers around him who quickly grabbed Liu Gen, then Liu Gen might also rush up with the soldiers.

Looking at the soldiers rushing forward, Liu Gen could see the heavy machine guns of the Japanese devils firing continuously, and the bullet casings that kept jumping out made everyone feel how ferocious the devils' firepower was.In terms of equipment, the Japanese devils are much better than the new regiment. Now the soldiers of the new regiment choose to charge, but they need to brave the hail of bullets from the Japanese devils before they can charge forward!

Liu Gen could see a number of soldiers lying on the charging path. The enemy's firepower was too fierce. No matter how fierce the soldiers were, they could not resist the bullets.


A gunshot came, and the trumpeter who was blowing the charge fell down, and it was the sharpshooter among the Japanese devils who shot.The Xinyi regiment's attack was too strong, making it impossible for the unsuspecting Japanese devils to resist. The ferocious firepower was also unable to resist the soldiers' charge.Blowing the charge horn will naturally be targeted. The death rate of trumpeters on the battlefield is very high. They can easily attract the attention of the enemy when blowing the charge horn!

No, the devil's sharpshooter hit the trumpeter, but just as the trumpeter fell, another soldier picked up the charge horn and blew it again.The charge horn is needed, and the soldiers need the guidance of the charge horn. The constant blowing of the charge horn makes the soldiers understand that they need to constantly charge forward and cannot choose to retreat!charge!charge!One after another soldiers fell on the way to charge.Within 300 meters, the commando team composed of the first battalion of the new regiment suffered more than half of the casualties!

The Japanese devils are not fools, and they will not give up using their weapons until the soldiers rush to them.The densely packed bullets formed two or three clear lines of fire, sweeping towards the soldiers of the new regiment. Even the soldiers of the new regiment had good shooting skills. They fired their strength and knocked out a few heavy machine guns, but they still couldn't Played a big role!The Japanese devils are well equipped, and the only good thing is that the commandos have rushed to the Japanese devils' faces.

The new regiment's counter-assault happened too suddenly. The commander of the Sakata Wing, Sakata Shintetsu, underestimated the enemy. He didn't pay enough attention to the new regiment, and he didn't expect that the new regiment would launch a counter-assault!It is normal for Li Yunlong to lead the Xinyi Regiment to successfully counter-attack without paying too much attention to the opponent of the Xinyi Regiment!Under the command of Li Yunlong, the new regiment is a veritable wild wolf regiment!The soldiers are all howling wolves!
Seeing that the commando in front had gained a certain advantage, Liu Gen rushed forward with a few soldiers. He held the barrel of the mortar, and the rest was held by other soldiers.Speaking of which, there are only two shells left in this 82mm mortar. After Liu Gen plans to shoot out all the two shells, he will directly blow up this 82mm mortar and not leave it to the enemy.

As for breaking out with this mortar, it is naturally impossible. The other most important reason is that the 82mm mortar has some difficulties in ammunition supply!This mortar was obtained by chance by the Xinyi Regiment, and the number of shells is not much. Now there are only two shells left, so the value has naturally decreased a lot.

However, thinking that the 82mm mortar can also use the shells of the Japanese 81mm mortar, Liu Gen's heart moved. Maybe this time the 81mm mortar of the Japanese army could be captured during the breakout, so that he would not have to leave the 82mm mortar. Mortars!

Every mortar is very important to the Xinyi regiment. The Eighth Route Army is quite short of weapons and equipment. If Li Yunlong knew that Liu Gen had the idea of ​​blowing up the mortar, then Li Yunlong would definitely do nothing. Give Liu Gen a kick without hesitation!
On the way forward, Liu Gen could see the corpses of many soldiers and Japanese devils. It could be seen that there were more corpses of soldiers in the new group!As an elite unit of the Japanese army, the Sakata Regiment has strong combat effectiveness, not to mention bayonet fighting skills!

If it weren't for Li Yunlong, as the head of the new regiment, who attached great importance to the soldiers' bayonet fighting ability and conducted a lot of training on weekdays, then the new regiment might not be able to win the hand-to-hand combat!

The casualties of hand-to-hand combat are too great, and hand-to-hand combat is also a helpless move. The new regiment does not have enough good weapons and ammunition. If it does not engage in hand-to-hand combat, it is impossible to advance 500 meters forward!Now it can successfully advance 500 meters, one is because the new regiment has a strong enough combat effectiveness, and the other is because the Sakata United has not reacted, and has underestimated the combat effectiveness of the new regiment too much!
If the enemy's headquarters cannot be quickly resolved and successfully destroyed, then the new regiment will inevitably usher in a frenzied counterattack by the Sakata Regiment!By that time, the Xinyi Regiment had given up its inherent defensive position, and it would be very difficult to resist the attack of the Sakata Alliance!

Arriving at the front line, before Li Yunlong could say anything, Liu Gen quickly assembled the mortar with a few soldiers!Putting the mortar on the flat ground, Liu Gen deliberately hammered it a few times to ensure the stability of the mortar!

Looking at the position of the Devil Command, Liu Gen gave a thumbs up and quickly measured the distance. It may also be that Liu Gen has the ability to measure distance. In less than ten seconds, he completed the distance measurement!At a distance of nearly 2000 meters, if Liu Gen hadn't successfully upgraded his artillery specialization skills, it would be really difficult to hit such a distant target!

But now, Liu Gen is different, he has enough confidence to hit Sakata's headquarters!
"Genzi! You fucking hurry up! Hurry up!" Li Yunlong shouted.

The Japanese devils are pressing towards this side. It will be quite difficult for the soldiers of the new regiment to resist the attack of these devils!The time it can resist will not be too long. Now all the hopes of the new regiment are on Liu Gen. If they hit the headquarters of the old devil Sakata, then the new regiment can successfully break through!But if it can't hit, maybe the new group will be hit hard!It even said that they were successfully surrounded and wiped out by the Bantian United!
"Genzi! You fucking hurry up!" Li Yunlong shouted again!

Liu Gen is very calm, the more calm he is at this time!Concentrating on adjusting the angle of the mortar, Liu Gen made a rough estimate in his mind, and there should be no major problems!
"Cannonball!" Liu Gen stretched out his hand and said.

The soldiers behind him hurriedly put a shell into Liu Gen's hands, put the shell directly into the barrel of the mortar, and bowed their heads!

The cannonball in the barrel ejected instantly and flew towards the target position!

 ps: "Thumb distance measurement method" is measured according to right-angle trigonometric functions
  Suppose there is a target object N meters away from us, measure the distance from us to the target object:
  1. Hold our right arm horizontally, make a fist with the right hand and raise the thumb
  2. Use the right eye (left eye closed) to overlap the left side of the thumb with the target on a straight line;

  3. Keep the right arm and thumb still, close the right eye, and observe the left side of the thumb with the left eye, and you will find that the sideline is a distance away from the right side of the target;
  4. Estimate this distance (this can also be measured), multiply this distance by 10, and the result is the approximate distance between us and the target

  In addition, the naked eye ranging method commonly used in the Chinese and American armies is attached:
  The rangefinding method commonly used by snipers in the Chinese army and police is the saccade method: clenched right fist, thumb upwards, stretching out the right arm, closing the left eye, and observing the target with the right eye on the side of the thumb, At this time, keep the posture, close the right eye, and use the left eye to observe another reference object on the same side of the thumb --- the distance between the reference object and the target is multiplied by 10, which is the actual distance between you and the target.

  The U.S. Army is a bit similar: hold your right fist tightly, put your thumb flat, stretch your right arm flat, close your left eye, and use your right eye to observe the target on the upper side of your thumb. If the target just steps over, you and the target The distance is 100 yards, if the target is just two steps across, then the distance between you and the target is 200 yards……………

(End of this chapter)

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