Chapter 41

When I came to the old tree in the center of the village, the copper bell hanging on the old tree was not very big, and there were several gaps on it. I don’t know how many years this copper bell can last.

"Old village chief, let me come." Seeing that the old village chief was inconvenient to move, Liu Gen wanted to help.

The old village chief shook his head and refused Liu Gen's help, "Little comrade, you don't understand, not everyone can ring the bronze bell in our village."

"Oh? Old village chief, it seems that the copper bell in your village has a secret." Liu Gen laughed.

Liu Gen watched the old village chief ring the old copper bell tremblingly, looked at the shaking copper bell, and was a little worried that the copper bell would fall and hit the old village chief.Staring nervously at the bronze bell, Liu Gen relaxed a little after leading the old village chief a certain distance away from the bronze bell.

"Old village chief, should the rope on the copper bell be changed? It looks like it's about to break. Would you like me to change it for you?" Liu Gen asked worriedly.

The old village chief smiled and shook his head, "Little comrade, you don't need to change it. It looks like it's about to break, but it won't be a big problem. It's a cowhide rope and it's very strong."

"Really? As long as it's okay." Liu Gen glanced at the bronze bell again, and then said with a smile.

When the villagers of the village heard the ringing of the bronze bell, they all walked out of their homes and walked towards the center of the village.The villagers were a little puzzled. The bronze bell rang not many times. Every time the bronze bell rang to call the villagers there was something to discuss. What is the matter now?The gathered villagers were chatting with each other, and their expressions were relatively relaxed. With the Eighth Route Army stationed in the village, they didn't have to worry about devils coming to raid.

"bang bang"

Seeing the villagers discussing and unable to calm down for a long time, the old village head picked up his crutches and knocked hard a few times.It is said to be a crutch, but it is actually a wooden stick that has been cut out. How can the village pay so much attention to it.

"Has everyone arrived? Today's event is very important and a good one. Next, let this little comrade tell you about the new policy that the Eighth Route Army will implement in our village." The old village chief said loudly.After saying this, the old village head took a step back and asked Liu Gen to explain to everyone.

Liu Gen looked at the villagers and could see various emotions in their eyes. Many villagers were a little nervous.There was no problem getting along with the Eighth Route Army, but the villagers felt a little nervous when they saw the soldiers.Liu Gen had a gentle smile on his face, but the villagers were still a little nervous, and the villagers were still a little wary of the soldiers, and it should be much better if they get along for a while.

Noticing this, Liu Gen has nothing to do. In such troubled times, it is normal for the villagers to react like this. If you do not do practical things, the villagers will not choose to believe you.

"It's a good thing to see all the folks here today. Don't be nervous. Our Eighth Route Army is the people's team. It will not harm you or your interests."

"It's like this. It's time for spring sowing. Our Xinyi regiment is going to reclaim some wasteland. We will provide seeds. I wonder if you are willing to help our Eighth Route Army take care of these crops? Everyone knows that our soldiers need it every day. Training, that's why I thought of trouble everyone. Everyone can rest assured, take care of the crops, and when the harvest comes, everyone will be able to get some food as a reward."

"Taking care of the crops is not a heavy job. If you want, you can come to me to claim some land. Today, we have reclaimed five acres of wasteland, and there will be more in the future. Don't worry about the amount of land. Not enough." Liu Gen said in a deep voice.

The faces of the villagers were obviously happy. They looked at Liu Gen in disbelief, but they didn't expect such a good thing to happen.Yes, in the eyes of the villagers, this is a great thing. When spring plowing came, they were still a little worried that they would not be able to reclaim enough land, which would lead to insufficient food rations next year.Well now, they help the Eighth Route Army take care of the land, and they can get a certain amount of food as a reward, which will undoubtedly allow them to harvest more food.

Many villagers have a little more hope that they may have a good year this year with the food they get from helping the Eighth Route Army take care of the land, as well as the food they grow themselves.

"Little comrade, we take care of the land for the Eighth Route Army. After harvesting grain, how much can we get? Is it fixed?" A villager asked.

Liu Gen smiled. He could see that the villagers were concerned about this issue, "Take care of the land for us, and [-]% of the grain will go to you. It's not fixed, it depends on the output of the land."

The remaining [-]% is because the soldiers need to have enough supplies for their training. The land does not belong to Liu Gen, so naturally the villagers cannot be allowed to pay too much.But even so, Liu Gen could see that the expressions of the villagers became more and more excited. It is already a lot to get [-]% of the land. catties of grain.

The villagers are already very satisfied with planting their own land and taking care of the land reclaimed by the Eighth Route Army. They can get fifty or sixty catties of grain as compensation.What's more, some villagers also thought that if the Eighth Route Army left here, the reclaimed land would probably be handed over to them for planting, which would make a lot of money.

"In addition, since there are many elderly people in the village, our soldiers from the Eighth Route Army will help the elderly to reclaim land for free so as not to miss the spring plowing." Liu Gen said again.

The old people in the village all looked at Liu Gen in surprise. The villagers had also heard that the Eighth Route Army was very good, but they didn't have much contact with the Eighth Route Army.The Eighth Route Army was stationed in the village, and the villagers were already very satisfied with the fact that there was no crime in the autumn.Now that Liu Gen said that soldiers from the Eighth Route Army would help them with spring plowing, how could the old people not be surprised?
"Of course, because the soldiers need to be trained, they can only cultivate three acres of wasteland for each elderly person in the village at most. Village chief, you can count, our Eighth Route Army will also help the needy people in the village." Liu Gen said again.

There are many old people in the village. In Liu Gen's view, the old people have limited ability and cannot grow much land. It is unlikely that each person needs three acres of wasteland.The new regiment is stationed here, and it is very necessary to get along better with the villagers.Besides, the Eighth Route Army is originally a people's team, and I believe that the head of the regiment, Ding Wei, will agree to this matter.

Speaking of which, Liu Gen's ability to take charge of this matter is due to Ding Wei's trust in him, and he cannot live up to this rare trust.

"Everyone can go back and think about it. Taking care of the land for our Eighth Route Army, you still need to be busy taking care of your own land, which will be much busier than before. I hope everyone can be mentally prepared." Liu Gen looked at the villagers and said reminded.

Liu Gen didn't want the villagers to give up halfway after claiming the land they were responsible for. It would be very troublesome.

"Little comrade, don't worry, we don't understand war, but we are all good at farming. If any of them dare to claim the land that needs to be taken care of and do nothing, I will beat them to death with the crutches in my hand. There is still some prestige in the village." The old village head waved the crutch in his hand, looking quite intimidating.

 ps: Thank you K1906 and Li Ge for your tip, thank you very much.My girlfriend has some problems and I need to go to her. I am not sure about the third watch at night. If I have time, I will try my best to write it.I haven't written it out, and I will make it up tomorrow, so please rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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