Chapter 496
Returning to Shiziling, Zhang Dabiao reported the harvest to Li Yunlong before taking the soldiers of the first battalion to rest.

In the independent regiment, the first battalion has the strongest combat effectiveness and the best equipment, but the casualty rate of the first battalion is also the highest among the independent regiments.The soldiers of the second battalion and the third battalion of the independent regiment are very aware of this. They have no objection to the treatment enjoyed by the first battalion, but the soldiers of these two battalions want to enter the first battalion.The fighters wanted to get into the first battalion.To become a member of the first battalion, they don't want to enter the first battalion to enjoy, but want to fight the enemy bravely in the first battalion.

The soldiers of the independent regiment knew very well that no one could enjoy any special treatment after entering the first battalion. Everyone wanted to kill devils, and everyone was willing to sacrifice their lives for this.

After Zhang Dabiao dealt with the affairs of the first battalion and let the soldiers take the time to rest, he walked towards Liu Gen's position.The relationship between Zhang Dabiao and Liu Gen is very good. After learning the news that Liu Gen was seriously injured, he wanted to directly check on Liu Gen's specific situation.Only because the battle with the devils on the front line has never stopped, until now that the devils have retreated and there is no combat mission for the time being, Zhang Dabiao has time to visit Liu Gen.

Along the way, Zhang Dabiao's face was a little dignified. He could imagine how cruel the battle was when Liu Gen and others were defending Shiziling.Even Zhang Dabiao didn't have the confidence to survive such a cruel battle.Even though Zhang Dabiao knew that Liu Gen's strength was good, he still worried that Liu Gen's life would be in danger.What's more.The medical conditions on Shizi Ridge are a bit poor, and they can't compare with the hospitals at the division headquarters or the headquarters.

On Shizi Ridge, anything can happen, unless Liu Gen can recover directly, Zhang Dabiao's worry will never stop.

When Zhang Dabiao saw Liu Gen, the worry in his eyes became more and more obvious. It was because Liu Gen was in a bad state.Zhang Dabiao could see that there were many bandages on Liu Gen's body. With so many bandages, he immediately understood the severity of Liu Gen's injuries and how much Liu Gen had suffered.

"Genzi? Genzi?" Zhang Dabiao came to Liu Gen's side and shouted.

Liu Gen opened his eyes in a daze, and saw Zhang Dabiao at the first sight, which made him look happy, "Brother Zhang, why are you here?"

"Huh? Is the battle on the front line over? There is no sound of gunfire, the devils have retreated."

As soon as he woke up and noticed that he couldn't hear any guns and guns, Liu Gen realized that the devils should have retreated, otherwise the devils would definitely keep attacking, and it was impossible not to hear any guns and guns.Liu Gen looked towards Zhang Dabiao in front of him, he could see the exhaustion on Zhang Dabiao's face that couldn't be concealed, and there was still fresh blood on his clothes, which made him know that Zhang Dabiao had just experienced a battle soon.

"Genzi, you kid is injured, just take good care of your wounds and don't care about the frontline battle."

"With the fighting power of our independent regiment, you can still worry? Don't worry, with our independent regiment and its leader, it will be useless for the devil to use any means. In this battle, the soldiers of the artillery company of our independent regiment They made a great contribution, they successfully killed the artillery of the devils, and then even killed a lot of firepower."

"If the devils hadn't escaped, then we would definitely be able to kill many devils and avenge those soldiers who died!" Zhang Dabiao said in a deep voice.

While speaking, Zhang Dabiao's eyes flickered with cold killing intent. After learning the news that Liu Gen and others had suffered heavy casualties, he wished to kill all these devils and avenge Liu Gen and others!Fortunately, Liu Gen was only seriously injured and did not make a heroic sacrifice. Otherwise, Zhang Dabiao would not have let those devils go easily, and he would have killed more devils.

"I still believe in the combat effectiveness of our independent regiment. Brother Zhang, I think you just finished the battle, so take a good rest."

"I think the devils are likely to come again. If we make such a big move on Cross Ridge, the devils will definitely be able to guess something. Don't underestimate these devils. Next time the devils come, it will not be so simple." Liu Genqiang cheered up and spoke seriously.

Even if Zhang Dabiao didn't let him pay attention to the battle on the front line, how could Liu Gen not pay attention?After persisting on Shizi Ridge for so long and sacrificing so many comrades, how could he not care?Now that the independent regiment took over Liu Gen and others' defense, even if the independent regiment's combat effectiveness is strong enough, Liu Gen still can't be completely at ease.

Up until now, the devils hadn't fully demonstrated their fighting power. If the devils attacked Shiziling with all their strength, it would undoubtedly be impossible for the independent regiment to successfully defend Shiziling.

Zhang Dabiao fell silent, he could see the seriousness on Liu Gen's face and the seriousness in his tone, and he also knew that Liu Gen was right.With the strength of the devils in Shanxi, even if the independent regiment successfully killed the devil infantry brigade, it would not have much impact on the devil garrison in Shanxi. A devil infantry brigade is nothing, let alone the independent regiment has no Successfully killed this devil infantry brigade.

Even if the devil infantry brigade was severely damaged by the independent regiment, it would be somewhat reluctant, let alone completely wiped out the devil infantry brigade.

"Genzi, don't worry, I understand, I have never underestimated these little devils." Zhang Dabiao said seriously.Even without Liu Gen's reminder, Zhang Dabiao is very clear about some things, but he also knows that Liu Gen's reminder is necessary.Killed a lot of devils.Let the devils choose to escape, not daring to stay and fight the independent regiment.

To achieve such a record, even Zhang Dabiao has rich combat experience, he will be somewhat excited.Now receiving Liu Gen's instructions, Zhang Dabiao immediately calmed down a lot. He realized that there are still many things he needs to do, the most important of which is to take a good rest first, so as to ensure that he is in a good enough state to face the confrontation. down the fight.

"Genzi, I'll go back to rest first, and prepare for the next battle with the devil." Zhang Dabiao said to Liu Gen.

Liu Gen nodded, and naturally had no opinion on this.After Zhang Dabiao left, Liu Gen closed his eyes tiredly, and soon fell asleep.After talking so much with Zhang Dabiao, Liu Gen felt very tired. His body was too weak to support him to keep talking to Zhang Dabiao.

After Liu Gen fell asleep for five or six hours, he woke up. After feeling that his state had recovered, he tried to move his body, but he still felt obvious pain.After trying to move around for a while, Liu Gen chose to give up after finding that he couldn't bear it.However, after a few moves, when he calmed down, Liu Gen felt much more relaxed.

Looking around, it was already night, and looking at the two monks not far away, there was obvious worry in Liu Gen's eyes, he could see that the two monks were still in a coma, and he didn't know the specific situation How the hell.After carefully observing the two monks, Liu Gen relaxed a little. He could see that there were no fatal injuries on the two monks. Presumably, their lives should not be in danger.

Just considering the current medical conditions, Liu Gen is still a little worried, wondering whether there will be problems with the treatment of the two monks.

Ten minutes later, Liu Gen felt tired again and fell into a deep sleep again. His body's self-protection made him very sleepy.

In the early morning, Liu Gen was awakened by the sound of guns and guns. As soon as he opened his eyes, he could see doctors and medical soldiers walking around in a hurry, and soldiers with serious injuries were constantly being sent in. treat.As for the soldiers with minor injuries, they couldn't receive corresponding treatment. They could only wrap up their wounds with bandages before rejoining the battle.

The battle was just as Liu Gen said, the devils regrouped, mobilized their forces again, and launched an attack on the Shiziling area.This time the devils were very well prepared, especially after knowing that the independent regiment had artillery, every time they used artillery, they would be outside the range of the artillery company, which made the soldiers of the artillery company very depressed.

In addition, the devils brought mountain cannons, which restricted the performance of the artillery company. The devil artillery could continue to launch shelling outside the range of the artillery company, but the artillery company could not do so.During the battle, the devil's mountain artillery did not fire. The devil's intention was very obvious. The mountain artillery was prepared for the artillery of the independent regiment.

In this regard, the soldiers of the Artillery Company of the Independent Regiment had nothing to do. The range of the Devil's Mountain Cannon was too far, and the artillery in their hands could not pose a threat to the Devil's Mountain Cannon at all.It can be said that after the devil brought out the mountain cannon, the artillery company no longer had any room to play, unless the artillery company wanted to be completely killed by the devil.

Without the artillery support of the artillery company, the firepower of the devils directly suppressed the firepower of the independent regiment. The devils were well prepared. Even if they succeeded in suppressing the firepower of the independent regiment, they did not directly launch a charge. Shoot against the independent regiment.Seeing this, the soldiers could easily tell that these devils wanted to consume the ammunition of the independent regiment, but even if the soldiers understood this, there was nothing they could do.

The devils kept shooting, and the independent regiment always had to fight back. It was impossible to allow the devils to gain the right to suppress firepower.Once the devils succeeded in completely suppressing the firepower and making the soldiers of the independent regiment unable to hold their heads up, it would be extremely difficult for the independent regiment to resist the devil's attack, and the devil's attack would be much easier.

In the temporary command post on the front line of the Independence Regiment, Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang looked a bit ugly. They could see that the casualties of the soldiers were increasing as they continued to shoot at the devils.In a short period of time, there were dozens of soldiers casualties, which made Li Yunlong somewhat unable to bear such losses, and the battle cannot be fought like this.

"Stop! Stop everyone! Stop shooting!"

"Wars can't be fought like this! Damn it! You can't continue fighting with the devils. The devils will have no problem if you fight. If our independent regiment is exhausted, the entire independent regiment will be wiped out!" Li Yunlong walked out of the temporary command post and shouted loudly .

Li Yunlong hadn't thought about how to deal with the devil's attack, but he knew that this could not continue. Even if the devil successfully suppressed the firepower, the independent regiment still had the strength to fight.If the devils continue to shoot at each other like this, then only the devils will be happy. The devils have better marksmanship and more ammunition than the soldiers. How can they fight each other?
With Li Yunlong's order, the soldiers stopped shooting one after another. Many soldiers looked at Li Yunlong, the head of the regiment, and wanted to know if Li Yunlong had any good ideas.In the hearts of the soldiers, Li Yunlong, the head of the regiment, was quite capable and good at fighting. They believed that Li Yunlong would definitely have a way to deal with the devils.

"Old Li, calm down! Calm down! Calm down!" Seeing that Li Yunlong's mood was a little off, Zhao Gang stepped forward to comfort him.

Li Yunlong shook his head, and after indicating to Zhao Gang that he had no problem, he said, "Old Zhao, you have seen this battle, we can't continue to fight! The Independent Regiment has only this little wealth, so if we continue to fight, there is nothing we can do if we run out of money." These devils!"

"Old Li, I understand what you mean, let's not worry, and slowly find a way to deal with it, what's the use of worrying?" Zhao Gang said helplessly.

Li Yunlong's eyes widened, like an angry bull, and he said loudly: "Don't worry? How can you not worry? Damn it! These devils are about to rush in front of you, don't you worry?"

"No! Our independent regiment cannot fight such an aggrieved battle, Zhang Dabiao! Zhang Dabiao! Zhang Dabiao!"

Seeing Li Yunlong's impatience, Zhao Gang became more and more helpless. He realized that even if he talked with Li Yunlong further, he would not change Li Yunlong in any way.The brigade commander and division commander are probably the only ones who can subdue Li Yunlong now. Unfortunately, they are not here now, let alone contact them easily.

"Zhang Dabiao! Where the hell did you die?" Li Yunlong shouted again.

At this time, Zhang Dabiao ran quickly, his face covered with dust, and the moment the battle started, he woke up from his deep sleep, rushed to the position as quickly as possible, and participated in the battle.

"Regimental Commander! First Battalion Commander Zhang Dabiao reports for duty!" Coming to Li Yunlong, Zhang Dabiao saluted directly.

Li Yunlong stared at Zhang Dabiao in front of him, and cursed angrily: "Where the hell did you go? Now gather your first battalion for me! Damn it! I want to tell the devil how to fight!"

"Yes!" Zhang Dabiao's eyes lit up, and he immediately shouted.

Without waiting for Zhao Gang to open his mouth, Zhang Dabiao went directly to gather the soldiers of the First Battalion. He believed that Li Yunlong must have important combat tasks for them to entrust to the First Battalion.

"Old Li, what do you want the first battalion to do? Old Li, you can't be impulsive, you have to be responsible for the lives of the soldiers of the first battalion." Zhao Gang looked at Li Yunlong and realized that something was wrong. Li Yunlong wouldn't do it if he didn't make a big move. It is easy to use a battalion.

But now, Li Yunlong chose to use the First Battalion. What exactly did he want to do?
(End of this chapter)

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