I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 501 Can you continue to fight?

Chapter 501 Can you continue to fight?
After the support troops arrived, the independent regiment was immediately replaced. The defensive battle at Cross Ridge caused many casualties to the entire independent regiment.

According to Li Yunlong's words, the support troops came in a timely manner. Otherwise, if he continued to fight the devils, he would have to lead the soldiers of the independent regiment to really fight the devils desperately.After this battle, it will take two or three months for the independent regiment to recover, and the casualties of some veterans are the most troublesome for Li Yunlong.In any army, veterans are extremely important. In battle, it is precisely because of the existence of enough veterans that the troops can be guaranteed to have a strong enough combat effectiveness.

The independent regiment's ability to have such a strong combat effectiveness has something to do with Li Yunlong's command, and it also has something to do with the fact that there are enough veterans in the independent regiment.It takes a certain amount of time to train new recruits. In addition, only when recruits have seen blood can they truly possess combat effectiveness. Recruits who have not seen blood will never have enough combat effectiveness.

Li Yunlong felt a headache when he thought about the next thing that the independent regiment needed to recover its combat effectiveness. At this time, he was a little fortunate. He was very fortunate that he had Zhao Gang as the political commissar. With Zhao Gang around, he could relax a lot.Among them, recruiting soldiers can be handed over to Zhao Gang. Li Yunlong believes that with Zhao Gang's eloquence, the independent regiment will definitely be able to get enough troops to supplement.

With troops taking over the defense of the Independent Regiment, the Independent Regiment naturally no longer needed to stay in Shizi Ridge. In order to restore the combat effectiveness of the Independent Regiment as soon as possible, Li Yunlong prepared to take the Independent Regiment to leave Shizi Ridge after consulting the Division Headquarters. Go back to the original station I for development.Considering the casualties of the independent regiment, the division naturally agreed to Li Yunlong's request. The combat effectiveness of the independent regiment is not weak, and the division will not let the independent regiment have problems easily.

The defensive battle at Shizi Ridge this time was in a special situation. If it had been placed at another time, then the division headquarters would definitely not have asked the Independent Regiment to stick to its position.

Before the independent group left, Li Yunlong and others came to see Liu Gen. Since Liu Gen was not a member of the independent group, he naturally couldn't leave with the independent group.What's more, Liu Gen led the team to Shizi Ridge, and he really had an important task of his own. What would happen if he left with the independent group?For this reason, Liu Gen could only stay in Shiziling, waiting for the arrival of the division commander and the headquarter bosses.

Liu Gen knew that he could not wait long here. From the information he received, it should take only a day or two for the teachers and bosses to arrive at Shiziling.

After talking with Li Yunlong and others, Li Yunlong and others left. Before leaving, Li Yunlong naturally did not forget to take the monk away. The monk successfully woke up from the coma and his mental state improved. Thinking about it; To a certain extent, the doctor will definitely treat the monk wholeheartedly, and the monk's departure will not affect his treatment.As for the other soldier, he has not woken up from a coma for a long time, and he doesn't know if he can persist.

Liu Gen very much hoped that this soldier could persevere. He knew that this soldier was not very old, only 20 years old, and he could fight together until the end. Naturally, he didn't want this soldier to have any problems.It's just that I don't know why, even if the doctor treats the soldier wholeheartedly, the soldier still hasn't woken up. If he can't wake up again, the soldier may be in some danger.

It is precisely because of this that after the independent group left, Liu Gen would look at the soldier who was still in a coma from time to time, hoping to see the soldier wake up as soon as possible,

The unit that took over the defense of the Independent Regiment was the 386nd Regiment of the 772th Brigade. Liu Gen was no stranger to the 772nd Regiment. The head of the 772nd Regiment Cheng and Li Yunlong were old enemies. taught me how to shoot a gun.It's just that unlike Li Yunlong, Captain Cheng is more stable, and he will not take any combat actions easily without the order of his superiors.

Commander Cheng felt that soldiers should obey orders as their bounden duty. After receiving orders from the brigade and division headquarters, he led the 772 regiment to the independent regiment as quickly as possible, and took over the defense of Shiziling.

In terms of defense, Captain Cheng has his own way. The 772 regiment he led may not be able to achieve as conspicuous a record as the independent regiment, but under his leadership, the 772 regiment has never suffered any big losses. Perhaps this is the difference in the commander's personal command style.He didn't come to visit Liu Gen until Chief Cheng had completed the defense of Shiziling and reached the bottom of the surefire.

When he was attacking Liao County, Liu Gen and Chief Cheng still had some contact with each other. When Chief Cheng wanted to get Liu Gen to his 772 regiment, the two of them were no strangers to each other.It's just that due to frequent battles and Liu Gen being around the division headquarters for a long time, the two met less frequently, but it's not that they haven't seen each other.

After visiting Liu Gen and other wounded, Captain Cheng felt a little emotional. When he first saw Liu Gen, Liu Gen was still the commander of the artillery company of the Independent Regiment. At Liu Gen's age, he could become the commander of the artillery company , is already enough to illustrate his ability.Ever since he met Liu Gen, Captain Cheng knew that Liu Gen would not be limited to the company commander of the artillery company of the Independent Regiment, but even so, he still felt that it would take a long time for Liu Gen to be promoted.

But who knew that in just two years, Liu Gen had reached such a point, even though some of these things were kept secret, so that Captain Cheng could not know more, but like Liu Gen, he was able to stay for a long time. How can it be simple for people who are in the division headquarters and can see the teachers and bosses at any time?However, after talking with Liu Gen, Captain Cheng found that Liu Gen hadn't changed much, and his mind was still very pure, which he liked very much.

If it weren't for the fact that Captain Cheng knew that his 772 regiment could not attract Liu Gen, then he would definitely invite Liu Gen to go to the 772 regiment again. In the 386 brigade, and even the entire 129th division, many troops were against the independent regiment. Very envious, who let the independent regiment have such a strong artillery company?Many troops hope that Liu Gen can go to their troops to help them build an artillery company with sufficient combat effectiveness. For the current Eighth Route Army, each regiment has an artillery company, which can still be maintained by gritting their teeth.

But it is a pity that even if 129 established an artillery school to train artillery talents, there will still be a lot of shortages when they are assigned to the units of the 129th division. interested.

He didn't spend too much time with Liu Gen and the others. He had just taken over the defense of Shizi Ridge. Captain Cheng had a lot to do. He didn't want any problems in the defense of the 772 regiment.Captain Cheng was very cautious. In order to successfully defend Shiziling, he ordered the soldiers of the 772 regiment to lay out many minefields and dig out many traps.At the same time, in order to strengthen the lethality against the devils, Captain Cheng also asked the soldiers to draw marks on the bullets before the devils' troops arrived to increase the lethality of the bullets.

The soldiers of the 772 regiment were also equipped with a lot of [-] rifles. As for the rifles produced and manufactured by Huangyadong Arsenal, not many were allocated.In the long-term battle with the devils, the soldiers all found that the devil's [-] rifle is good, with strong penetrating power, but due to its strong penetrating power, the bullets cannot stay in the enemy's body, which means The enemy will not easily lose combat power unless the enemy's lethal part is ordered.

It is precisely because of this that the soldiers thought of a way to draw a few marks on the bullets to increase the lethality of the bullets. I have to say that this method is very good, and it greatly enhances the lethality of the bullets fired by the [-] rifles. The devil has a headache.

Liu Gen's injury is far from healed, but it does not affect him to get up and move around. He has seen clearly the layout of the 772 regiment on Shiziling. It has to be said that Captain Cheng is still very capable in defense .During this period, some devil troops tried to attack Shiziling, but before the devils rushed up, they encountered a minefield set up by the 772 regiment. After the devils who tried to attack suffered certain casualties, they gave up continuing to charge and turned to demining .

The devils who cleared mines were not terrible. It was even said that they were giving the sharpshooters in the 772 regiment a chance to shoot.Seeing this, the Devil's troops naturally opened fire on their own initiative, suppressing the defensive positions of the 772 regiment with powerful firepower, making it impossible for the 772 regiment to deal with the devil's demining engineers.

Facing the devil's firepower, the 772 regiment was also well prepared to deal with it. The sharpshooter actively shifted his position, looking for other suitable angles to continue killing the devil's demining engineer. As for the other soldiers, they hid in the position and did not show their faces. Avoid being hit by devils.As for the devils who want to take advantage of the opportunity of suppressing firepower to rush up, the soldiers of the 772nd regiment will not have any worries. On the way to attack, they have placed a lot of landmines. Perceived.

Taking advantage of the suppression of firepower, the Devils tried to launch an attack. Although they changed the direction of attack, they still stepped on a landmine. The soldiers of the 772nd Regiment noticed it and launched a counterattack decisively, easily repelling the attack of the Devils.

Under the defense of the 772nd Regiment, Shizi Ridge seemed to be a round ball that couldn't get in. Even if the devil wanted to break his head, there was no way to successfully rush to Shizi Ridge.As for calling for support from the air force, the devils have not paid enough attention to the battle on Shizi Ridge. In addition, the Zhejiang-Jiangxi battle between the devils on the front line and the national army is in progress. In order to win this battle, the devil air force was transferred before to support.

The Battle of Zhejiang and Jiangxi was a military operation launched by the devils in order to destroy the advancing airports in Zhejiang and prevent the "shuttle bombing" of Chinese and American fighter planes from directly affecting the Japanese mainland. All kinds of military, political, and economic facilities and materials for combat power", looting materials, and robbing young and middle-aged men and other strategic goals of "supporting war with war".

On Shizi Ridge, the defense of the 772 regiment was impenetrable, and the devil troops did not have heavy fire support, so it was difficult to break through the defensive position of the 772 regiment.

As time passed, after receiving more and more news that the Eighth Route Army troops had returned to the base area, the devil troops had to choose to retreat. From the marching routes of the Eighth Route Army troops, it can be seen that the Eighth Route Army troops formed a huge encirclement circle .And if the devil troops in this encirclement circle do not withdraw in time, they will inevitably be attacked by the troops of the Eighth Route Army.

Even if the devils had enough confidence in their combat power, they didn't dare to easily try what would happen if they were attacked by various units of the Eighth Route Army. They didn't want to be left in the base area, so they could only choose to retreat.The devils retreated very quickly. Except for some devils who did not retreat in time, the other devils completed their retreat before the Eighth Route Army troops encircled them.

It has to be said that the devil's army is still capable, at least in terms of order execution.

On June [-], the division commander and the bosses of the headquarters arrived safely at Shiziling.The first time they arrived, they went directly to the grave of the deputy chief of staff.When the bosses saw the grave of the deputy chief of staff, their eyes were filled with tears. They were very familiar with the deputy chief of staff and had a very good relationship.

During the retreat, the deputy chief of staff asked to stay in charge of the retreat of the headquarters. The bosses were very relieved. They knew the ability of the deputy chief of staff and believed that with the protection of the soldiers, the deputy chief of staff would not easily What danger will be encountered.But who would have thought that the deputy chief of staff's life would be in danger during this transfer?
The deputy chief of staff has experienced many dangers, but he has survived all of them successfully. No one thought that there would be problems with this transfer.

The bosses looked at this simple tomb in silence. The soldiers around had been crying like rain, and their clothes were wet with tears. The soldiers who followed the bosses knew very well the sacrifice of the deputy chief of staff. The sacrifice of the chief of staff was a great loss for the Eighth Route Army.After a while, the bosses wiped away the tears from their eyes vigorously. The deputy chief of staff died, but tomorrow will continue, and the battle will continue.

If the devils are not driven back to their hometown, the battle will not end!

"Where is Liu Gen?" After the mood eased, the teacher asked.

Liu Gen came out from behind. His eye circles were a little red. Even though he had known the news of the death of the deputy chief of staff and had been defending for such a long time, his eye circles were still red at this moment.

The teacher looked at Liu Gen who came to his side. He could see Liu Gen's red eye circles and pale face, and he could even see that Liu Gen was wrapped in a lot of bandages.On the way to Shiziling, the division commander knew the casualties of Liu Gen and others, and only Liu Gen and the other three were left in the whole team. This sacrifice was too great.

"Genzi, how is it? Can we continue to fight?" the teacher asked very seriously.

Immediately, Liu Gen was stunned. He looked at the teacher with some doubts. He didn't quite understand what the teacher meant, but he nodded vigorously and said, "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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