I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 503 Test Results

Chapter 503 Test Results

After learning of the division commander's order, Liu Gen prepared to set up a combat team in the shortest possible time according to the plan he had made.

Considering that it is impossible for Liu Gen to easily transfer the elite fighters of each unit, he can only choose the targets of the headquarters secret service regiment and the divisional defense unit. There are many veterans in these two units. Not weak, Liu Gen believed that he would definitely be able to find suitable fighters to join the combat team in the two armies.

Naturally, Liu Gen couldn't be too high in terms of requirements for the soldiers, otherwise too many fighters would not be able to meet the standard just in terms of cultural level.

Compared with the spy team formed by the devils, the conditions of the Eighth Route Army are undoubtedly much worse, but there is no way, who will make the Eighth Route Army poor?In addition, most of the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army did not have a high level of education, so that even if a combat team was established, it would not be able to compare with the devils in some directions.In the training of the combat team, it is impossible for Liu Gen to be more comprehensive than the Devil's Secret Service Team. Perhaps the only thing better than the Devil's Secret Service Team is that it will be more strict.

Liu Gen was not stopped when he went to the headquarters special task force and the division security force to select fighters. On the contrary, these two forces welcomed Liu Gen's arrival, and they all wanted to avenge the sacrificed deputy chief of staff!Only the soldiers of these two units saw the deputy chief of staff the most times, and they had the deepest relationship with the deputy chief of staff. After learning about the combat team formed by Liu Gen for revenge, the soldiers all enthusiastically signed up. .

Unfortunately, due to Liu Gen's certain requirements, the soldiers were not favored by Liu Gen too much. When he finished selecting from the two troops, there were only 14 qualified fighters in total, including Liu Gen's 15 soldiers. Not enough for two classes.But even so, Liu Gen was already very satisfied. He was well aware of the situation of the Eighth Route Army. It was not suitable for a combat team to have too many members. If there were too many, the 129th Division would not be able to support them.

After Liu Gen reported the fighters he selected to the division commander, he got the supplies and training grounds that the division headquarters could provide.

Since the division headquarters doesn't know much about the independent combat teams, in most cases, the division headquarters will consider Liu Gen's opinion. Among the entire 129th Division, Liu Gen has fought the Devil's Secret Service Team the most times, and he also knows the Devil's Secret Service Team best people.What's more, Liu Gen's performance in the past made the division and headquarters very reassured of Liu Gen. They believed that there would be no problems in entrusting Liu Gen with the task of forming a combat team.

In this regard, Liu Gen is also very clear about the thoughts of the division and headquarters.What can he do?We can only try our best to overcome the difficulties in establishing a combat team and successfully establish a combat team in the shortest possible time.Then complete the combat mission of revenge for the deputy chief of staff.

After bringing a combat team of 14 people to the mountains in the northeast corner of the division headquarters, Liu Gen began to train these soldiers. In Liu Gen's vision, this combat team would take two to three months at the shortest Form a certain combat effectiveness.To truly cultivate this combat team, not only do the soldiers need to undergo a lot of heavy training, but they also need to experience enough battles. Only in this way can the combat team be guaranteed to have a strong enough combat effectiveness.

There are fourteen people in the combat team now, but in Liu Gen's view, it's time to wait until the training is over.There should be less than ten fighters left in the combat team, and with the possibility of sacrifices during the battle, I am afraid that in the end, the entire combat team will only have four or five fighters.Cultivating a special operations team is so cruel, which is why Liu Gen has such high requirements when selecting fighters. He doesn't want soldiers to die halfway through joining the combat team.

No matter what the battle is, there are extremely high requirements on the physical fitness of the soldiers. Liu Gen also deliberately puts the physical training of the soldiers in the first place. Only a good enough body can ensure that these players have enough strength. Strong combat effectiveness.

Physical training is not easy. Liu Gen deliberately made a lot of sandbags for the soldiers to train with weights. In addition, the soldiers have to carry their own clothes and bedding on their backs every day, which caused the soldiers to carry more than ten kilograms of weight.This kind of training method put these fighters under great pressure at the beginning, and these fighters were selected by Liu Gen because they had good physical fitness, otherwise the fighters would definitely not be able to persevere.

Even if these fighters are in good physical condition, during the training period, some fighters still passed out from being too tired.

After the one-month physical training was over, the members of the combat team had improved a lot, the number had changed from fourteen to twelve, and two soldiers had physical problems and couldn't continue to bear the burden. This level of training, but reluctantly chose to quit.It was also at this time that the soldiers realized that they hadn't really become members of the combat team. They were still under Liu Gen's observation. Only through various trainings could they officially become a member of the combat team.

In the second month, in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, Liu Gen specially recruited some veterans with rich combat experience to serve as instructors. He took time to return to the artillery school and the arsenal to solve some problems that needed to be solved by himself.The Artillery School was fine. With Wang Chao and others around, he didn't have to worry about too many problems in the Artillery School's training.

However, even with Wang Chao and others present, when Liu Gen returned to the Artillery School, he still learned that there were many casualties in the Artillery School during the previous transfer, and more than a dozen students unfortunately died in the transfer. .When Liu Gen returned to the Artillery School, he could clearly feel that there was something wrong with the atmosphere of the Artillery School. The students were somewhat inattentive during training.After Liu Gen learned about these things and personally gathered the students together to encourage them, their situation improved.

But even so, it will take some time for the students in the artillery school to fully recover.

After solving the problems in the artillery school, Liu Gen returned to the arsenal. The members of the artillery department of the arsenal had been waiting for him to come back, hoping that he could solve some problems in the production of artillery.After Liu Gen went back to give them an explanation, the workers in the artillery department really understood. With Liu Gen's help, they made the artillery production process more perfect, and the yield rate was improved.

After returning to the arsenal, Liu Gen also knew that the situation in the arsenal was a little embarrassing, and the steel in storage was somewhat insufficient. During this period, the troops of the Eighth Route Army did not make much action, which made the steel sent to the arsenal a lot less.Without steel, most of the weapons and artillery manufacturing work in the arsenal will be greatly affected, and a large amount of steel is required to produce these weapons and equipment.

According to the current steel reserves of the arsenal, if the arsenal is fully engaged in production, it will not be able to last for a month. In other words, solving the problem of insufficient steel reserves in the arsenal has become a top priority.It's just that all the units of the Eighth Route Army suffered some damage during the transfer, and the devils strictly guarded the Eighth Route Army's anti-Japanese base areas, making it extremely difficult for the Eighth Route Army troops to attack the devil's railway transportation line.

Even if some troops successfully destroyed the devil's railway, they couldn't transport it away in a short time. The speed of the devil's troops' support was too fast.

For this reason, Liu Gen didn't have any good solutions. He wanted to get enough steel for the arsenal, which depended on the ideas of the bosses at the headquarters. Devil Railway, get enough steel for the arsenal.And if the bosses choose not to fight, then the arsenal can only tighten their belts, produce less weapons and equipment, and reduce the consumption of steel as much as possible.

Liu Gen didn't know what the bosses at the headquarters would think, and he wasn't going to study it. For Liu Gen, he had too many things to do. For such combat missions, he only needed to obey the commander's orders. That's fine.If Liu Gen was required to do everything, then he would be too tired. With his still young and immature shoulders, he couldn't carry too many things.

After Liu Gen finished dealing with the artillery school and the arsenal, half a month had passed, and during this half month, the soldiers in the combat team had improved a lot, especially in marksmanship.After half a month of training, the marksmanship of the soldiers has somewhat improved, and the improvement of the more talented fighters is particularly large. For the training of these dozen fighters, a lot of bullets have been used up.

If you want the soldiers to improve their marksmanship in the shortest time, the only way is to let them shoot a lot of live ammunition. Only in this way can the soldiers improve their marksmanship quickly.

After Liu Gen returned to the combat team's training camp, he immediately gathered the soldiers together. Next, he needed to check the training results of the soldiers. Those whose grades were too poor had to leave the combat team.Fighters with poor grades are only compared to other fighters. Compared with ordinary fighters, fighters with poor grades must be much better.But it's a pity that the requirements of the combat team are very high. It is enough to be stronger than ordinary fighters, and it needs to be stronger.

"Comrades, I know that everyone's training has been very hard in the past half month, but the moment you are selected, you should have thought of how hard the training will be. I am very grateful to see everyone persevering. Satisfied, but some of you are not enough to officially become members of the combat squad."

"The tasks that the combat team needs to perform are very dangerous. In order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, I will be very strict with you! Next, let me check your training results in the past half a month. The outstanding ones will stay. I almost left." Liu Gen looked at the soldiers in front of him with an extraordinarily serious expression.

The soldiers looked dignified. They understood Liu Gen's meaning. During this period of time, they had undergone heavy training. They worked hard every day, and they were almost crazy to train 24 hours a day. What did they do for it?Isn't it to become a member of the combat team?Now, they need to pass Liu Gen's test. If they pass, they can stay. If they fail, they need to leave. Every soldier has enough confidence in themselves. They believe that they can stay and become a member of the combat team.

"Your physical fitness, I am very clear. You can persist until now, and there is no problem with your physical fitness."

"There are only two aspects that need to test you, close combat and marksmanship. As long as you are outstanding in any aspect, you can stay. Rank the best nine people according to your performance." Liu Gen said solemnly.

There were twelve fighters present, which meant that three fighters had to be eliminated. The fighters looked at each other with seriousness in their eyes. No one wanted to be eliminated.

After Liu Gen divided the fighters into six groups, he directly asked them to compete. If they successfully knocked down the opponent, it could prove their fighting ability.After the training, the physical fitness and fighting skills of these fighters are almost the same. The fighters who can win in battle are what Liu Gen needs.Liu Gen is very clear that the requirements of the combat team are very high, if you don't have a strong enough close combat ability and a good enough marksmanship, then you are not suitable to join the combat team.

Five minutes later, the outcome was decided. Liu Gen looked at the six victorious fighters, and could see that there was a hint of joy in their eyes.The soldiers are not fools, they all understand that according to Liu Gen's method of competition, the winner will naturally have a higher probability of being selected into the combat team.

"After a 10-minute break, we will shoot with live ammunition, and the three with the best shooting results will be selected." Seeing that the soldiers were a little tired, Liu Gen ordered.

The soldiers sat down quickly and took a rest. They did not talk to each other. At such a juncture, no one had the idea of ​​talking.

Twenty or ten minutes later, without Liu Gen speaking, the soldiers got up quickly, with serious expressions on their faces, as if they were facing a particularly brutal battle.The soldiers all want to join the combat team. In their view, joining the combat team is a kind of honor, and it is also a good opportunity to kill the devil and avenge the deputy chief of staff.

"Calm down, don't be nervous, give full play to your strength!" Liu Gen said.

The soldiers nodded, each picked up a pistol, and got ready to shoot.The weapons and equipment of the combat team are not comparable to those of the Ghost Secret Service. The submachine gun captured from the Devil Secret Service is good, but it is not suitable for Liu Gen and others. A small amount of equipment is fine. If there is too much, ammunition supply will be a problem.

Compared with a submachine gun, a shell gun is a good choice. A shell gun that can fire in bursts has good firepower during a raid, and it can catch devils by surprise.

Now, the soldiers who are ready to shoot all have a shell gun in their hands. In the past half a month, they have been contacting the shell gun to ensure that the shooting of the shell gun is accurate enough. This time the live ammunition shooting is to check their training results. .Following Liu Gen's command, gunshots rang out, and the soldiers pulled the triggers in their hands, firing all the bullets as quickly as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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