I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 505 Practical Training

Chapter 505 Practical Training
At the beginning of December, Liu Gen and others left the division headquarters and moved towards the devil's stronghold ten kilometers away from the county seat of Liao County.

In order to train the fighters' actual combat ability, Liu Gen needs to let the fighters fight enough. Only after a lot of actual combat can the fighters be guaranteed to get enough improvement.In actual combat, based on what Liu Gen taught them, as long as there are not too many accidents, then they will definitely not have any safety problems.

But even so, Liu Gen also knew that the soldiers would definitely suffer certain casualties, but he didn't know whether the casualties would be within his acceptable range.

The soldiers didn't have too many weapons, only a dagger and a shell gun, and each had thirty rounds of bullets. These weapons were enough for the soldiers to take down the stronghold defended by the devils.In the situation of Liu Gen and the others, if they wanted to take down the stronghold defended by the devils, they would undoubtedly need to get close to the devils quietly, so as to prevent the devils from being aware of anything, and then kill these devils silently.

According to the combat goals set by Liu Gen for the soldiers, only when they silently kill all enemies with daggers can they prove that their training has come to an end.

For the soldiers, it was undoubtedly a matter of thinking to get to the devil's side in the stronghold quietly. After Liu Gen's teaching, they had some gains.After Liu Gen told them about the actual combat mission this time, the soldiers had some ideas. During the battle, Liu Gen would follow them, but he would not point out any problems, unless the soldiers made fatal mistakes.

Following the soldiers, Liu Gen always paid attention to the actions of the soldiers. He could see that the soldiers were doing very well during the march. Except for the two who observed their surroundings, the other soldiers would subconsciously avoid staying behind when they were on their way. Too many traces.

Perhaps these fighters still have a lot of room for improvement, but now, judging from the performance of these fighters, Liu Gen feels that it is very worthwhile for him to train them for three months.

After a day's march, after night fell, Liu Gen and others successfully came to the vicinity of the target devil's stronghold. There were not many people in this devil's stronghold, only a dozen devils. This is because this devil's stronghold is relatively important. The number of devils will be much less.Generally speaking, there are three ways for devils to defend their strongholds. One is that they are all defended by puppet troops, the second is that puppet troops and devils defend together, with devils as the main force, and the third is that all puppet soldiers are all devil soldiers. Come to defend the stronghold to ensure the safety of the devil's stronghold to the greatest extent.

Compared with the puppet army, the devil commander naturally believed more in the combat effectiveness of his devil soldiers. Even if the combat effectiveness of these devil soldiers could not be compared with the soldiers of the frontline combat troops, they were still much stronger than the puppet army.The most important thing is that these ghost soldiers will not give up as easily as those puppet troops defending the stronghold.

"There are only a dozen devils in this stronghold, and the more specific number is not very clear. I believe that after three months of training, it will not be difficult to kill these devils quietly."

"In an emergency, I allow you to shoot, but after shooting, the battle must be resolved within 10 minutes! The devil's reinforcements will arrive at the slowest within 10 minutes, you have to remember this." Liu Gen Explain to the soldiers around him.

The soldiers nodded vigorously, and they looked at each other. In the night, they could still see the firmness in each other's eyes. They must not fail this actual combat mission.

"Next, I will assign combat missions, Ergou, Erniu, you two will be the first to touch the devil's stronghold, and be responsible for killing the devils who are guarding outside. Be careful, you must not make any noise, and if there is a problem, immediately give up this actual combat Task."

"After Ergou and Erniu have succeeded, you should follow the training and deal with the devils in the stronghold as quickly as possible. Be careful. I will wait for you to return safely outside." Liu Gen looked at the soldiers in front of him. I hope that these soldiers will not suffer casualties during this actual combat mission.For Liu Gen, even if the actual combat mission fails, he doesn't want the soldiers' lives to be in danger.

In order to train these fighters, Liu Gen consumed too much energy, and casualties occurred just after the first actual combat mission, which he did not want to see.

Among these fighters, Wang Ergou and Li Erniu, they are relatively thin and have strong sneaking ability. It is precisely because Liu Gen is aware of this that he chooses to let the two of them kill the people outside the stronghold first. Devil.The other soldiers were also able to kill the devils outside the stronghold, but their ability to sneak in was somewhat insufficient. Liu Gen was still more optimistic about Wang Ergou and Li Erniu.

In the Eighth Route Army, there are quite a few people named Ergou and Erniu. Why did the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army come from poor families?For poor families, children often choose a humble name, after all, there has always been a saying that a humble name is easy to support.

To be honest, Liu Gen was a little lucky, he was very glad that he didn't have such a low life, the name Liu Gen didn't sound very nice, but it was much nicer than names like Sha Gen and Gou Sheng.

"Instructor Liu, don't worry, we promise to complete the task!" Ergou and Erniu said confidently, patting their chests.

As soon as the words fell, Ergou and the others started to act. When Liu Gen assigned tasks to them, they carefully observed the specific situation of the devil's stronghold.With the cover of night, unless they are really too close to the devil's stronghold, otherwise the devil wants to find them, and unless Ergou and the others make too much noise, they may be noticed by the devil.

Liu Gen and the others stayed where they were, with their eyes fixed on the positions of the two dogs. They could see that the two dogs were lying on the ground and crawling forward. When they were advancing, the two dogs did not make any sound.It is now December, and the weather is extremely cold. Although it has not snowed yet, it can still make people feel the bone-chilling chill.

Waiting for the results, Liu Gen and the others needed to warm their cold hands in the clothes close to their bodies from time to time to prevent their hands from being too stiff, let alone the two dogs who were crawling on the ground.Compared with Liu Gen and the others, Ergou and the others had no way to warm their hands. Even under the cover of night, they dared not do so for fear of being discovered by the devils in the stronghold.

At this time, most of the devils in the stronghold have fallen asleep, only a few devils who need to be on guard are still grateful. In such a cold night, they have always been very awake. It is too cold, no matter how sleepy they are. Waking up from the cold.

When the two dogs approached the devil's stronghold, they could find that there were only two devils guarding outside the stronghold. It was too cold outside, and no devil soldier was willing to leave the relatively warmer stronghold easily, which resulted in only two devils outside the stronghold. Devil.

(End of this chapter)

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