Chapter 523
In the Artillery Department, Kong Jue carefully examined the blueprints in his hand. He was a little surprised. The weapons and equipment on these blueprints were all within the scope of what the arsenal could manufacture.

Kong Jue knew a little about the Devil's submachine guns. The submachine guns seized from the Devil's secret service team had been sent to the arsenal, and the bosses wanted the arsenal to try to imitate them.However, after the inspection by the technicians in the arsenal, they had to announce that it was impossible to imitate the submachine guns in the hands of these devil special forces. Many of the parts were very delicate and could not be manufactured by the arsenal.

Of course, the arsenal can also try to manufacture these parts by hand, but the risk is too great. It is too time-consuming and labor-intensive to manufacture exactly the same parts by hand, and the imitation is not worth the loss.

Now, from the design drawings that Liu Gen took out, Kong Jue can see that it is not too difficult to produce these weapons and equipment early. It can be said that as long as there is enough heart, there will be no problem in manufacturing these weapons and equipment.Kong Jue knew that Liu Gen chose to entrust these weapons and equipment to himself in order to test his own ability.

Knowing that Liu Gen was testing himself, Kong Jue did not have the idea of ​​directly manufacturing these weapons and equipment. Perhaps there would be no problem in directly manufacturing these weapons and equipment, but he still wanted to choose to carry out these after he had thoroughly understood the design drawings. The manufacture of weapons and equipment, he does not allow himself any problems in the manufacture of these weapons and equipment.

Seeing that Kong Jue did not directly start manufacturing the weapons and equipment he designed, Liu Gen was somewhat satisfied. He hoped that Kong Jue could do a good job in this matter. Only in this way could he safely hand over the artillery department to Kong Jue.Due to the special situation of Liu Gen, it is impossible for him to stay in the arsenal, let alone the artillery department.

It can be said that among the things Liu Gen has done, he spent the shortest time in the Artillery Department, which made him a little ashamed, and felt that he was not suitable to continue to be a unit of the Artillery Department, and he needed someone more caring than him to take over. Only the artillery department can do it. As for the person who takes over the artillery department is not skilled enough, with Liu Gen, he will definitely be able to help this person improve his skills.

Among the artillery department, Liu Gen is most optimistic about Kong Jue. Based on his understanding of the artillery department, Kong Jue is undoubtedly the most suitable person to take over the artillery department.

You must know that in the artillery department, apart from Liu Gen, Kong Jue has the strongest technical ability.Liu Gen is not in the artillery department on weekdays, and many things are handled by Kong Jue. It can be said that Kong Jue is the deputy director of the artillery department. Now Liu Gen is going to give Kong Jue a chance to be in charge of the artillery department.

Currently, Liu Gen is very satisfied with Kong Jue's performance. He knows that Kong Jue's technical ability is not a problem in manufacturing these weapons and equipment.Just wanting to take over the artillery department and lead the artillery department well, Kong Jue needs not only technical ability, but also a certain management ability.

Only when Kong Jue is capable in all aspects can Liu Gen safely hand over the Artillery Department to Kong Jue. He does not want the Artillery Department established by himself to disappear quietly from the arsenal in the end.For the Artillery Department, Liu Gen has great expectations. Maybe it is difficult in all aspects now, but Liu Gen believes that as long as he can persevere, the future of the Artillery Department will be bright.

Liu Gen is very clear about the position of the Artillery Department. The current task of the Artillery Department is to continuously cultivate relevant talents. When the time comes, the Artillery Department can grow rapidly.For the Eighth Route Army, a sufficiently powerful artillery unit is necessary, but the number of artillery units currently possessed by the Eighth Route Army is far from enough.

Two days later, Kong Jue began to organize the workers of the Artillery Department to manufacture weapons and equipment. Liu Gen stayed aside, watching all this seriously, without any thought of speaking.Since he chose to hand over the manufacturing of weapons and equipment to Kong Jue, Liu Gen would not easily intervene in it. If he chose Kong Jue, he should be given enough trust.

Under the organization of Kong Jue, the workers in the Artillery Department devoted themselves to the production of weapons and equipment. Among the weapons and equipment designed by Liu Gen, the submachine gun was the most difficult to manufacture. difficulty.As for the submachine gun, Liu Gen took out two blueprints, one is suitable for the front-line troops, and the other is much smaller and most suitable for the soldiers of the combat team.

Smaller submachine guns are somewhat difficult to manufacture, but they are still within the acceptable range of soldiers. At least Liu Gen thinks that there will be no problems in manufacturing the corresponding parts in the first branch factory.

When Liu Gen learned that Kong Jue thought submachine guns were the most difficult to manufacture, Liu Gen smiled quietly. Among the design drawings he took out, the most difficult thing to manufacture was not submachine guns, but silencers.To manufacture a qualified muffler requires a lot of requirements. If Kong Jue didn't pay attention to it, it would take a lot of effort.

Even if Liu Gen is asked to manufacture the silencer, he is not very sure. A qualified silencer requires too many things. Even if the arsenal can manufacture it, it can only choose to make it by hand.Liu Gen could imagine the difficulty in making a qualified muffler by hand, but he had a glimmer of hope, maybe the workers in the arsenal could bring him a little surprise?

Three days later, the Artillery Department successfully produced the first submachine gun. In the eyes of the workers, the production of the submachine gun was a bit too simple. There were not many things they needed to do, and most of them were the assembly of the submachine gun.After all, in Liu Gen's design, the parts used in the submachine gun are all stamped by machine tools, and the production difficulty is very low.

The workers participated in the manufacture and assembly of the submachine gun. They all know that the submachine gun consists of 51 parts. The production process is very simple and the structure is also very simple. The whole submachine gun looks rough and ugly.The workers were a little skeptical whether the submachine gun could be fired smoothly and whether it could really be sent to the frontline troops for use.

At the same time, what puzzled the workers was that the submachine gun was designed with double insurance, and they didn't understand why Liu Gen designed it in this way.The double insurance will indeed improve the safety of this submachine gun, but in the eyes of the workers, it is unnecessary, and there is no problem with the single insurance.

The workers did not take the initiative to ask Liu Gen about the reason, but Kong Jue came to find Liu Gen. He also did not understand why Liu Gen emphasized the need to adopt a double insurance design. Normally, the rifles in the hands of soldiers only have one insurance, and there is no What's the big problem?The double insurance made the submachine gun have two or three extra parts. Abandoning this design can save a lot of materials and speed up the production of the submachine gun.

Facing Kong Jue's inquiry, Liu Gen was not too surprised, he knew that Kong Jue would come to him.Double insurance, in the eyes of many people, is somewhat unnecessary, not to mention that the resources in the arsenal are limited, and it should not consume too many resources on this.

"Brother Kong Jue, a submachine gun is different from a rifle. With the power of a submachine gun, if it misfires, the soldiers' lives will be in danger. With an extra layer of insurance, the soldiers can also be more protected. We can't just give up such a thing because of resources. design."

"In production, you also know the situation of this submachine gun. The structure is very simple, without double insurance, and the chance of misfire is very high. We need to take this into consideration when designing weapons, and we can't make fun of the lives of soldiers." Liu Gen said this to Kong Jue.

Kong Jue looked at Liu Gen's serious face, and immediately understood Liu Gen's importance. He stopped talking, he knew that Liu Gen did the right thing. was unable to continue fighting.

"Mr. Liu, have you considered this a long time ago? When you first designed this submachine gun, there should be only one insurance, right?" Kong Jue couldn't help asking after a moment of silence.

Liu Gen shook his head. He looked at Kong Jue in front of him, but realized that the information Kong Jue had contacted was still a little too little. There was no way to do it. Who made the conditions of the Eighth Route Army so difficult now?Kong Jue was very talented and worked very hard, but he didn't have enough knowledge to learn more about other countries.

If Kong Jue knew enough about submachine guns, he would be able to recognize that this was not a submachine gun designed by Liu Gen, but a Sten submachine gun that was commissioned by the British in 42.It's a pity that Kong Jue knows too little about this aspect. To be precise, it is difficult for the Eighth Route Army troops to know too much outside information.

Firstly, the soldiers in the Eighth Route Army had a relatively low level of education and were unable to read books and newspapers about the outside world; secondly, because the anti-Japanese base areas had been blocked all the time, even if the soldiers wanted to know more about the outside world, There is no good way either.

"This is not a submachine gun I designed, but designed by two British firearms designers, Shepherd and Dusaibin, and it was installed in the British army in 42." Liu Gen said seriously.

Liu Gen had no such interest in putting this submachine gun design drawing on himself. In Liu Gen's eyes, the Sten submachine gun still had many shortcomings, and there were many areas for improvement.But Liu Gen had to admit that the Sten submachine gun was very suitable for use by the Eighth Route Army troops, because the Sten submachine gun was cheap enough to be equipped on a large scale in the shortest possible time.

For the current Eighth Route Army troops, what is needed is cheap weapons and equipment like the Sten submachine gun, which is not weak and can be deployed on a large scale.Even if Liu Gen can design a better submachine gun, it is not suitable for the current Eighth Route Army troops. A good submachine gun means good enough materials and high cost, which is unacceptable to the Eighth Route Army troops.

"That's right, it seems that I'm a little ignorant." Kong Jue scratched his head and said with some shame.

Liu Gen shook his head, and said helplessly, "It's not because of you. In our team, there are too few ways to understand the outside world, and many people are like this."


Liu Gen was very satisfied with the successful manufacture of the first Sten submachine gun, but he still needed to test the power of this submachine gun and carry out related shooting tests before he could really feel at ease.Compared with the British-made Sten submachine gun, the submachine gun made by Kong Jue and others has undergone some changes. The magazine is placed under the gun body instead of being placed aside.

Looking at the submachine gun in his hand, Liu Gen was somewhat worried. He wondered if there would be any problems with the steel quality in the arsenal. Even if the Sten submachine gun was cheap, there were still certain requirements for the quality of the steel.

However, after Liu Gen's careful inspection, he didn't find any problems. Apart from being a little ugly, there was nothing to be picky about.

In order to avoid leaking the location of the No. [-] branch factory and being noticed by the devils, Liu Gen and others left the location of the No. [-] branch factory far away when they tested the gun, and chose to test the gun in the mountains.During this period, Liu Gen carried the submachine gun on his back, and the magazine was full of bullets. If it went off, his life might be in danger.

Kong Jue and the others were a little worried about misfires and wanted to carry it on their own, but Liu Gen refused. He asked Kong Jue and others to make the submachine gun, so he should be allowed to test the gun himself now.If there is a problem with the submachine gun, then Liu Gen deserves it, and at the same time, he can know that the submachine gun cannot be sent to the frontline troops for use.

Along the way, Kong Jue and the others were terrified. They were always worried that the submachine gun Liu Gen was carrying would go off. At this time, Kong Jue and the others realized how important double insurance is.After successfully arriving at the gun test site, Liu Gen could see that the clothes of Kong Jue and the others were wet with sweat, and they were almost worried to death. Fortunately, there were no problems on the way.

"Are you all right?" Liu Gen asked.

Kong Jue and others shook their heads vigorously, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Liu, we finally understand why we need to use double insurance. The road is so bumpy, and the possibility of the primary insurance going off is very high. Even if it is double insurance, we are very worried." I am always worried that the submachine gun will go off.”

Liu Gen laughed. He had noticed the state of Kong Jue and the others, but he didn't choose to speak out. It would make Kong Jue and the others realize the importance of double insurance, and it was very valuable for him to come with a submachine gun on his back.On the way, Liu Gen was also worried that the submachine gun would go off, but he wasn't too nervous. These were uncertain factors, and he couldn't choose to give up just because he was worried about the submachine gun going off.

If the submachine gun manufactured by the arsenal is not even dared to bear the responsibility of Liu Gen, who proposed to make a submachine gun, then how can the manufactured submachine gun be delivered to the soldiers on the front line?Liu Gen hoped that through this method, Kong Jue and others would be more careful in making submachine guns and avoid any problems with the manufactured submachine guns.

Liu Gen didn't want to see the soldiers fail to die on the battlefield, but unfortunately sacrificed to the fire of the submachine gun. If that happened, then he didn't know how to face the teachers and bosses!


(End of this chapter)

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