I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 534 Frightened

Chapter 534 Frightened
"Comrade Liu Gen, are you here? Hurry up and sit down and eat." Mr. He was very enthusiastic when he saw Liu Gen coming.

Liu Gen did not sit down directly, but took out the plan he made and handed it to Master He, "Mr. Go to the field to find out the most suitable place to build an artillery school."

After receiving the plan handed over by Liu Gen, Mr. He glanced at it roughly, and was immediately stunned. Liu Gen's speed is too fast, isn't it?

"Comrade Liu Gen, are you sure you came up with this plan early this morning? It must have been too fast." Mr. He couldn't believe it, Liu Gen took out this plan too fast One point, let him not have the slightest preparation.

Mr. He knows that Liu Gen's ability is very good, but doesn't it mean that Liu Gen doesn't need to rest when he comes here?Is it too hasty for Liu Gen to formulate such a plan without knowing much about the specific situation of the 120th Division?
"Why don't you take a look, Mr. He, if you think it is suitable, then we will follow this plan; if it is not suitable, just point it out, I will make changes, and try to come up with a suitable plan as soon as possible." Liu Gen looked serious Said.

When he came to the 120th division, Liu Gen did not come to enjoy the blessings. He came here to complete the tasks assigned by the bosses.If he really wants to enjoy life, then Liu Gen will definitely leave the army directly. As long as he is still in the army, he hopes that he will not slack in the slightest and ensure that he is efficient enough at all times.Liu Gen was very serious, making Master He silent.

"Okay, let me take a look first, you sit down." Master He said in a deep voice.

Mr. He carefully looked at the plan in his hand, his eyes gleaming, he wanted to see what the plan Liu Gen had produced.When he first saw the contents of the proposal, Mr. He admired Liu Gen a little more, because Liu Gen's handwriting was really good.If you ask other people about Liu Gen's words, there will definitely be many people who will regard Liu Gen as a graduate from a university.

"Not to mention anything else, Comrade Liu Gen, your handwriting is very good." Mr. He praised.

Liu Gen smiled, and didn't pay much attention to such compliments. In his opinion, this was nothing, and this proposal would not be approved by Mr. He just because of the number of words he wrote.If you really want to get Mr. He's approval, you still need to read the contents of this plan, and only in this way can Liu Gen continue the next work.

Xiao Li on the side watched all this with anticipation in his eyes. He wanted to know what kind of evaluation Mr. He would give Liu Gen.Xiao Li admires Liu Gen very much, but he is not very optimistic about whether this plan can be approved by Mr. He.

As a guard who has been with Mr. He for a long time, Xiao Li knows Mr. He's character very well. He knows that Mr. He can't rub a grain of sand in his eyes. teacher's approval.Xiao Li wants to see if Liu Gen can easily get Mr. He's approval. If he can get it, then Xiao Li will really look at Liu Gen with admiration.

"Deputy teacher, are you here?" Five minutes later, the deputy teacher came here, and he also came to have breakfast.

When the deputy teacher saw Liu Gen here, his eyes flashed with joy. He was very happy to see Liu Gen here.

"Hello, deputy teacher." Liu Gen stood up and saluted.

The deputy division commander waved his hand and said with a smile: "Sit down, don't be so polite, come to our 120th Division, Comrade Liu Gen, you can treat this place as your own home."

"Thank you, deputy teacher, I will." Liu Gen replied seriously.

After coming to the 120th division, Liu Gen could clearly feel the enthusiasm of the 120th division towards him. He knew it was because of his strong enough ability, but he still had a good impression of the 120th division.In the 120th Division, Liu Gen can clearly see the difference in the 120th Division. He can see that no one is slacking off here, and everyone is working hard.

Liu Gen likes the atmosphere of Division 120 very much, and this atmosphere also makes him feel that he is still in Division 129.

"Teacher, this is it?" The deputy teacher was surprised to see Master He seriously looking at the plan in his hand, as if he didn't know he was coming.The deputy teacher knew his partner very well, unless these things really attracted him, he would not be like this.

Xiao Li quickly explained: "Deputy teacher, the teacher is reading the plan written by Comrade Liu Gen, maybe Comrade Liu Gen wrote it too well."

The deputy commander was a little surprised, "A plan? A plan for building our 120th Division Artillery School?"

"Yes." Xiao Li replied again.

Knowing that what the division commander was holding was the plan for building an artillery school, the deputy division commander couldn't sit still. He came behind Mr. He and looked at the plan in Mr. He's hand.The deputy teacher carefully looked at the content of the plan, his eyes were shining brightly, and he glanced at Liu Gen from time to time, which made Liu Gen somewhat uneasy, wondering whether the deputy teacher was satisfied with his plan.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Li went to the cooking class and brought over breakfast, a bowl of porridge, a cake, and pickles from the cooking class.

Liu Gen looked at the breakfast on the dining table, and frowned slightly. The food conditions of the 120th division were a bit too bad.The food conditions of the division headquarters are all like this, so what about the other units of the 120th division?Liu Gen found that he still needed to go to the various units of the 120th Division. Only in this way could he clearly understand the specific situation of the 120th Division.

According to the food conditions shown by the headquarters of the 120th Division, I am afraid that the food conditions of the units of the 120th Division will not be too good, which also means that there is a problem with the material supply of the 120th Division.To build an artillery school, sufficient supplies are necessary.If there is some problem with the material supply of the 120th Division, even if the artillery school is successfully established, it will be difficult to meet the training needs of the students.

"Comrade Liu Gen, are you a little uncomfortable with these foods?" Xiao Li noticed Liu Gen's frown and couldn't help asking.

Liu Gen shook his head, worrying about Xiao Li's misunderstanding, so he explained seriously: "No, this kind of breakfast is not bad, I'm just worried about the supplies of the 120th Division. According to the breakfast served today, I'm afraid the supplies of the 129th Division I was a little nervous, not sure if what I said was right."

Immediately, Xiao Li fell silent. He looked at Liu Gen in disbelief, but he didn't expect Liu Gen to deduce the material supply of the 120th Division just by having a breakfast.Xiao Li didn't know how to answer Liu Gen, so he decisively chose to remain silent. He felt that the deputy division commander or division commander should tell Liu Gen about such things.

Seeing that Xiao Li didn't respond to him, Liu Gen knew that his guess was correct, and the supplies of the 120th Division were really tight.

The deputy commander looked at Liu Gen with admiration in his eyes. He had heard the conversation between Liu Gen and Xiao Li, and he could infer from a simple meal that there was something wrong with the supplies of the 120th Division. This let the deputy commander know Liu Gen has real materials.

"Xiao Li didn't say it, so let me tell you."

"During this period, our 120th Division's material supply did have some problems. Since various units recruited a lot of recruits, the required materials increased. Our 120th Division's materials are limited, so it will naturally become tense, but the shortage of supplies will not If it lasts too long, when the grain in the field is mature, then there will naturally be no problem with the supply of supplies." The deputy teacher explained seriously.

The deputy commander didn't want this matter to affect Liu Gen's view of the 120th Division. The difficulty in supplying weapons was only temporary, and the deputy commander had enough confidence in this.

"Deputy teacher, let me put it bluntly. How can you be sure that this year's grain harvest is okay?"

"Last year's famine, there hasn't been a lot of rain this year. I am afraid that even if the grain is ripe, the harvest will not be too high. What's more, there are devils who are robbing us of grain. If the 120th Division is not prepared enough, then there will be a shortage of supplies. It won't be resolved in a short time." Liu Gen said with a serious expression.

The deputy division commander frowned. He knew that Liu Gen was right. No one could be sure that this year's grain harvest would be good.Once the grain harvest in the anti-Japanese base areas is not good, the material supply problem of the 120th Division will not be resolved, and it may even become more serious.Coupled with the fact that there are ghosts and puppet troops, when the food is ripe, they will inevitably harass or rob it.

Liu Gen's words made the deputy teacher realize that he seemed a little too optimistic before,

"Then Comrade Liu Gen, what do you think our 120th division should do?" asked the deputy division commander.

Liu Gen was a little hesitant. He naturally had an idea, but he didn't know whether the 120th Division would adopt his idea.The grain harvest in the anti-Japanese base areas is limited, so naturally there is only one way, and that is to expand the anti-Japanese base areas, and then there will be more grain.Just rashly expanding the anti-Japanese base area can easily attract the attention of the devils, and then be attacked by the devils frantically.

"If you don't tell me, I can guess Comrade Liu Gen's thoughts. It should be to expand the base area, or to attack towns or counties with rich supplies of devils." Seeing Liu Gen's hesitation, the deputy division commander simply said it himself. .

The deputy division commander could understand Liu Gen's hesitation. Unlike the deputy division commander, Liu Gen was unable to determine the specific situation of the 120th Division, and wondered whether the 120th Division had the ability to expand the anti-Japanese base area.After all, if you really want to get enough material reserves, then the scale of the 120 division's battle with the devils will not be small.And large-scale battles mean casualties. Liu Gen didn't know whether the 120th Division was fully prepared.

"The deputy teacher, what do you mean?" Liu Gen's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help asking.

The deputy division commander chuckled, and instead of answering Liu Gen's question, he said with a smile: "Hurry up and have breakfast, it's going to be cold soon."

Seeing that the deputy teacher did not intend to answer, Liu Gen stopped asking. He looked at the breakfast in front of him, picked up the cake and ate it.

Liu Gen eats very fast, which should be a habit he developed in the independent regiment. In the independent regiment, the frequency of fighting was very frequent, which made Liu Gen develop the habit of eating fast.Fighting on the front line, only by eating fast enough can you ensure that you can enter the battle immediately after eating.

Seeing that the deputy division commander hadn't finished eating, Liu Gen kept silent and waited patiently.

Before the deputy division commander had finished his breakfast, Mr. He finished reading the plan in his hand. The astonishment in his eyes had not dissipated. He was really very satisfied with the plan that Liu Gen made.It's just that Mr. He didn't understand how Liu Gen came up with this plan without knowing enough about the specific circumstances of Division 120. You must know that Mr. He didn't see any problems in Liu Gen's plan.

It can be said that Liu Gen can directly implement this plan and establish the Artillery School in the shortest possible time.

"Comrade Liu Gen, you are a real talent. Are you willing to stay in our 120th division? As long as you are willing to stay, you can be the commander!" Mr. He looked at Liu Gen, but said suddenly .

Liu Gen was shocked, but he didn't expect Mr. He to say such a thing, how could he be the commander of the 120th division.

"Mr. He, you scare me like this. I have no ability to be the commander of the 120th division. Compared with you, I am still far behind." Liu Gen said with a wry smile.At this time, Liu Gen was a little lucky. He was very lucky that there were not too many people here, otherwise, in less than a day, the soldiers of the entire 120th Division would know what Master He said.

The deputy commander was also a little surprised. Seeing the scene on Liu Gen's face, he quickly smiled and said, "Master, don't say that. Didn't you scare Comrade Liu Gen?"

"I don't think Comrade Liu Gen is suitable to be the commander of our 120th Division. It's better to let Comrade Liu Gen be the deputy commander of our 120th Division. I can also take a good rest."

Liu Gen smiled wryly, he thought the deputy division commander was trying to say good things for him, but who knew that the deputy division commander didn't mean that at all.Liu Gen felt a little regretful, maybe he shouldn't have come up with the plan so early, he could have waited two more days before coming up with the plan, but it's a pity that things have already happened, and it's useless for him to regret.

"Mr. He, deputy division commander, I am ashamed when you say that. There are too many talents in the 120th Division. Compared with them, I am still far behind."

"Besides, when I came to the 120th Division this time, I also received orders from the bosses. The bosses asked me to help the 120th Division establish an artillery school and a special warfare team. As for the other things, the bosses didn't say anything." Can move out the bosses to block the gun.

If you really want Liu Gen to be the commander of the 120th division, then go directly to the bosses. Liu Gen doesn't think the bosses will agree to such a ridiculous thing.With the bosses around, I believe Mr. He and the others will not have any good solutions.

"The bosses are still moving out? Comrade Liu Gen, you made a wrong judgment this time. I will contact the bosses right away!" Mr. He said directly.

Before Liu Gen could say anything more, Mr. He quickly walked towards the communication office. He was going to contact the bosses at the headquarters!

(End of this chapter)

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