I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 536 Short Discussion

Chapter 536 Short Discussion

"Comrade Xue Bing, I don't know how you choose?" Liu Gen looked at Xue Bing in front of him and asked.

Liu Gen could more or less guess Xue Bing's answer, but he still held some hope. Xue Bing's ability is very good, and it would be too wasteful to stay by his side as a guard.Liu Gen hopes that Xue Bing can have a better development, and with his ability, he will definitely have a bright future.

Xue Bing said without hesitation, "I would rather stay by your side and be your bodyguard."

"It's not that the teacher forced me to do this, but I have long learned about Comrade Liu Gen's military exploits, and I admire your ability very much. I hope to be your bodyguard, follow you, let myself Get more promotion."

Xue Bing's face was full of seriousness, he thought so, and believed that staying with Liu Gen would allow him to get enough improvement.

"Comrade Liu Gen, let Xue Bing be your bodyguard, this will also help Xue Bing grow up better." The deputy teacher persuaded.

Seeing what the deputy commander said, and that Xue Bing was also willing to be his own bodyguard, Liu Gen no longer hesitated, "Okay, then let Comrade Xue Bing stay with me as a bodyguard, as long as Comrade Xue Bing wants to If you leave, then I will definitely not stop you."

There was obvious joy on Xue Bing's face. Choosing to be Liu Gen's bodyguard was something he had seriously considered.With Xue Bing's strength, he knew that it would be difficult for him to get enough improvement. In order to get more improvement, Xue Bing felt that being Liu Gen's bodyguard was the best choice.

"Comrade Liu Gen, I wonder if I can see your strength?"

"Others say that Comrade Liu Gen is good at cannons, and he is even called the God of Cannon in the 129th Division, but I think that Comrade Liu Gen has stronger fighting ability. I wonder if I can compete with you?" Xue Bing suddenly asked.

Xue Bing's eyes flashed with fiery fighting intent. He wanted to compete with Liu Gen, but he didn't have any bad intentions.In some respects, Xue Bing is similar to the monk. When they meet a strong opponent, they will be extra excited and eager to fight.

The deputy commander frowned. From the information he had learned, Liu Gen's fighting ability was good, but he didn't think Liu Gen would be Xue Bing's opponent.You must know that in the 120th division, there are not many fighters like Xue Bing.Now that Xue Bing wants to compete with Liu Gen, the deputy teacher is very worried that Liu Gen will be injured.

If Liu Gen was injured, and let the 129th Division know that Liu Gen was not injured by the enemy, but by the comrades of the 120th Division, then I don’t know how the 129th Division will treat the 120th Division.

"Xue Bing, Comrade Liu Gen just came to our 120th Division. Is this how you welcome Comrade Liu Gen? Don't forget, Comrade Liu Gen is an artilleryman. What are you and Comrade Liu Gen doing? It's a rather troublesome thing, let's forget about the sparring." The deputy teacher said.

Liu Gen looked at Xue Bing, and collided with Xue Bing's fiery eyes. He immediately understood Xue Bing's state, and he was another fighting maniac.

"Deputy Commander, let Comrade Xue Bing and I discuss it, there will be no problem." Liu Gen said with a smile.

The deputy teacher was slightly taken aback, and looked at Liu Gen in surprise, but he didn't expect Liu Gen to agree. Could it be that Liu Gen is not afraid of losing in this exchange?Even if you don't lose, the injury will have some impact.

"Comrade Liu Gen, you can actually refuse this exchange. If you get injured, it will be troublesome." The deputy division commander said helplessly.

Xue Bing didn't say anything, he just looked at Liu Gen with his eyes full of fiery fighting intent, and before he asked for a sparring session, he knew that Liu Gen would not refuse his request for a sparring session.Xue Bing didn't know much about Liu Gen, he just knew some of Liu Gen's military achievements, but the first time he saw Liu Gen, he knew that Liu Gen was very strong.

Xue Bing believes that with Liu Gen's strength, he must have experienced many battles, so he will definitely not refuse to compete. Only by fighting constantly can he become stronger.

"Deputy teacher, don't worry, I won't have any problems."

"Even if I'm injured, it's still my own. If Mr. Liu and the others say something, I'll tell them." Liu Gen said with a smile.

As soon as Xue Bing's eyes lit up, he knew that Liu Gen would agree to the discussion, but before Liu Gen did not agree accurately, he was somewhat uneasy.Xue Bing adjusted his breathing, he wanted to adjust his state to the best, and he didn't want any mistakes that should have occurred in this sparring with Liu Gen.

The deputy teacher was a little helpless, he could see Liu Gen's firmness, and knew that even if he tried to persuade him, it would be of no use, so he could only sigh helplessly.

"Come on! You shoot first!" The two stood still, and Liu Gen said with a smile.

Liu Gen can see that Xue Bing has adjusted his state to the peak state, which makes Liu Gen look forward to it. He wants to know how strong Xue Bing will be in the peak state. Liu Gen is not worried that Xue Bing will hurt himself , He has enough confidence in himself, everything is in his grasp.

After Xue Bing glanced at Liu Gen in surprise, he didn't refuse, but rushed towards Liu Gen directly. His somewhat obese body charged very fast, like a heavy tank rushing towards Liu Gen.son
Facing Xue Bing who was rushing towards him, Liu Gen did not have the slightest fear, but became a little excited, and the blood in his body seemed to be boiling.


Xue Bing yelled angrily. At this moment, he had already regarded Liu Gen as his life and death enemy. He had only one goal, and that was to kill Liu Gen. Only in this way could he relax.Xue Bing rushed towards Liu Gen crazily. He could see that Liu Gen was not moving, but he did not stop his steps.

After the battle started, no matter what kind of reaction Liu Gen would have, he would not stop his footsteps easily.

"Comrade Liu Gen, be careful!" the deputy commander couldn't help but reminded.

The deputy division commander was very worried about Liu Gen's safety. He was worried that Liu Gen would be directly knocked out by Xue Bing. Judging from the size of both sides, there was a huge gap between Liu Gen and Xue Bing. I am afraid that no one would believe that Liu Gen could bear Xue Bing hit.With Xue Bing's speed, if he really hit him, the stone pillars might be knocked down by him directly.

Xiao Li on the side was staring at Liu Gen's position. He was quietly approaching Liu Gen. As long as Liu Gen showed any signs of being unable to withstand Xue Bing's impact, he would rush out directly to protect Liu Gen and avoid Liu Gen's attack. The roots are injured.In Xiao Li's view, Liu Gen was brought here by himself no matter what, and he couldn't let Liu Gen suffer any harm.

Two seconds later, Liu Gen's eyes flashed brightly, and under everyone's gaze, he also rushed towards Xue Bing!

"Comrade Liu Gen, it's dangerous!"

Seeing that Liu Gen took the initiative to charge towards Xue Bing, the deputy commander looked terrified. Liu Gen started too late, and now he took the initiative to charge towards Xue Bing. Isn't it obvious that he wants to give up?It's also because the deputy division commander has no fighting power, otherwise he would definitely rush up and hold Liu Gen, preventing Liu Gen from doing so.

Xiao Li looked at Liu Gen who was rushing out, with deep helplessness on his face. He found that Liu Gen's speed was very fast, even if he chased him, he would definitely not be able to catch up with Liu Gen's footsteps.Looking at Liu Gen's speed, Xiao Li was a little silent. He began to wonder if he hadn't trained enough?Otherwise, how could they fail to catch up with Liu Gen?

In less than two seconds, Xue Bing and Liu Gen collided fiercely, the sound was so loud that the deputy division commander couldn't help but feel pain for the two of them.The deputy division commander could see that Xue Bing's face became extremely ugly at the moment of the collision. Obviously, such a collision was not easy to bear.

Due to the angle, the teacher couldn't see Liu Gen's face clearly, but Liu Gen wouldn't feel good about the collision with Xue Bing.

The deputy division commander couldn't see Liu Gen's face, and fortunately he didn't, otherwise he might doubt his eyes.The collision with Xue Bing made Liu Gen feel uncomfortable, but he recovered quickly. Before Xue Bing in front of him could react, he kept throwing punches. The meaning of mercy.

Xue Bing snorted, with surprise in his eyes, he didn't expect Liu Gen to recover first.Feeling Liu Gen's fists constantly falling towards him, Xue Bing didn't dare to hesitate. He resolutely launched a counterattack. He could feel Liu Gen's great strength. If he continued to be beaten like this, then he would definitely not be able to bearable.

But when Xue Bing launched a counterattack, he found that the fists he swung were always easily blocked by Liu Gen.While resisting Xue Bing's attack, Liu Gen never stopped his attack, which made Xue Bing realize the gap between himself and Liu Gen.

Xue Bing also often competes with other fighters in his daily training. He has never encountered such a situation. When did he become so weak?Yes, in Xue Bing's opinion, he was a bit too weak, otherwise, how could he not even be able to fight back?

"Did you dare to lose your mind during the battle?" Liu Gen's voice sounded.

The next moment, Liu Gen's heavy fist landed directly on Xue Bing's back, and before Xue Bing could make a move, the subsequent elbow hit Xue Bing again.

In front of Liu Gen, Xue Bing seemed like a child who hadn't grown up, Liu Gen would easily detect any attempt to fight back, which made Xue Bing's counterattack look very weak.He couldn't hit Liu Gen, but Liu Gen's fists kept hitting him, which made Xue Bing understand that there was no need to continue this fight.

Xue Bing realized that when Liu Gen was competing with him, he probably didn't use all his strength, otherwise he would lose more easily.Before starting, Xue Bing was still a little worried that Liu Gen would be injured. Now it seems that his worry was unnecessary. With Liu Gen's strength, how could he hurt Liu Gen?

"Do you want to continue?" Seeing that Xue Bing was distracted again, Liu Gen punched Xue Bing heavily in the chest, knocking Xue Bing back a few steps.

Xue Bing shook his head with a wry smile, "No need, I am not your opponent, your strength is stronger than I imagined."

"If it was really a life-and-death battle, I would definitely be easily dealt with by you. I am convinced." Xue Bing said in a deep voice.

Liu Gen nodded. His expression didn't change much. During the time he shot Xue Bing, he could only say that he had successfully warmed up. As for the rest, Liu Gen didn't feel much.Liu Gen looked at Xue Bing in front of him. Xue Bing's strength still had a lot of room for improvement, but his strength was still very good. A body of fat could weaken a lot of his strength.

Even if Liu Gen's fist landed on Xue Bing, his strength would be weakened a lot, let alone other people.

"You go to treat it first, and come to me later." Considering that Xue Bing was punched a lot by himself, Liu Gen said.

Liu Gen had the power to control the fist that landed on Xue Bing, but even so, Xue Bing still needed to heal it early, otherwise it would hurt for a while.Xue Bing is about to become his bodyguard, so Liu Gen naturally needs to take care of him.

"Okay, then I'll go to treat it first." Xue Bing didn't have any opinions, he could feel the pain coming from all over his body, and Liu Gen's fist was still a little heavy.Of course, Xue Bing also knew that it was normal for this to happen after the sparring. The only thing that made Xue Bing a little upset was that he failed to hit Liu Gen with a punch.

Xue Bing always felt that he was very flexible, but after discussing with Liu Gen, he realized that he was not flexible enough, at least compared with Liu Gen, he was still far behind.Xue Bing felt that when he could reach Liu Gen's level, or when he was fighting Liu Gen, he could make Liu Gen use all his strength to win with difficulty, then he would be able to be a little proud.

After Xue Bing left, Liu Gen returned to his seat and sat down. He looked at the deputy division commander and Xiao Li, and he could see shock written all over their faces.No one expected that Liu Gen would have such a strong strength, not even Xue Bing was his opponent, and it was even said that Xue Bing was firmly suppressed by Liu Gen, and he had no power to fight back at all.

"Comrade Liu Gen, aren't you too strong? How did your 29th Division train? How can you have such a powerful comrade!" the deputy division commander couldn't help but said.The deputy commander knew that there was only one Liu Gen in the 129th Division, but he still wanted to know how Liu Gen trained in the 129th Division.

If the 120th Division can have one or two excellent comrades like Liu Gen, then the deputy commander will be satisfied, and there is no need to worry about the combat effectiveness of the 120th Division.

Xiao Li didn't speak, but he was staring at Liu Gen in front of him, as if he was looking at something precious, which made Liu Gen very uncomfortable.

"It's not that I'm too strong, it's that Comrade Xue Bing is not well prepared and doesn't understand my fighting style very well. I believe that after Comrade Xue Bing has fought me a lot, he will definitely not be easily defeated by me like this again." Liu Genman Said seriously.

The deputy teacher and Xiao Li looked at each other, and they could see the speechlessness in each other's eyes. How should they continue talking to Liu Gen?
(End of this chapter)

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