I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 539 Lishi County

Chapter 539 Lishi County

Half a month later, Liu Gen and Xue Bing returned to the headquarters of the 120th Division. People don't even have time to take a shower.

"Staff Liu, we have finally returned to the division headquarters, and we can finally sleep well." Xue Bing looked at the 120th Division's garrison not far away, full of yearning.

Liu Gen laughed. Compared with Xue Bing, his mental state seemed much better. Xue Bing had never been so busy for half a month, but Liu Gen was different.When he was in the 120th Division, he spent a lot of time looking for a suitable place to build an arsenal.

Of course, compared with the 129th division, the half month of running in the 120th division is undoubtedly more strenuous. It can be seen from the change of Xue Bing's body shape that he has lost a lot of weight compared to when he started.

"I'll let you get a good night's sleep when I get back. I still need to see the teacher and the others, so you can go back and rest." Liu Gen said.

Liu Gen is different from Xue Bing, he is the staff of the division, and Master He and the others have been waiting for him to return to the division.Even Liu Gen is very tired, but he still needs to go to Mr. He's place. As for Xue Bing, it doesn't make much difference whether he goes or not.

"That's great. In my state, I'm afraid I'll just fall asleep when I get back to the station, and I won't be able to see the teacher and the others."

"Besides, it's useless for me to go. It's better to go back early, take a shower, and get a good night's sleep." Xue Bing's face was full of fatigue. For the past half month, he was too tired. It was because of Liu Gen that he was able to persist until now. For the sake of being.Otherwise, if Xue Bing was alone, he might not be able to persist.

Being able to persist until now, Xue Bing is already very good, at least Liu Gen is very satisfied with Master Xue Bing.

"Hold on and go back to your room before going back to sleep." Seeing that Xue Bing was a little confused, Liu Gen quickly patted Xue Bing on the shoulder hard to cheer Xue Bing up.

Liu Gen didn't want to see Xue Bing fall into a deep sleep before returning to the station. It's okay to fall asleep, but if he falls from his horse, he will be easily injured.Just such a small distance, can't we do it with a little effort?

Ten minutes later, Liu Gen and the two returned to the headquarters of the 10th Division. In this short 120 minutes, Liu Gen woke up Xue Bing three times.Xue Bing was really too tired. Every time he was woken up within 10 minutes, Xue Bing would fall into a deep sleep again. He was too tired.

In the past half month, Xue Bing has become more and more aware of the gap between himself and Liu Gen. He is so tired, but what about Liu Gen?Judging from the complexion, Liu Gen's complexion is not very tired, as if he can continue to persevere.For this, Xue Bing admired Liu Gen more and more while being a little envious.

Xue Bing was sure that even if Liu Gen was physically stronger than him, he would not be much stronger than him mentally, but Liu Gen managed to persevere.And what about himself?Compared with Liu Gen, he was far behind.

"Okay, Xue Bing, go back and rest." After handing over the horses to the corresponding soldiers, Liu Gen instructed Xue Bing.

Xue Bing nodded weakly. He was too tired, so it wasn't that he didn't have the strength to speak, but he didn't have the slightest thought of resting.Seeing that Xue Bing was in a bad state, some soldiers hurriedly supported Xue Bing and walked towards his room, letting Xue Bing return to the room in such a state, maybe Xue Bing would not be able to return safely to the room at all.

After seeing the soldiers escorting Xue Bing back to the room, Liu Gen was relieved a lot. If Xue Bing were to go back alone, maybe Xue Bing would fall asleep on the way.

After bidding farewell to the soldiers, Liu Gen quickly walked towards the depths of the division headquarters. He needed to tell Master He what he had learned as soon as possible.In fact, with the situation of the 120th division, Liu Gen can wait for himself to report to Mr. He and the others after rest, but considering that Mr. He and the others are also very concerned about this matter, Liu Gen feels that it is better to go to rest after reporting.

When he came to the depths of the division headquarters, Xiao Li, who was guarding outside, saw Liu Gen come back, his eyes lit up. He knew that Liu Gen and Xue Bing would go back during this time, but he didn't expect Liu Gen to be so fast. .According to the news Xiao Li got, Liu Gen and Xue Bing were still in other units of the 120th Division yesterday, and there was still a certain distance from the division headquarters.

Who would have thought that Liu Gen would successfully return to the division headquarters in just one night, and Xiao Li could imagine how much Liu Gen and Xue Bing had to suffer in order to get back to the division headquarters as soon as possible.

"Brother Li, please inform Mr. He that I'm back." Liu Gen said directly.

Xiao Li smiled, "Staff Liu, you can go in with me directly. The division commander knew that you were going back to the division headquarters during this time, so he specially asked me to wait for you at the door, and told me to take you directly as long as you come back." Go in, don't report."

Liu Gen's eyes lit up immediately, he didn't expect Mr. He to have such an arrangement, it's great.

"Then let's go in directly." Liu Gen said.

As far as Liu Gen is concerned, he doesn't want to waste any time outside, he just wants to see Mr. He as soon as possible, so that he can tell Mr. He the information he has learned, and then let Mr. He make a corresponding judgment.In the past half a month, Liu Gen and Xue Bing visited all units of the 120th Division.

It can be said that in the entire 120th Division, Liu Gen is the person who knows the specific situation of the 120th Division best.The relevant information that Liu Gen can produce is undoubtedly of great reference value to Mr. He.

Xiao Li didn't hesitate. He clearly knew how important it was for Liu Gen to meet Mr. He at the first time. He decisively took Liu Gen and walked directly to the command room where Mr. He was.For the past half month, Master He has spent most of his time in the command room, as if studying something.

"Report!" Xiao Li shouted loudly.

In the command room, Master He raised his head and looked out the door with some doubts. He asked Xiao Li to wait for Liu Gen outside for a short time. Why did Xiao Li come in again?Could it be that Liu Gen is back?It should not be so fast.

Soon, Mr. He saw Liu Gen's figure, which made his eyes light up suddenly, and Liu Gen came back.

"Come in!"

"Xiao Li, go and make a cup of tea for Comrade Liu Gen. Comrade Liu Gen must have a cup of tea to refresh himself when he came back from hard work." Master He ordered a little excitedly.Master He was a little excited about Liu Gen's direct return to the division headquarters today, and he was also eager to learn more about the specific situation of each unit from Liu Gen.

Since Master He held several positions, he wanted to go to the various units to check the specific situation, and he didn't have much time, which made Master He very helpless.However, Liu Gen's arrival gave Commander He an additional item to fully understand the specific conditions of the 120th Division's units. He also hoped to get some useful information from Liu Gen.

"Mr. He, I'd better directly report the results of the investigation in each unit. Based on what I have seen, the shortage of supplies in each unit cannot be solved. Then we need to streamline our troops and administration again, so as to reduce the pressure on supplies."

"According to the defense strength of each unit of the 120th Division in all aspects of Yan'an, even if the troops are streamlined and the administration is streamlined again, it will not affect the defense strength of the troops. Of course, to find the appropriate strength to streamline the troops and administration, it is still necessary to come from Commander He and the division headquarters. Consider it." Liu Gen said with a very solemn expression.

When he did not visit the units of the 120th Division, Liu Gen was somewhat optimistic. He felt that no matter how bad the situation of the units was, it would not be extremely bad.But after carefully investigating the specific conditions of the units of the 120th Division.Liu Gen found that the problem of the 120th Division was more serious than he had imagined. It was because the supplies of the various troops were too scarce.

With the exception of the cavalry detachment, each unit cultivated wasteland in the defensive area, so as to be as self-sufficient as possible.But in fact, there is still a big gap in the supplies that the troops can harvest. In addition, it takes a lot of supplies to maintain the daily training of the soldiers, which makes the supplies of the troops need to be resolved as soon as possible. Only in this way , in order to avoid another streamlining of troops and administration.

There is no problem with streamlining troops and streamlining administration, but for the 120th Division, further streamlining troops and streamlining administration will definitely increase the defensive pressure of each unit.On the premise of being able to solve their own problems, maintaining sufficient troops can reduce the pressure on the defense of each army.What's more, even if the 120th Division and the devils rarely have large-scale battles, they still need to have enough troops.

Sufficient troops are the guarantee of sufficient security in Yan'an. The combat effectiveness of the 120th Division is not weak, but everyone knows that once the devils gather a large number of troops to launch an attack on Yan'an, then the 120th Division will be more difficult to resist the attack of the devils. difficulty.At that time, the help of the 129th and 115th divisions will inevitably be needed.

And if the combat power and strength of the 120th Division are sufficient, then it will be able to block the attack of the devils, or even drag the devils, so that the 129th and 115th divisions will take advantage of the emptiness of the devils and take the opportunity to stir up wind and rain in the devil-occupied area.

"It's good to have better troops and simpler administration, but doing so will only weaken the strength of our 120th Division, and the safety of Yan'an will be endangered. Even if we continue to maintain the current strength of the 120th Division, I don't think it is enough. In order to prevent the Devils from suddenly attacking Yan'an To launch a large-scale attack, the 120th Division needs more troops." Master He said with a serious expression.

Commander He knew that streamlining troops and administration was a good choice, but the 120th Division was a barrier to protect Yan'an. Streamlining troops and streamlining administration would reduce the demand for materials for the troops of the 120th Division, but it would also weaken the barrier to protect Yan'an.Unless there is really no other way, Commander He is not willing to reduce the number of troops.

"There are only two ways to solve the material supply problem of the 120th Division. One way is to ask for it from Yan'an, or to buy it from the people in the base area." Liu Gen said.

Master He shook his head directly. He also knew this method, but unfortunately this method cannot be implemented, and Yan'an is also relatively difficult, and there is no extra material to support the 120th Division.As for buying from the people in the base area, it is not desirable. Firstly, the 120th Division does not have so much money, and secondly, the people do not have much surplus food. It is impossible to buy enough supplies.

When Liu Gen saw Master He shaking his head directly with a calm face, he knew that this method would not be adopted by Master He.

"Then there is only one way left, to attack the devils. The devils have a lot of supplies. As long as we plan properly, we will definitely be able to get enough supplies from the devils. Of course, this method has certain risks and uncertainties. It is inevitable that there will be casualties among the soldiers." Liu Gen said in a deep voice.

Master He laughed, "Have you ever thought about it, if we fight, where will we hit the devils? Also, if we attack the devils, will the devils fight back?"

If you don't want to reduce your troops, you can only fight, but fighting is not that simple. Since the 120th Division shoulders the task of protecting Yan'an, if the 120th Division wants to take military action, it needs to consider many aspects.In addition, even if Master He and Liu Gen reached an agreement, they still needed permission from Yan'an.

In addition, most of the troops of the 120th Division need to protect Yan'an, which means that even if it is to fight devils, it is impossible for the 120th Division to mobilize too many troops.If we only attack the small towns occupied by the devils, it is difficult for the 120th Division to obtain enough supplies, but if we attack the counties occupied by the devils, the 120th Division cannot mobilize enough troops.

In other words, the easiest way to solve the material shortage problem of the 120th Division is to grab one from the county town occupied by the devils, so that the plight of the 120th Division can be solved at one time, and it can even be said that the 120th Division can be further developed .But it is not easy to take down a county seat occupied by devils. Unless the 120th division can touch most of the troops, it will be too difficult to take down a county seat occupied by devils.

"Since the devils attacked Pearl Harbor in 42, the Pacific War broke out, and the devils did not gain a sufficient advantage in the Pacific battlefield, which made the devils have to invest more troops in the Pacific battlefield. The stalemate of the devils in the Pacific battlefield, In my opinion, this is our best chance to attack the devils, as long as the movement is not too big, the devils will not easily mobilize large-scale troops to attack."

"What's more, we can fully prepare for the attack of the devils in advance. I believe that with the combat power of the 120th division, it will not be difficult to block the attacks of the devils." Liu Gen replied confidently and confidently.

Master He nodded in satisfaction. Liu Gen's analysis was correct. Judging from the domestic battlefield, the devils were still aggressive, and even organized several large-scale battles on the frontal battlefield.It's a pity that these several large-scale battles failed to allow the devils to achieve sufficient results, but instead made them sink deeper and deeper in the Chinese battlefield.

People of insight in the country have already realized that the moment the United States declared its participation in the war and the Pacific War broke out, the time for the devils to lose began to count down.

"Then Comrade Liu Gen, where do you think is the most suitable place for us to launch an attack?" Master He asked again.

Liu Gen turned his head to look at the military map hanging on the wall, thinking seriously, his eyes kept moving, and soon his eyes lit up, and he found a place he thought was the most suitable.

"Lishi County!" Liu Gen said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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