I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 542 One step forward

Chapter 542 Take Three Steps
"Staff Liu, the division commander asked me to pick you up. All the elite soldiers from all units have arrived at the division headquarters, waiting for your selection." Xiao Li found Liu Gen and said to Liu Gen.

Liu Gen nodded, and put down the busy work in his hands. He had some expectations in his eyes, wondering how strong these elite fighters of the 120th Division would be.Liu Gen very much hopes that these fighters are strong enough, only in this way can they have a strong enough combat power in the shortest possible time.

"Let's go directly." Liu Gen said.

Xiao Li naturally has no objections. He also really wants to see a special warfare team belonging to the 120th Division successfully established. By then, he will be able to compete with the soldiers in the special warfare team. How far is there from them.

After closing the door, Liu Gen and the two quickly walked towards the training ground of the division headquarters, where elite fighters from various units were on the training ground.

When the two of Liu Gen arrived at the training ground, they could see the division commander and others waiting for their arrival. The elite fighters from various units stood together. From their standing posture, it could be seen that they were much stronger than ordinary fighters. many.

"Genzi, you're here, how's your rest these two days?" Seeing Liu Gen and his arrival, Master He asked with concern.

Liu Gen nodded with a smile, "I've had a good rest these two days. In fact, there's nothing wrong with it. After a good night's sleep, there's nothing wrong with me."

Master He laughed, as long as there is no problem with Liu Gen, he knew why Liu Gen would say that.After Liu Gen returned to the division headquarters and reported the relevant situation, he fell asleep in his room. Out of concern for Liu Gen, Master He wanted Liu Gen to have a good rest for two days, so that when the elite of each unit After the soldiers arrive, they can also devote themselves to the establishment of special operations teams with full energy.

But Liu Gen is clearly aware of his state, he feels that there is nothing wrong with his state, and he can continue to devote himself to various tasks.It's just that Mr. He stopped all these, which made Liu Gen very helpless. In the end, he could only listen to Mr. He and not do too tiring work.son
During these two days, Liu Gen felt that he was not fulfilled, and the time passed very slowly.The only thing Liu Gen can do is to stay in the room and write out relevant information as much as possible. After all, his strength alone is limited. When Liu Gen successfully helps the 120th Division build a special warfare team with sufficient combat effectiveness.

And after the special operations team successfully achieved a good record, other units of the Eighth Route Army will definitely want to establish a special operations team. It is impossible for Liu Gen to run one after another. He doesn't have so much energy and nothing With the avatar technique, it is undoubtedly unrealistic to personally help other troops to establish a special warfare team.

At this time, if Liu Gen can come up with a detailed information on the establishment of a special warfare team, then this problem can undoubtedly be solved.Maybe it wasn't the special warfare team established by Liu Gen himself, so there would be some problems in terms of combat effectiveness, but with this information on the establishment of the special warfare team, as long as all the troops can study this information carefully, they will surely be able to build a team that is not weak. special forces team.

And for a small unit like a special operations team, if it wants to have a strong enough combat power, it must go through a lot of battles. Only in the battle can it hone a strong enough combat power.Even if it wasn't the special warfare team established by Liu Gen himself, after going through enough battles, it would inevitably not be as strong as the combat team established by Liu Gen himself.

"Genzi, these comrades are the most elite fighters in our 120th division. Next, we will hand over these comrades to you. I hope you can choose the most suitable fighters from them as special forces."

"You can decide on your own at any time about the establishment of a special operations team. Unless it is something really important, don't care about our opinions." The deputy division commander said seriously.

As long as Liu Gen can build a special warfare team with enough combat power, then Commander He and Deputy Commander are willing to give Liu Gen enough freedom to avoid the establishment of the special warfare team being affected.The special operations team is very important. In the next battle with the devils, the special operations team will become a sharp weapon in the hands of the 120th Division.

Liu Gen nodded vigorously. This time he didn't refuse. From the eyes of Mr. He and his deputy, he could clearly feel the importance they attached to the establishment of a special warfare team.A flash of determination flashed in Liu Gen's eyes. No matter what, he must successfully establish this special warfare team and make this special warfare team have enough combat effectiveness.

"Mr. He, please apply to the bosses at the headquarters for ten sets of special warfare equipment. I made them in the arsenal before. I believe the bosses at the headquarters will agree." Liu Gen said.

It is very necessary for the special warfare team established by the 120th Division to have sufficient combat effectiveness and good enough weapons and equipment, and those weapons and equipment designed and manufactured by Liu Gen in the arsenal before will undoubtedly come in handy.Not many of those weapons and equipment were produced. Except for the submachine guns suitable for front-line troops, other weapons and equipment were only equipped to the combat squads of the 129th Division.

During the recent period, the combat team of the 129th Division has not stopped fighting. In the battle against the devils, these weapons and equipment designed and manufactured by Liu Gen played a great role.

"Okay, I will apply to the bosses." Mr. He said seriously.

Liu Gen didn't say anything anymore. He looked at the soldiers present, his eyes glistening. These soldiers looked pretty good, but he didn't know how many of them could meet his requirements.Liu Gen hoped that many of the soldiers present could meet the requirements. In this case, he could also train more members of the special operations team.

The establishment of a special warfare team in the 120th Division is undoubtedly different from Liu Gen's establishment of a special warfare team in the 129th Division.

Liu Gen didn't know how long he would stay in the 120th Division. In order to avoid any problems with the special operations team after he left, he needed to train enough soldiers for the 120th Division's special operations team in advance.Only in this way can the combat effectiveness of the special operations team be prevented from being weakened after Liu Gen leaves.

However, even so, Liu Gen would not lower his requirements for the members of the special warfare team. It is impossible to join the special warfare team without sufficient strength.In this era, Liu Gen did not have time to train all these fighters, he could only select a relatively outstanding group for training.

"I am Liu Gen, the instructor of the special operations team of the 120th Division. Comrades present here obey my orders and take three steps forward!" After a moment of silence, Liu Gen said suddenly.

The soldiers present were a little puzzled. They knew that the 120th Division would establish a special warfare team, but for these soldiers, they didn't know what the establishment of a special warfare team meant.But they still took three steps forward without any hesitation.

After the soldiers took three steps forward, they were less than one meter away from Liu Gen and the others. It was very close. Many soldiers were a little excited. This was the first time they were so close to the division commander and deputy division commander.There is no way to do this. Who made these soldiers come from various units of the 120th Division instead of staying in the defense units of the division headquarters?

Xiao Li's spirit became tense. He stared at these soldiers closely, his eyes filled with vigilance. He was the division commander's guard and he couldn't let the division commander have any problems.Even though these soldiers are all from various units of the 120th Division, there is no need to doubt their identities, but Xiao Li is still worried that there will be accidents.

"Go forward three steps!" Liu Gen ordered again.

The soldiers present were stunned. Given the distance between them and the division commander, they might hit the division commander directly in three steps. How could they do this?It's just that the soldiers saw the extremely serious expression on Liu Gen's face, and the soldiers realized that if they disobeyed the order, they might be reprimanded by Liu Gen, the instructor.

Soon, a soldier took three steps quickly, but the commander was not in front of him. After three steps, he didn't bump into the commander. Seeing this soldier move, more and more soldiers started to move, but there was still Some soldiers didn't move, the division commander, Liu Gen and others were right in front of them, they didn't dare to take a step, and they didn't dare to run into Liu Gen and the others.

"Very good! Comrades who have successfully taken three steps stand out, and the remaining comrades can return to their respective units." Liu Gen said directly and coldly.

The soldiers were shocked, but they didn't expect Liu Gen to say that. The soldiers who didn't take a step fell silent. They didn't expect that they would be eliminated directly. Didn't they just take three steps?It wasn't a big deal, besides, if they took three steps, they would definitely bump into Liu Gen and the teacher. How could they afford such a responsibility?

"I know you have some doubts, but I hope you know that the moment you stand here, the test for you will begin."

"Soldiers should obey orders as their bounden duty. I am responsible for selecting your instructors, so you need to obey my orders! I asked you to take three steps, but if you didn't obey orders, then if I let you go to the battlefield to fight the devils , will you still disobey my order?"

"In any case, you have no chance to be a member of the special operations team this time. I hope that after returning to your respective units, you can learn from this experience and figure out what you should do as a soldier!" Seeing those The eliminated fighters looked unwilling, and Liu Gen directly reprimanded them unceremoniously.

Liu Gen is quite dissatisfied with these soldiers who dare not take a step forward, even if he has himself and his teacher around, what can he do?Seriously speaking, these soldiers did not have enough courage, nor did they understand what a suitable soldier should do.

As for the fighters who passed the test, there is no need to be too happy. After all the tests pass, not many fighters will be happy.

"Now all the remaining people run around the training ground for me. Without my order, no one can stop. Even if they are climbing, they must climb down for me!" Liu Gen looked at the soldiers who passed the test, He ordered in a cold voice.

Originally, these soldiers who were a little excited because they passed the test, after hearing Liu Gen's order, the excitement on their faces disappeared instantly. They didn't dare to have any hesitation, so they could only run quickly.For these fighters, they all wanted to join the special operations team, otherwise they failed to enter the special operations team and returned to the old army in despair. They didn't know what to say.

Could it be that he was eliminated?Then it would be a bit too embarrassing!This is not the most uncomfortable, the most uncomfortable should be the one who was eliminated, but the person who was not as good as himself in the army before successfully entered the special warfare team and became a member of it.

"Genzi, isn't this a bit too cruel?" After the eliminated soldiers left, Master He couldn't help asking.

Liu Gen shook his head directly, and said seriously: "Mr. He, I don't think it's too cruel. When the special warfare team needs to recruit members again, these fighters will have the opportunity to join the special warfare team again. By then , with experience, they will not make such mistakes again."

"What's more, they do have problems. The number of places in the special operations team is limited, and we can only select the best of them. We can't have any soft-heartedness."

Teacher He and Deputy Teacher looked at each other, and they could see the helplessness in each other's eyes. It was a little too heartless for Liu Gen to do so.But at the same time, Master He and the others felt a little relieved, and the worries in their hearts about whether Liu Gen could help the 120th Division build a powerful special warfare team disappeared immediately.

If even Liu Gen was so strict that he could not successfully establish a special warfare team with sufficient combat effectiveness, then I am afraid that no one would be able to help the 120th Division successfully establish a special warfare team.

"Genzi, we are very relieved that you are in charge of the establishment of the special warfare team. From now on, I will leave this place to you. The deputy commander and I have other things to do. I will keep Xiao Li. If you have anything to do, you can tell me directly. He can do it." Master He said.

Naturally, Liu Gen didn't have any opinion. To be honest, even if Mr. He and the others stayed here, it wouldn't be of much use.

After watching Master He and the others leave, Liu Gen once again set his sights on the soldiers running in the training ground. These soldiers were not bad, and none of them was lazy, which made Liu Gen quite satisfied.It's just that until now, some fighters have fallen behind. These fighters have different levels of physical fitness, and naturally they will be divided into strong and weak.

Liu Gen looked at the soldiers who were left behind, and saw that they still did not give up running down to buy after seeing them behind. He was quite satisfied with this.

"Instructor Liu, do you want to stop those soldiers who are lagging behind?" Xiao Li couldn't help asking when he saw that the soldiers who were lagging behind were working hard.

Liu Gen shook his head directly. He turned his head and glanced at Xiao Li. He could see the unbearable look in Xiao Li's eyes, which made him immediately understand what was going on with Xiao Li.Unlike Xiao Li, Liu Gen didn't have the slightest soft-heartedness, let alone ask the lagging soldiers to stop.

"Brother Li, their test is not over yet, don't worry about letting them withdraw." Liu Gen said.

(End of this chapter)

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