I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 544 I Was Trained by Zhang

Chapter 544 I Came Back For Training

There are fewer and fewer fighters who can stand on the training ground, but the satisfaction in Liu Gen's eyes is getting stronger.

"Okay, stop!" Liu Gen came not far from these soldiers and shouted.

But these fighters didn't want to stop at all because they fought too fiercely, or because they suffered a disadvantage in the battle.The warriors who were still standing continued to shake their fists. They had already been beating madly, and there was only one way to stop them, and that was to knock them all down to the ground!
Liu Gen looked at these fighting fighters, with a little helplessness on his face, it seemed that these fighters were not good enough.In the fierce battle, they couldn't control their emotions perfectly, and they didn't even listen to his instructor's orders, which undoubtedly had some problems.

The next moment, Liu Gen took the initiative to rush towards these fighting fighters. When these red-eyed fighters saw Liu Gen rushing, they threw their fists at Liu Gen regardless of Liu Gen's identity as their instructor. Come on.

Seeing this scene, some soldiers who were eliminated in the battle became a little more focused. They wanted to see the strength of the instructor Liu Gen.If Liu Gen couldn't easily defeat these fighters whose physical strength was almost exhausted, then it didn't seem to matter that they failed to enter the special operations team.

After all, Liu Gen, as the instructor of the special warfare team, more or less represents the face of the special warfare team. Even Liu Gen, the instructor, is not strong enough, so what can the soldiers learn when they enter the special warfare team?

The eliminated fighters had an attitude of looking forward to the show. They didn't know how strong Liu Gen was, but even with a certain amount of strength, it would not be so easy to easily defeat these red-eyed fighters .These fighters didn't think that Liu Gen could easily solve this matter. Those who were eliminated couldn't join the special operations team, so they naturally wanted to see Liu Gen lose some face.

But when Liu Gen kicked the fighter who had taken the initiative to punch to the ground with a random kick, and kicked the fighter two or three meters away, the soldiers watching the battle fell silent.

Being able to kick a fighter two or three meters is enough to show how powerful Liu Gen is, and when they saw the kicked fighter pat the dust on his body and then get up, the eliminated fighters became more and more silent .Just from Liu Genlu's hand, they can understand how strong the instructor Liu Gen is.

Thinking of being eliminated and not having the opportunity to join the special operations team, these fighters felt extremely uncomfortable.

If I had known that Liu Gen, the instructor, had such a strong strength, then these soldiers would have joined the special warfare team even if they didn't want to die.For the soldiers, they don't want to let go of any opportunity to improve their own strength. There is such a strong instructor as Liu Gen in the special warfare team. How can they not improve after entering the special warfare team?

These eliminated fighters kept their eyes on Liu Gen. They could see Liu Gen punching or kicking other fighters at will. These fighters would be easily knocked down by Liu Gen. No one could stop Liu Gen.The number of fighters who were still standing in the training ground decreased rapidly. In less than a minute, the dozen or so fighters who were still standing were all knocked to the ground by Liu Gen!
Those soldiers who were easily knocked down by Liu Gen all had a little more fear of Liu Gen in their eyes. Even Xue Bing suffered an indiscriminate disaster and was knocked to the ground by Liu Gen.

Lying on the ground, Xue Bing could feel the soreness on his body, where he was hit by other fighters' fists.Xue Bing looked at Liu Gen with a complicated expression, his eyes filled with helplessness. He knew that Liu Gen didn't use his full strength in the previous sparring with Liu Gen.But this time when Liu Gen attacked him again, Xue Bing found that he seemed to have overestimated himself and underestimated Liu Gen's strength.

When Liu Gen shot at him, Xue Bing was well prepared. His physical strength was a little exhausted, but he still had the strength to fight. He didn't believe that he would not be able to stop Liu Gen's punch.But when Liu Gen's fist really landed, Xue Bing found that he really couldn't stop it. Even if he tried his best, he couldn't resist that simple punch at all.

"What are you doing lying on the ground? Still not getting up?" Liu Gen looked at the soldiers who had been knocked down by him with a very serious expression.

The soldiers' expressions were serious, and they didn't dare to have any hesitation. They quickly stood up. After seeing the strength of the instructor Liu Gen, no soldier wanted to be the one who was eliminated.For these fighters, Liu Gen's test of them today was a big blow, and they found that their strength was still not strong enough.

Among these fighters, Xue Bing must have been the hardest hit. He found that the gap between himself and Liu Gen seemed to be getting bigger and bigger!
Before that, Xue Bing had a lot of information about being able to catch up with Liu Gen and have the same strength as Liu Gen, but now?Xue Bing found with some despair that it might be quite difficult for him to catch up with Liu Gen.

"You fifteen fighters have successfully passed this test and are qualified to join the special warfare team. Before you join the special warfare team, I want to introduce you to the special warfare team."

"The special operations team is a special operations force formed by our 120th division with the strength of the whole division. It will be equipped with the most advanced weapons and equipment in our army and carry out the most dangerous combat missions. It can be said that joining the special operations team will bring you You need to perform a lot of dangerous tasks, and even let a team of you sneak into the hinterland of the devils, "

"The combat mission is very dangerous, and the training will be very hard. I can tell you that the chances of casualties in the battle will be very high! Now that you have not officially become a member of the special operations team, I can give you a chance to quit! "

"Exit now, you still have a chance, wait until you enter the special operations team and become a member of it, then unless you can't continue to fight, you must continue to stay in the special operations team and continue to perform combat missions! Now, think If you want to give up, come out, and I will not pursue it!" Liu Gen looked at the soldiers present and said in a cold voice.

The eliminated fighters not far away looked enviously at those who successfully passed. Even though they heard that the special operations team needed to carry out dangerous combat missions, they still wanted to join the special operations team very much.Joining the Eighth Route Army, aren't these soldiers just to fight devils?The soldiers can all be sure that there will definitely be many good opportunities to kill devils in the special operations team.

What's more, these fighters are the elite of various units, and most of them have experienced many battles. They know very well that in battle, casualties are inevitable.Even if they stay on the front line, there will be a high casualty rate. Joining a special team has the opportunity to improve their own strength. If casualties occur during the execution of missions, then they can only blame themselves for not training hard enough.

Liu Gen looked at the soldiers in front of him. He could see that the faces of these soldiers hadn't changed. As soldiers, they were already ready to sacrifice at any time.These fighters are able to become the elite of the various units because of their real swords and guns. They are the ones who rush to the forefront every time they fight. What is sacrifice to them?
"Very good! It seems that you are all fully prepared!"

"Listen to my order now, and go back to the rooms arranged by the division for you to rest. We will start formal training tomorrow." Liu Gen's face was still indifferent, which put a lot of pressure on these soldiers.

At this time, a soldier came out and shouted: "Instructor, I have a question."

Liu Gen stopped, turned around and looked at the soldier who came out. The slightly cold eyes made the soldier feel a lot of pressure, but even so, he still looked at Liu Gen firmly. Come out, this warrior is courageous.

"Ask! Next time you have a problem, you need to call for a report!" Liu Gen said.

A look of joy appeared on the soldier's face, and he quickly said, "Yes!"

"Instructor, I would like to ask why the comrade next to him couldn't join the special warfare team. In the battle just now, this comrade was very strong. With his strength, he is qualified to join the special warfare team. "

Xue Bing on the side was stunned. He looked at the soldier in surprise, but he didn't expect that the soldier came out to let himself join the special team.Xue Bing was silent. He knew that this soldier was for his own good. If he wasn't Liu Gen's bodyguard, then he would definitely choose to join the special operations team.

But now, Xue Bing is Liu Gen's bodyguard. If he joins the special operations team, he will lose the watermelon and pick up the sesame seeds.

"Oh, it's this matter." A smile flashed in Liu Gen's eyes, but no one noticed.In the early days of the formation of the special operations team, Liu Gen needed to ensure that he had enough majesty, so that these fighters would not dare to be lazy in training.

Liu Gen knew that for these soldiers, they needed a strict instructor rather than a gentle instructor.

"Comrade Xue Bing, do you want to join the special warfare team? With your strength, there is no problem in joining the special warfare team." Liu Gen looked at Xue Bing, who was on the side, and asked directly.

Xue Bing shook his head hastily, "I don't think so. I'd rather stay by your side and be your bodyguard. I can learn more by following you."

The soldier looked at Xue Bing in astonishment. He didn't expect that Xue Bing would be the guard of Liu Gen, the instructor. With Liu Gen's strength, does he need any more guards?Soon, the soldier came to his senses, and he looked at Xue Bing with some envy. It is undoubtedly a better choice to be a guard by Liu Gen's side, and he can learn more things.

I have been by Liu Gen's side all the time, as long as I want to learn more, what can I not learn?
"Let's go back to the team! Gather at this training ground at six o'clock tomorrow morning! On the first day of your training, I don't want anyone to be late!" Liu Gen said.

"Yes!" The soldiers shouted in unison.

Liu Gen nodded in satisfaction. When these soldiers roared, they still looked good, which was very good.

Seeing Liu Gen leave, the soldiers present couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The pressure Liu Gen brought to them was too great. If Liu Gen was really allowed to stay here, the soldiers might not even dare to act on their own.Xue Bing, who hadn't left yet, looked at these soldiers and felt a little emotional in his heart. Finally, someone could understand his feelings.

When Xue Bing and Liu Gen are together, there will be a lot of pressure. The gap between him and Liu Gen is too big. Even if Liu Gen doesn't say anything, his pressure is based on a lot.

"Hi, I'm Xue Bing, thank you for your opening just now." Xue Bing came to the soldier who spoke for him just now, and said with a smile.

As Liu Gen's bodyguard, Xue Bing didn't have to choose to join the special operations team, but even so, it was undoubtedly extremely rare for this soldier to speak up for him.

"You're welcome, I thought you were the same as us, but I didn't expect you to be the instructor's guard." The soldier scratched his head and smiled honestly.

The smile on Xue Bing's face became more and more obvious, "Leave it to a friend, I'm Xue Bing, are you?"

"Zhang Shun, just call me Shunzi. Don't you need to follow the instructor?" Zhang Shun asked.

Xue Bing reacted, he looked in the direction Liu Gen was leaving, and found that Liu Gen was about to leave his sight, which made him realize that he needed to leave, "I must follow, then I will go first , we will talk later."

Before Zhang Shun could answer, Xue Bing ran towards Liu Gen directly, but after some fighting, his physical strength was exhausted a lot. Even if Liu Gen didn't walk fast, he still needed to catch up with Liu Gen. It takes a certain amount of time.When Xue Bing successfully caught up with Liu Gen, 5 minutes had passed, and he came to Liu Gen's side, panting.

"Xue Bing, you can go back and rest directly. You will train with the special warfare team starting tomorrow. Your strength is not strong enough." Liu Gen turned to look at Xue Bing beside him, and said so.

Xue Bing nodded helplessly, and could only watch Liu Gen walk towards the training ground again after he left.Xue Bing is not going to go back to rest. His strength is not enough, so he needs to seize all the time to train and improve himself to make himself stronger.

Maybe Liu Gen didn't think there was something in what he said, and if his strength was too weak, he had to say it directly. When he was on the battlefield, he would have no time to continue to improve his strength.

For Xue Bing, Liu Gen's words still caused him a lot of blows. Even though he clearly knew that his own strength was not strong enough, he still felt a little uncomfortable.This kind of discomfort made Xue Bing have no idea of ​​resting. He needed to go to the training ground to train, and he needed to seize all the time to train. Only in this way could he continue to be Liu Gen's bodyguard.

When Xue Bing returned to the training ground, he could see those soldiers selected by Liu Gen to join the special operations team were training seriously, which made him slightly taken aback. Are these comrades working so hard?Xue Bing knew that these fighters were not in good condition, much worse than him, but even so, these fighters were still training.

"Comrade Xue Bing, why are you back? Does the instructor have anything to say?" Zhang Shun saw Xue Bing returning to the training ground, stopped training, and came over to ask.

Xue Bing shook his head in silence, and after a while, he said, "I'm back for training."

(End of this chapter)

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