I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 549 We Accept the Punishment

Chapter 549 We Accept the Punishment
"Look! It took a full 26 minutes for the five-kilometer cross-country, and the fastest time was 24 minutes. Do you think your results are very good?"

"The five-kilometer cross-country area this time is nothing, and there is no difficulty, but even so, you still spent so long, do you really think you have done a good job? Let me tell you, after entering the special operations team, I have high demands on you, and I hope you can set higher demands on yourself!" Liu Gen reprimanded the soldiers present, leaving them speechless,

In the eyes of these fighters, it is not bad to spend such time on the five-kilometer cross-country training in the morning. If other fighters are to come, it will definitely consume more time.

"Report!" Zhang Shun shouted suddenly.

Liu Gen looked at Zhang Shun coldly, which made Zhang Shun feel a lot of pressure immediately, and made him understand that if he couldn't say anything, then he would definitely be punished by Liu Gen.

"Say!" Liu Gen said coldly.

Zhang Shun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "I want to know what the instructor expects of us?"

The other soldiers looked at Liu Gen, and they also wanted to know what Liu Gen's request was, so that they could ask themselves to work hard to do this during training.Only after knowing Liu Gen's requirements for them can the fighters have enough motivation, and with standards, the fighters can perform better.

"It's very simple. With no weight, you can run a five-kilometer cross-country in 8 minutes, and with a weight of 20 kilograms, you can run it in [-] minutes!" Liu Gen said directly.

The soldiers gasped. Such a requirement was a little too high. You must know that it took them more than 20 minutes to finish the five-kilometer cross-country run this time.Wanting to shorten the time to the time Liu Gen said would undoubtedly cost their lives, and required their insane training.

"What? Do you think you can't do it? Or do you have a problem with me?" Liu Gen looked at the soldiers and asked in a cold voice.

The soldiers lowered their heads, not daring to look at Liu Gen, the instructor, and none of them had any intention of confronting Liu Gen.It's just that these soldiers were a little dissatisfied. Liu Gen's demands on them were a bit too high. Even Liu Gen himself couldn't run into such a time, so why did he demand so much from them?
"Zhang Shun, come out!"

"Hold this watch. Count the time for me. I want to show you how bad you are! With your current strength, you don't have any capital to be proud of!" Liu Gen took off the watch and handed it to Zhang Wei , his face was very serious.

Zhang Shun looked at Liu Gen in surprise, but he didn't expect Liu Gen to make such a decision. No matter how powerful Liu Gen was, he had already followed them for five kilometers, how much faster could he run this time?

"Get ready for the timer!"



Liu Gen gave himself an order, and the moment he said the beginning, he jumped out. As the instructor of the special operations team, Liu Gen wanted these soldiers to obey his orders obediently, so he needed to fight Get rid of the arrogance of these fighters and let them know how big the gap is.Even if the soldiers didn't show dissatisfaction this time, Liu Gen would still find an opportunity to get rid of the arrogance of these soldiers.

A sufficiently strong special operations team will never be proud, and will always know what to do and understand its own shortcomings.

When the soldiers saw Liu Gen rushing out, they were a little surprised. They didn't expect Liu Gen to use such a method to prove that after running five kilometers, isn't Liu Gen worried about his grades?Some soldiers couldn't help talking, and soon, more and more soldiers were talking, and the area where the special operations team was located seemed a little noisy.

"Quiet! We must keep quiet until the instructor comes back!"

"We are all elites from various units, and we have passed the test of the instructor to be able to enter the special warfare team. Do you want to be known by the instructor? And then be kicked out of the special warfare team? If you really want to think like this, then You can continue." The noise around made Zhang Shun a little annoyed, and he looked at the soldiers present, wondering why they didn't have the slightest sense of urgency in their hearts.

Now they have successfully entered the special warfare team, but this only means that they will receive training from the instructor Liu Gen here. Only by achieving good enough results in the training can they successfully stay in the special warfare team middle.It can be said that these people cannot be regarded as full-fledged members of the special operations team, but can only be regarded as reserve members.

The soldiers fell silent. They looked at Zhang Shun who looked annoyed, but they had no way to refute.The soldiers knew that what Zhang Shun said was right, they had just entered the special operations team, and the training this morning failed to satisfy the instructor Liu Gen. At this moment, what do they have to be proud of?

Seeing these soldiers calm down, Zhang Shun turned his head away, he was a little annoyed, he was a very serious person.In the previous training of the army, he could achieve good enough results every time to become the object of worship of other soldiers, but when he came to the first training of the special operations team, his results were very poor.

Xue Bing and Xiao Li were a little ashamed. When the soldiers were talking just now, they also started talking in low voices. They never thought of stopping other soldiers like Zhang Shun did.With the abilities of Xue Bing and Xiao Li, they should be able to think of this and take action, but now, their performance is far from their own abilities.

After 10 minutes passed, the soldiers waited anxiously. The five-kilometer cross-country training in the morning consumed too much energy. They were a little hungry and wanted to eat.But even so, the soldiers did not make any movement. Even if someone wanted to make a move, but the others did not respond, this person would not dare to continue.

Zhang Shun kept looking in the direction where Liu Gen left. He felt that Liu Gen, the instructor, might be able to bring some surprises. He could become the instructor of the special warfare team. Zhang Shun was sure that Liu Gen was not stupid, which meant that He must be sure to run the time within 10 minutes.If Liu Gen took more than 20 minutes to come back, then he would have no face to continue to be the instructor of the special warfare team.

Even if the bosses at the headquarters force Liu Gen to be the instructor of his special warfare team, he will not be willing. As an instructor, he should be stronger than the soldiers of the special warfare team. Only in this way can the soldiers learn to enough stuff.

It is also because of this that Zhang Shun can be sure that Liu Gen will come back within ten minutes. I hope Liu Gen can set a benchmark for them, so that everyone will work harder in training.

Just when Zhang Shun was thinking about when Liu Gen would come back, Liu Gen's figure appeared in his sight, and he could see Liu Gen running at a very fast speed.At this time, Zhang Shun suddenly found that Liu Gen's speed seemed to be almost the same as the speed at the start. Could it be that Liu Gen maintained such a fast speed the whole time?Only by maintaining such a fast speed can I just come back so fast.

When this idea appeared in Zhang Shun's mind, Zhang Shun froze in place. If Liu Gen could maintain such a bursting speed with all his strength, it would be a bit too scary.

"Look at the time." Liu Gen came to Zhang Shun and said directly.

Zhang Shun came to his senses and quickly looked at the time on his watch. In an instant, his expression froze, Liu Gen's time was too short!Before Liu Gen set off, Zhang Shun carefully checked the time, it was 06:30, but now?It was only 43:13, that is to say, after running five kilometers, Liu Gen went straight for [-] minutes?This is a bit too scary, right?
It only took 13 minutes for the five-kilometer off-road. Zhang Shun is sure of this time, and it will definitely become a goal that the soldiers cannot surpass in a short time. It is even said that it will be extremely difficult for the soldiers to reach this time.

"Huh? Is the watch broken?" Seeing that Zhang Shun didn't say anything about himself, Liu Gen frowned. The watch was broken, and he might have to make another trip.

Zhang Shun quickly shook his head, "No, it's not bad, I'm just too shocked by the results you have achieved, instructor."

"The instructor's five-kilometer cross-country score was 13 minutes. In terms of preparation, it was less than 13 minutes, 10 minutes and 55 seconds!"

In order to prove the correctness of this data, Zhang Shun took the watch in front of the soldiers and asked them to confirm the time. After reading it, the faces of the soldiers were full of shock, and the seriousness of looking at Liu Gen was full of admiration. color.After these fighters reacted, they were a little ashamed. Liu Gen, the instructor, only took 13 minutes for the five-kilometer cross-country, but what are the requirements for them?It is undoubtedly a lot easier.son
The soldiers didn't want to be able to reach Liu Gen's level. They felt that they had to at least meet Liu Gen's level. If they couldn't even meet Liu Gen's level, then they had no reason to stay in the special warfare team.

"Very good, you go back to the team!" Liu Gen glanced at Zhang Shun with satisfaction, this Zhang Shun is still very good, at least he felt that he had a certain ability.

After Zhang Shun returned to the team, Liu Gen took a step forward, and the expressions of the soldiers instantly became tense. Seeing Liu Gen's serious dark complexion, they felt that they would definitely be reprimanded again.Compared with Liu Gen's running results, the results of these fighters are a bit too poor, and they couldn't even run within 10 minutes.

"Today is everyone's first day of training in the special warfare team. As your instructor, I can understand everyone's state and will give you a certain amount of time to adjust."

"I don't need to worry about the results you have achieved in training today, but I hope to achieve good enough results in training tomorrow. Only in this way can I have a reason for you to stay in the special warfare team." Liu Gen Looking at these soldiers, they were not as cold as they imagined, which made the soldiers heave a sigh of relief.

The soldiers looked at each other with obvious firmness in their eyes. Today is fine, they are not prepared enough, but when the training starts tomorrow, their results cannot go any lower.The soldiers found that they would rather Liu Gen open his mouth to scold them a few words than Liu Gen's gentle speech, which was like a soft knife to them, killing without blood.

"Xue Bing, Brother Li, you two come out! The training results on the first day are not important, but being late for training is another matter. Do you think it is necessary for you to stay in the special warfare team?" Liu Gen looked at Xue Bing and the two said directly without mercy.

The faces of Xue Bing and the two were a bit ugly. Under Liu Gen's gaze, they were under a lot of pressure, "We don't have any thoughts of leaving the special operations team. Today's late arrival is just an accident."

"Accident? I don't want to hear any reason. Are you two accepting punishment for being late this time?" Liu Gen asked directly.

Seeing that Liu Gen didn't tell them to leave the special warfare team directly, Xue Bing and Xiao Li were overjoyed. As long as they could stay in the special warfare team, they were not worried about being punished by Liu Gen. They can accept any kind of punishment.

"We accept the punishment! As long as we can continue to stay in the special warfare team, no matter how you punish us, the instructor, there is no problem." Xue Bing and the two quickly replied.

The other soldiers watched all this and wondered what kind of punishment Liu Gen would give to Xue Bing and the two of them. This punishment would definitely become the standard for Liu Gen to punish them in the future.If the punishment is severe, the soldiers will know that they will not be able to survive in the special operations team. They need to maintain a tight state every day, and they cannot make any mistakes easily.

"Very good! Then go run now. When you can run for 19 minutes today, you can stay in the special operations team. If you can't do it, you can leave directly." Liu Gen said.

Immediately, the faces of Xue Bing and the two were a little ugly. Even if they saw that Liu Gen was able to run a five-kilometer cross-country in 13 minutes, they knew that it would be very difficult for them to meet Liu Gen's requirements. Can it be easily achieved?But when Xue Bing and the others saw the seriousness on Liu Gen's face, they knew that there was no room for negotiation on this punishment.

"You can think about it carefully, stay if you think you can finish it, and leave if you can't, so as not to waste energy." Liu Gen said again.

Xue Bing and the two directly shook their heads vigorously, and said very seriously: "We will try our best to do it. If you have made such a request, then we must have the ability to achieve it."

"In any case, we will try our best to run the five-kilometer cross-country run within 9 minutes, and then successfully stay in the special operations team."

Seeing Xue Bing's firm faces, Liu Gen didn't say anything, but let them return to the team. To him, he didn't care whether Xue Bing and Xue Bing could meet the requirements. Then stay in the special operations team.If you can't do it, just let them go, it's very simple.

"Now follow me to the cooking class for breakfast. After breakfast, you have half an hour to rest. After the rest, gather in the training ground." Liu Gen confessed.

The soldiers looked bitter, realizing that they might need to train all day long, and there was not much time left for them to relax.

(End of this chapter)

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