I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 55 Is It Important?

Chapter 55 Is It Important?
"Are these people so bold?" Liu Gen was wearing the clothes of the puppet army, with doubts on his face.

Liu Gen could see that the vigilance of these puppet troops who came to rotate was so low that they failed to notice anything wrong.Seeing the puppet army getting closer and closer to the gun tower, Ding Wei took a [-] rifle from the soldier and aimed at the puppet army leader who was walking in the front!

"Da da da"

The light and heavy airports fired together, catching the puppet army by surprise.

After Ding Wei fired the first shot, the soldiers of the new regiment broke off the fire decisively. Two heavy machine guns, light machine guns, and rifles were all used, and some soldiers even threw prepared grenades into the crowd of puppet soldiers.The sudden firing stunned the unsuspecting puppet troops. The puppet troops fell down row by row, and they failed to react.

Originally, the firepower of the new regiment was stronger than them, and the puppet army was not at all prepared, and they couldn't react to the sudden fire of the new regiment.Moreover, these puppet troops stood in the middle of the street without any bunkers.After a round of shooting, the soldiers ceased fire, and the remaining puppet troops were less than 100 people. Before the soldiers of the new regiment spoke to persuade them to surrender, the remaining puppet troops raised the white flag and chose to surrender.

Liu Gen looked at the white underwear held up by the puppet army, with a little helplessness on his face. These puppet soldiers were a little too unreliable, and even used white underwear as a white flag to surrender.Following Ding Wei down the turret, the soldiers were disarming the surrendered puppet troops, and nothing would happen.

"Boss, boss, we are very cooperative with your Eight Routes' actions, show mercy and spare our lives!" Watching Ding Wei leave, Li Liangshan and others shouted quickly.

Ding Wei didn't respond, and the soldiers stopped Li Liangshan and the others. Puppet army officers like Li Liangshan did a lot of evil things.Just the women Liu Gen saw last night made Liu Gen sentence them to death in his heart. Liu Gen believed that Li Liangshan and others must have done this kind of thing before.It was Liu Gen who told Ding Wei about this, and Ding Wei didn't respond.

Seeing Ding Wei and the others leave, Li Liangshan and the others had a bit of despair in their eyes, and they realized that they would not be easily let go.But even knowing this, Li Liangshan and the others have nothing to do. They don't want to die, but Ding Wei doesn't give them any chance, so they can only wait for the moment of death to come.

Walking out of the gun tower, Ding Wei ordered the soldiers to transfer immediately with the captured puppet troops. With these captured puppet troops, they could also be allowed to carry supplies for the new regiment.Originally, Ding Wei wanted to release some of the captives. Taking these people back, they had to eat every day. The Xinyi Regiment did not have so many supplies for these captives.But under Liu Gen's suggestion, Ding Wei gave up this idea. It would be good to bring these captives back, and it should be of great help.

At least with the existence of these captives, the soldiers can relax a bit and don't have to waste time on reclaiming wasteland.When transporting supplies and leaving, these captives can also carry some supplies for transfer. They have no weapons in their hands and have no way to escape.But even so, all the materials in Fangshan Town could not be transported away, and finally Ding Wei decided to distribute the remaining materials to the people in Fangshan Town.

Most of the people in Fangshan Town are not getting enough to eat. With these grains, they should be able to eat more.I just don't know if the devils will vent their efforts on these people after they return to Fangshan Town. Ding Wei has persuaded the people to leave Fangshan Town. This is a key town controlled by the devils. More oppression, but Ding Wei's words didn't have much effect.Except for some young people, other people rarely have the idea of ​​leaving Fangshan Town.

Regarding this, Ding Wei was quite helpless, and he could only hope that these people would not have any accidents in Fangshan Town.

Two hours later, the soldiers and captives of the Xinyi Regiment carried the captured supplies into the Gedonggou mountain and disappeared without a trace.After the Xinyi regiment left, there was also a loud explosion on the Beichuan River, and the boat used by the devils to transport supplies was blown up by Zhang Dabiao.The new regiment could not take these ships away, but it would not choose to leave them to the devils either.

Entering the Gedonggou Mountain, Zhang Dabiao led some soldiers to clean up the traces left by the soldiers.By the time the soldiers of the Xinyi Regiment returned to Xinghua Village with their supplies, it was already evening. During this period, the soldiers of the Xinyi Regiment took many detours in order to prevent the devils from finding Xinyi through the traces left by the soldiers. The location where the regiment is stationed.

Although Zhang Dabiao led the soldiers to deal with the aftermath, no one could guarantee that there would be no traces left behind. Such a detour was still very necessary.

Liu Gen has been by Ding Wei's side all the time. He found that Ding Wei's thinking is very careful and cunning. To be safe, Ding Wei found several places to store supplies.Even if the devils found a new regiment's garrison, the new regiment could retreat decisively, and the devils would not gain much at all.From Ding Wei's arrangements, Liu Gen also saw that Ding Wei was a little worried about the devil's revenge.

After returning to Xinghua Village, Ding Weicai relaxed a lot, but he still sent many soldiers to keep vigilant. He even sent several soldiers to stay in Gedonggou Mountain to observe the situation in Fangshan Town.At that time, once the devil makes a move, Ding Wei will have enough time to react.

"Regimental Commander, are you a little too nervous? The devils are fighting with our large army, and they won't be able to spare the energy to deal with us." In the regiment headquarters, Liu Gen looked at Ding Wei who was studying the map seriously, and couldn't help it. asked.

Ding Wei looked up at Liu Gen, and shook his head, "Genzi, you have fought devils so many times, don't you know the devil's fighting style? They have always had nothing to lose, and they will repay each other!"

"When there is a problem in Fangshan Town, the devils will definitely realize that there are troops from the Eighth Route Army not far from Fangshan Town, and Fangshan Town is a town under their important control. Do you think they will let us go easily? They won't let us go. With troops like ours that can pose a threat to its control of towns at any time, only by beating the devils who come to retaliate so that they dare not enter the mountains or leave Fangshan Town easily can we guarantee our new regiment. It's safe!" Ding Wei said coldly.

Liu Gen's eyes lit up, "Leader, what are your plans?"

"It's very simple, I want to prepare some good things for the devils! In the past two days, you will bring the artillery company to prepare for the battle. Once the devils make a move, our soldiers will also move!" Ding Wei said solemnly.

Liu Gen nodded vigorously, "Regiment commander! Don't worry! I'll go back and urge the soldiers of the artillery company to train harder! Let you see the combat effectiveness of our artillery company!"

After leaving the regiment headquarters, Liu Gen returned directly to the artillery company. He could see that the soldiers of the artillery company were training hard, but a few soldiers were slack in training!
The soldiers in training didn't notice Liu Gen's arrival, until Liu Gen came to those slack soldiers with a cold face, these soldiers didn't react!The first few slack soldiers saw Liu Gen and realized that what they did was viewed by the company commander Liu Gen. This made them train quickly and seriously, not daring to slack off any more!
Looking coldly at these fighters who were no longer slacking off, Liu Gen didn't make any moves. Under Liu Gen's gaze, these fighters were under a lot of pressure, and they didn't know how Liu Gen would punish them.

After a complete training session, Liu Gen chose to speak, "I watched everyone's training just now, and most of them worked very hard, only a few of them slacked off! I won't pursue the slack this time, but there will be another time." If you slack off, you can leave the artillery company! Our artillery company does not need any soldier who slackens in training, every slack is irresponsible to the comrades around him!"

"Teaching you for a while, everyone knows how powerful the high-explosive shells equipped with the Type 22 infantry artillery are. The explosion radius is [-] meters. If there is any negligence, our entire artillery company will be ruined! I hope to be slack Soldiers can think about whether the lives of you and your comrades around you are important!"

 ps: Thank you YyLove for your reward, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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