I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 557 The end of training

Chapter 557 The end of training
On April 1943, 4, this day was the day when the soldiers of the special operations team of the 23th Division ended their training. For the soldiers of the special operations team, it was a memorable day.

When the soldiers first heard Liu Gen's announcement that the training was over, these soldiers didn't believe it. The soldiers thought that Liu Gen must be testing them in another way, but who knew that the training was really going to end this time.When this matter was suddenly confirmed, the soldiers were a little silent. The training in less than two months, for them, felt like a world away.

Liu Gen looked at the soldiers in the training ground. During the training, five fighters were eliminated. He still remembers the scene when those five fighters left the special operations team.

Compared with other fighters, those five fighters progressed a bit slowly and couldn't keep up with the rhythm of training, which made their results in training always lag behind.As an instructor, Liu Gen gave the five fighters a certain amount of time to adjust, but unfortunately, the five fighters failed to adjust, and finally had no choice but to leave the special warfare team.

Regarding the departure of these five fighters, Liu Gen felt a little helpless and regretful. The moment he became the instructor of the special operations team, it meant that he had to try to maintain enough fairness and justice.

That's why Liu Gen would mercilessly reprimand Xue Bing and Xiao Li when they had problems in training. It was very simple, he didn't want Xue Bing to still remember their previous identities after entering the special operations team.Anyone who enters the special warfare team for training has only one identity, that is, a member of the special warfare team, and must obey Liu Gen's orders unconditionally.

"The seven of you are the result of special team training. The end of today's training does not mean that you have time to relax."

"Li Zhuang, Zhang Shun, the two of you will be the chief and deputy captains of the special operations team from now on, and I will give you one day to kill the devil's stronghold as your first combat mission after training, I hope you can complete it smoothly. "

"As for the time, it's within three days. I hope you don't make too much noise about the combat mission this time. You should understand, right?" Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Shun and Li Zhuang with a few eyes. very much looking forward to.In the training, Li Zhuang performed very well. Zhang Shun was a little proud in the early stage, but later he tried to catch up. Perhaps it was because of Zhang Shun's good learning ability that made him stand out in the end.

In fact, Li Zhuang is more suitable to be the captain, but because Zhang Shun has experienced more battles, has more combat experience, and has a more stable personality, Liu Gen chose to make Zhang Shun the captain of the special warfare team, while Li Zhuang For the vice-captain.

Liu Gen believes that with the leadership of Li Zhuang and Zhang Shun, the special operations team will not have any problems in completing this combat mission.

Unlike in the 129th Division, Liu Gen did not choose to follow the soldiers of the 120th Division's special warfare team to perform missions this time.These two months of training have made these fighters sufficiently improved. In addition, there are not too many devils in the stronghold. It is not difficult for them to kill the devils in the stronghold. The only thing they need to consider is the issue of time. .

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Zhang Shun and Li Zhuang looked at each other, and they could see the firmness in each other's eyes.

Two months of hard training and two months of pressure made Zhang Shun and the others want to use the blood of the enemy to witness their own growth, and they were eager to carry out this combat mission.

"Weapons and equipment, you go directly to the military supply office to get them. There are special warfare equipment that you have been exposed to during training. Even if it is just a stronghold for dealing with the enemy, I hope you will not take it lightly." Liu Gen asked again.

Liu Gen spent a lot of energy on this special operations team. He hoped that the special operations team could perfectly complete the first actual combat mission, and not cause problems in this actual combat mission due to his own pride or contempt.

"Yes!" The soldiers shouted in unison.

After taking a deep look at these soldiers again, Liu Gen turned and left. The soldiers of the special operations team will need to work hard on their own, and Liu Gen can't help much.Liu Gen also didn't want to stay and interfere with the judgment of the soldiers of the special warfare team. The number of combat missions performed by the soldiers will continue to increase in the future, and it is impossible to rely on Liu Gen for everything.

Even if the soldiers were willing to do this, Liu Gen himself would not be willing. He didn't want the soldiers to be unable to become independent due to his own reasons.

When he came outside the command room of the division headquarters, Xiao Li saw Liu Gen coming, and subconsciously shouted: "Hello, instructor!"

"Brother Li, after the training is over, you don't have to continue calling me instructor." Liu Gen said.

Xiao Li shook his head, "I'd better call you the instructor, I've long been used to calling like this after two months of training. Besides, I did learn a lot during the training of the special operations team."

Seeing Xiao Li's insistence, Liu Gen simply stopped talking about this matter. He knew that Xiao Li was still very stubborn, and even if he tried to persuade him, it would be of no use.What's more, even if Xiao Li calls himself an instructor, there won't be any problems.Just thinking about Xue Bing and Xiao Li's performance in training, Liu Gen was a little dissatisfied.

With the strength of Xue Bing and Xiao Li, they should do better in training, but unfortunately, they failed Liu Gen's expectations and did not have such high demands on themselves, which caused them to be a little slack .

"Even if you leave the special operations team, Brother Li still has to keep training. You still have a lot of room for improvement." Liu Gen said seriously.

Xiao Li nodded vigorously. He understood Liu Gen's meaning, and he didn't feel it when he didn't leave the special operations team.After leaving the special warfare team, Xiao Li realized how much he had missed. Even though the two months of training had improved his strength again, these improvements could have been more, but because of himself , this somewhat embarrassing situation occurs.

If possible, Xiao Li really hopes that he can return to the special warfare team to train again so that he can improve more.

"Brother Li, please report to the commander. I need to explain to him about the special operations team." Liu Gen said.

Before Xiao Li went to the command room, Master He came out of the command room with an obvious smile on his face, "I said it was you boy, that is, you would want such a quick handover, if you change to other People, definitely not so fast."

"What? Just finished the training of the special operations team, and you want to put down the pick?"

Liu Gen was a little helpless, "Mr. He, I'm not a pick, I should have successfully completed the task. The next step is to see the performance of the special operations team in actual combat. I can't always follow."

"Besides, didn't you say that you need me to go to the Artillery Regiment of the Headquarters? I'm not in a hurry? I want to hurry up and get it done so that we can directly execute the combat plan."

Master He laughed. He was quite satisfied with Liu Gen. Next, he needed to see Liu Gen's performance in the artillery regiment of the headquarters. He only hoped that everything would go well, and then carry out the battle plan that had been formulated.

(End of this chapter)

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