I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 566 The Problem in Shilou County

Chapter 566 The Problem in Shilou County
Ahead, the sound of gunshots and grenade explosions sounded suddenly, and Liu Gen led the soldiers to stop.

Liu Gen believed that Captain Yao and the others would not have a big problem with the devil's ambush, but in order to ensure the safety of himself and the soldiers, he still needed to stop.Avoid unexpected situations.

Ten minutes later, a soldier from the cavalry detachment came back and told Liu Gen and others to move on. The devil infantry team was successfully killed by Captain Yao and the soldiers from the cavalry detachment.Hundreds of grenades exploded in the devil's infantry squad. Even if the grenades in the hands of the soldiers were not comparable to the devil's sweet potato grenade, they were still enough to kill a devil in an infantry squad.

When Liu Gen led the soldiers to rendezvous with Captain Yao, he could see that the comrades present were a little excited. Being able to kill a devil infantry squad so easily exceeded everyone's expectations.

Only Captain Yao and Liu Gen remained calm. They knew that this time they easily killed a devil infantry squad, but in order to kill this infantry squad, the cavalry squad also paid nearly [-] grenades as a price.And the cost of [-] grenades is not cheap. Of course, generally speaking, it is still profitable to kill a devil infantry squad with [-] grenades, but not much.

"Keep going!" Upon seeing Liu Gen and the others arriving, Captain Yao gave the order to keep going.

An infantry squad of devils is nothing more than being able to kill these devils does not reflect the combat effectiveness of the cavalry detachment. Ambush the devils and use a lot of grenades. This is not the way the cavalry detachment fights.When the cavalry detachment can ride the horse and whip, and chop off the heads of a large number of devils with the saber in their hands, then they will be qualified to be excited and proud.

The devil infantry squad failed to stop Liu Gen and the others. At nine o'clock in the evening, Liu Gen and the others successfully arrived in Shilou County.Here, Liu Gen and others met the soldiers of the special task force of the division headquarters. The 120th Division shouldered the important task of defending Yan'an, and many troops could not be mobilized.

For this reason, Master He chose to transfer the special task force responsible for the security work of the 120th Division Division to attack Shilou County occupied by the devils.

Shilou County is not too far away from the division headquarters of the 120th Division. Once the division headquarters is in danger, the division headquarters special task force can also return to rescue in the shortest possible time.The probability of the devils attacking the headquarters of the 120th Division is still relatively small. I believe that they will not have the energy to attack the headquarters of the 120th Division in the face of the work of the various units of the 120th Division.

What's more, after the 120th Division achieved its combat goal tonight, the front line of the battle has advanced a lot. If the devil wants to threaten the headquarters of the 120th Division, the chances of being discovered by the 120th Division in the occupied counties are very high .

According to the battle plan formulated by Master He, the devils will be exhausted in the next time, and they will not be able to deploy too many troops to attack the 120th Division, or to attack Yan'an.

As for the situation in the Pacific War, the bosses in Yan'an and the headquarters are very clear that the devils did not have much advantage in the Pacific War.The Pacific War, the confrontation between Japan and the United States, made Japan directly dragged into the quagmire of the war, and it would be very difficult to break free from it.

Especially on April 56, the Japanese general Yamamoto [-] was killed by the US military, which meant that the Japanese army fell into a disadvantage in the Pacific War. To successfully defeat the United States, it undoubtedly needs to invest more troops.On the Chinese battlefield, the Japanese army has too many troops, and it is inevitable that part of the troops will be transferred to leave.

After the Pacific War fell into a disadvantage, the Japanese army will inevitably change its combat strategy on the Chinese battlefield. It is impossible for the Japanese army to win the Chinese war in a short period of time.According to the speculation of the bosses, the devils will inevitably focus on consolidating the currently occupied areas in the future, and it is impossible to launch a large-scale attack.

That's why the battle plan formulated by Master He was approved, and the bosses also wanted to test the devil's reality through this battle.If the devil's counterattack was not that strong, then the other troops of the Eighth Route Army could also make a move, instead of keeping a low profile all the time.

"Commander Yu, what's the current situation in Shilou County?" When he came to the front-line command post of the division's secret service regiment, Liu Gen successfully met with Commander Yu.

Liu Genneng could see that Commander Yu's face was a little dignified. It seems that the division's special agent group's attack on Shilou County was not very smooth. Could it be that there has been a change in the strength of the devils in Shilou County?Or did something else happen?
"Comrade Liu Gen, the attack of our division's teaching regiment was not very smooth. After the devils discovered our troops, they immediately chose to retreat to the center of Shilou County, and used a large number of civilians as hostages to force the comrades of our special mission regiment to fail to continue their offensive. .”

"The devils in Shilou County are very stubborn. As long as we have the slightest thought of attacking, they will directly aim their weapons at the civilians in their hands."


Liu Gen frowned tightly, his face was a little ugly, and he didn't expect that the devil would use such a method to resist the attack of the soldiers of the secret service group.Whether to attack now has become a difficult problem for the special task force of the division headquarters. Once the attack is launched, the devils will inevitably massacre civilians, and the sacrifice is too great.

"Did you report to the teacher? What did the teacher say?" Liu Gen asked.

Head Yu nodded, and said helplessly, "Master told me to wait patiently, don't worry."

Liu Gen was a little puzzled. This shouldn't be what Mr. He said, right? He still knows a little about Mr. He. When encountering such a thing, Mr. He will definitely want to solve it in the shortest possible time. Head Yu waiting patiently?Liu Gen looked towards the small city tower not far away, where the devils and puppet soldiers from Shilou County were gathered there, as well as the civilians who were tied up.

"I don't have any good solution, unless there is a small army that can sneak into the top and cooperate with the inside and outside to kill these devils and puppet troops." Liu Gen didn't think of any good solution after serious thinking.

Suddenly, Liu Gen's face showed obvious joy. He seemed to have guessed what the division commander was thinking. Could it be that the soldiers of the division's special operations team had already entered Shilou County?Liu Gen raised his head and looked up the tower seriously, but at night, no matter how wide his eyes were, he couldn't see clearly what was going on above.

"Captain Yu, get ready, maybe it won't be too long before we launch an attack." Liu Gen said in a deep voice.

Head Yu was a little puzzled and didn't understand why Liu Gen said that, but he still nodded and ordered the soldiers to quietly wipe away at the tower where the devil was. warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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