I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 569 Chu Yunfei's Actions

Chapter 569 Chu Yunfei's Actions
In the Chongqing government, Chairman Jiang learned that the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army had captured five devil counties overnight.

"Send a telegram to the Second Theater Command, strictly ordering all units not to conduct any combat operations."

"The Eighth Route Army was able to take down five devil's counties overnight. It seems that its development speed is very fast, and it should be able to withstand the devil's attack. I hope that the Eighth Route Army can make some big noises in Shanxi and reduce the pressure on the frontal battlefield."

"Send a telegram to Yan'an that the Chongqing government is very happy that the Eighth Route Army has successfully recovered five counties. This is a great victory in the War of Resistance, which means that we have changed from passive defense to active offense. Encourage the troops of the Eighth Route Army to take the initiative to attack the counties occupied by the devils , the Chongqing government will arrange for relevant personnel to take up posts in the recovered county.”

"Strive to restore the order of daily life in the recovered county as soon as possible, and provide convenience for the active offensive of the Eighth Route Army units!"


Soon, the order from the Chongqing government arrived at the Second Theater Command. The units of the Shanxi-Sui Army who originally wanted to take some action suddenly became silent, as if they hadn't seen any changes in the situation in Shanxi.

Jin Sui Army Chu Yunfei's Department, 358 Regiment Headquarters, Chu Yunfei looked at the military map hanging high, his eyes sparkling.

Chu Yunfei was a little happy to learn that the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army took down the five counties of the Devils overnight. As a Chinese, he was very happy to see the counties occupied by the Devils recovered.And in Chu Yunfei's view, with the actions of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army, other units of the Eighth Route Army will inevitably also make actions.

The Eighth Route Army is a whole, and the combat operations of the 120th Division will inevitably attract the attention of the Shanxi Devils.Whether it is to reduce the pressure on the 120th Division or to achieve more achievements, other units of the Eighth Route Army need to make some moves.

"Let go of the staff!"

"Order Qian Bojun to take the first battalion and the machine gun company to advance ten kilometers in the direction of Guizi County, which is the closest to us. At the same time, the artillery battalion of our 358th regiment will move forward for a certain distance to ensure that in the event of a battle with the devils, the artillery battalion's artillery can Arrive immediately!"

"At the same time, tell the friendly troops around us about the actions of our 358th regiment. I, Chu Yunfei, don't care if they move or not. Anyway, I'm going to go." After thinking for a moment, Chu Yunfei gave the order to move forward.

During this period of time, there was not much movement in the area where the 358 regiment was located, and there were few opportunities to fight the devils.There is no way, the devils know the approximate area where the 358 regiment is located, and when advancing, they will choose to bypass the area where the 358 regiment is located.

The devils are not stupid either. They fought against Chu Yunfei's 358th Regiment before, not only did they not take advantage of it, but they suffered a lot of casualties.After the battle with the 358th regiment, the devils around knew that the 358th regiment was not easy to mess with. Unless they got an order from the headquarters, they would rather take a detour than provoke the 358th regiment.

And the 358 regiment has no good way to deal with these devils who choose to detour. Before receiving the order from the Second Theater Command, they cannot have too many combat operations, otherwise the Second Theater Command will not He would easily bypass them, even if Chu Yunfei was highly valued.

"Tuan Zuo, we haven't received an order from the Second Theater Command, so it's probably not a good choice to move forward rashly."

"In addition, according to the usual practice, when encountering such a situation, the command of the headquarters is likely to let our 358 regiment stay in the station, and not to take any combat operations. Besides, this time, it was the 120th division of the Eighth Route Army who took the initiative to provoke the devils and captured them. The county seat in my hands has successfully angered the devils, and will inevitably get crazy revenge from the devils' troops."

"The devils are very afraid of our 358th regiment. This time, if we rashly intervene in this matter, it is very likely that the devils will attack."

"This is not worth the loss. The Eighth Route Army is the Eighth Route Army, and our Jinsui Army is the Jinsui Army. The two do not interfere with each other. If our Jinsui Army troops provoked it this time, then our 358th regiment will do nothing. But this was caused by the Eighth Route Army, and we are not suitable to get involved." Staff Fang raised his glasses and said with a serious expression.

Chu Yunfei frowned. He knew that he would be obstructed by Fang's staff when he issued an order. This happened before.Regarding this, even if he, Chu Yunfei, was the head of the 358 regiment, there was nothing he could do.

"Counselor Fang, I just ordered the troops to advance a certain distance in the direction of the devil's county, not to fight the devil."

"Besides, as a soldier, you need to seize every possible opportunity to win. Once the devil mobilizes troops in the county, with the strength of our 358 regiment, it may not be impossible to take down the devil's county."

"Mr. Yan thinks highly of me and has given us too much support for the 358 regiment. We need to make certain achievements to let Mr. Yan and other units of the Jinsui Army know that my 358 regiment has taken so many weapons and equipment as it should! No No waste at all!" Chu Yunfei said firmly.

Staff Officer Fang looked at Chu Yunfei, and a little helplessness flashed in his eyes. He knew that these were just Chu Yunfei's excuses.Staff Fang stayed in the 358 regiment for so long, how could he not know enough about Chu Yunfei?Among the Jinsui Army, Chu Yunfei is relatively young, and other Jinsui Army troops may have some opinions.

But Staff Fang was sure that these opinions were not many, and he did not dare to express them in front of Chu Yunfei.Even though Chu Yunfei is younger than other people, Chu Yunfei's abilities and the battles he has experienced are completely incomparable to other officers of the Jinsui Army.

"Tuan Zuo, I still hope that you can report to the headquarters of the second theater before taking action, and then attack related actions after obtaining the permission of Commander Yan." Staff Officer Fang was silent for a moment, but still said so.

Chu Yunfei shook his head, "There is no need to report such trivial matters to the headquarters. As the commander of the 358 regiment, I can still do such things."

"It won't be too late to report to the Second Theater Command until we really want to fight the devils. With the strength of the devils, it is impossible to pose much threat to our 358th regiment."

Without waiting for Staff Officer Fang to say anything more, Chu Yunfei turned his head and set his sights on the map again, clearly not intending to continue listening to Staff Officer Fang's opinion.Seeing this, Staff Officer Fang could only sigh in his heart. When Chu Yunfei first came to the 358th regiment, he could still restrain Chu Yunfei.

However, as Chu Yunfei increased his control over the 358 regiment, Staff Fang's opinion became less important. This made Staff Fang very helpless, but there was no good way. Who made Chu Yunfei's background so deep? ?
After all, as a staff officer, he will not be favored by Chief Yan and Chairman Jiang like Chu Yunfei.

(End of this chapter)

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