I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 571 A Confident Devil

Chapter 571 A Confident Devil

There is a city wall in Liulin County, which was left over from the past. After the devils occupied the county, it was reinforced and repaired to a certain extent.

Now, the city wall has become an important reliance for Captain Chen to defend Liulin County. With the city wall, at least it can delay the devils enough time.Unless the devil directly mobilizes enough heavy artillery, the city wall of Liulin County can be destroyed in the shortest time.

"buzzing" "buzzing"

"Captain, the devil plane is coming."

Head Chen looked into the sky, and could see several black spots in the sky approaching Liulin County quickly. They were fighter planes of the devils.The fighters from the devils were not too many. Head Chen originally thought that the devils might dispatch more than a dozen fighters at a time, or even more fighters.

But now there are only a few fighter planes from the Devils coming, which means that the pressure on Liulin County's defense is not as great as expected.

But even so, Captain Chen still didn't dare to underestimate it in the slightest. In the case of the Eighth Route Army, they didn't have enough air defense force in their hands, and there was nothing they could do about the fighter planes coming from the devils.

At this time, Captain Chen suddenly thought of Liu Gen. He had heard of Liu Gen's record of killing several Devil fighter planes. If Liu Gen was in Liulin County, he might still be a threat to the Devil fighter planes.

As for the current artillery in Liulin County, they are not as capable as Liu Gen, so naturally they cannot pose a threat to the Devil fighter.

Head Chen shook his head. He knew that it was impossible for Liu Gen to stay in Liulin County. Even if Liu Gen wanted to, the bosses at the headquarters and Yan'an would not agree.Head Chen just thought about it, he knew how dangerous Liulin County's defense would be next, Liu Gen was a talent, and he didn't want any problems with Liu Gen.

"Has everything been arranged? Tell the comrades to hide well, so as not to be discovered by the Devil fighter planes." Commander Chen asked.

"It's all arranged. The people in the county are all evacuated, and those who are transferred, those who don't want to be transferred, have all entered the air-raid shelter." A soldier replied.

After occupying Liulin County, Head Chen carried out the transfer and evacuation of the masses in the county. Most of the masses obeyed the soldiers' arrangements, only a few diehards made a little noise.

"Very good!" Head Chen nodded in satisfaction.

When the Devil fighter planes arrived over Liulin County, they could find that Liulin County was exceptionally quiet. This made the Devil pilots realize that the Eighth Route Army had long been prepared for air strikes.But even so, the Devil fighter plane swooped down quickly and threw out all the aerial bombs in the magazine.

Aerial bombs whizzed down from the sky and landed in Liulin County. There were loud explosions, and some buildings were directly blown up by Devil's shells.Fortunately, under the aerial bombs thrown by the devils, except for a few people who were unwilling to hide in the air defense facilities, there were not many casualties.

Among them, several aerial bombs fell on the city wall of Liulin County, causing obvious gaps. The destructive power of the aerial bombs was too great, and even the city walls could not be affected.

After the bombing was over, the Devil fighter plane left immediately. Without any trace of the Eighth Route Army troops, the Devil pilot naturally didn't have the need to control the fighter plane to dive and shoot, which was a complete waste.The devil fighters can't use much, and when no trace of the Eighth Route Army soldiers is found, they can't get enough results.

When the devil fighter plane left, the soldiers quickly appeared on the city wall, some of them remained vigilant, while others quickly repaired the gaps in the city wall.The city wall is an important defense facility for the soldiers of the Daredevil Special Agents to resist the attack of the devils, and it is very necessary to repair the city wall.

There was not much time left for the soldiers to repair the city wall. Two or ten minutes later, devil troops appeared one after another in the sight of the soldiers of the Desperate Special Agents.Looking from the city wall, you can see that the devils have used a lot of troops, there are as many as three or four brigades. The only thing to be thankful for is that there are no heavy artillery in the devils' team.

If the devils carry heavy artillery, then regiment leader Chen will consider evacuating Liulin County in the shortest possible time. After all, Liulin County is a fixed target for the devil's heavy artillery. As long as there are enough shells, the devils can do it Repeatedly bombarded Liulin County with artillery shells.

"Let the soldiers get ready! It's going to be a fierce battle!" Captain Chen put down the binoculars in his hand, his face was rather ugly.

From the binoculars, Commander Chen could see that the devils chose to divide their forces. The four devils brigades directly chose to attack the four sides of Liulin County. It can be seen that these devils are very confident and are going to eat the Eighth Route Army of Liulin County directly. force.

Compared with the devils, the troops in Chen's hands are somewhat insufficient. He only has about [-] troops in his hands, and the devils' attacking troops are twice as many as his.But even so, regiment leader Chen still has a certain degree of confidence in defending Liulin County. It is difficult for the devils to exert too much force advantage when the walls of Liulin County cannot be easily destroyed.

In the opinion of regiment leader Chen, the devils did this a little too much. Even if the devil's army is very powerful, it doesn't mean that the devils can take down Liulin County in a short time.

Soon, the battle in Liulin County broke out. The commander of the devil army was very proud. He didn't even have the slightest thought of probing and attacking, and directly launched an all-out attack on Liulin County.After the devils used mortars to shell, devil soldiers from all directions swarmed towards the city wall.

The fighting power of the devil soldiers is not weak. When charging, they still don't forget to look for cover and make various tactical actions.

But unfortunately, these devil soldiers rarely fought siege warfare. They were the devil's defense force in the occupied area, and they didn't have any experience in siege warfare.Even if these devils performed well, it was impossible to avoid the Eighth Route Army soldiers hiding behind the city wall and shooting continuously, and the mortars in the hands of the devils were not strong enough to press the firepower on the city wall.

After the devil soldiers rushed to less than 50 meters from the city wall, the Eighth Route Army soldiers in charge of defense opened fire directly. Heavy machine guns and light machine guns shot at the devil soldiers together. The devil soldiers who rushed forward could not find enough cover.Pieces of devil soldiers fell down, and in less than a minute, hundreds of devil soldiers were directly killed.

Before the devil commander gave the order to retreat, the devil soldiers decisively found a cover and hid. These devil soldiers knew very well that with the exposed firepower of the Eighth Route Army, they continued to charge, and they were absolutely dying.Even if there are ghost soldiers who survived the charge by chance, it is difficult to play a big role.

After seeing the vitality of Liulin County's defense, the commanders of the devil infantry brigades became a little silent. They realized that it would not be easy for them to take down Liulin County before they could kill the firepower points of the Eighth Route Army on the city wall .

The devil commander has tried to use mortars to bombard the city wall, but unfortunately, the technology of the devil artillery is not that good, and the power of the mortar shells is limited, so the mortar does not play its due role .Of course, there are also reasons why the devils chose to divide their troops.

If these devils gather all their artillery, even mortars can have a great impact on Liulin County's defense.But unfortunately, these four devil infantry brigades chose to divide their forces. Before there is a commander with enough weight, it is still somewhat difficult to unite these four devil infantry brigades.

"Let comrades be more vigilant. It's nothing to repel the devil's attack once. Compared with the devil, we don't have much advantage." Captain Chen didn't relax, but became more vigilant.

The defending soldiers naturally understood that they were hiding behind the city wall, except for the soldiers who were in charge of observing the devils, the other soldiers did not dare to relax in the slightest.From the attack launched by the devils, these soldiers could see that the devils had sufficient troops, and compared with the devils, they only had a bit of an advantage.

Throughout the morning, the devils tried to continuously attack Liulin County, but each attack was successfully repelled by the defending soldiers.

It's just that after successfully repelling the devil's attack, the soldiers couldn't see the slightest joy on their faces. These devils are very smart. After they realized that they could not take down Liulin County in a short time, they organized the devil soldiers to continuously attack in small groups. Offensive, so that the soldiers in charge of defense do not get any rest time.

The fighting power of the Devil Squad is not weak, and the soldiers cannot let the Devil Squad approach the city wall, otherwise it will be easy for the Devil Squad to open a gap, and then allow the Devil to successfully rush into the county.The city wall is the only advantage of the soldiers' defense, and unless it is absolutely necessary, the soldiers are not willing to give up the city wall easily.

On the city wall in the north of Liulin County, Captain Chen looked tired. The devils continued to attack in small groups, which consumed too much energy of the soldiers.At the same time, Commander Chen was sure that the devil must be planning a big move, and the defense in the afternoon was the most critical moment.

This time, the 120th Division took advantage of the devil's unpreparedness and took down the devil's five counties in one fell swoop. With the devil's character, he would definitely retaliate fiercely.That is to say, the devil's counterattack is fierce, and they definitely want to resolve the battle in the shortest possible time. Only in this way can the stability of the devil-occupied area be guaranteed.

The devil's counterattack needs to achieve certain results. If these devils can't take back the county occupied by the 120th Division in the shortest time, then the other anti-Japanese troops in the devil-occupied area will inevitably take action.For this point, the devil is very clear, and the Eighth Route Army is also very clear.

In the current battle, Commander Chen needs to lead the soldiers to delay the devils enough time, not too much. As long as there are three days, if the devils do not achieve enough results within three days, it will be difficult for the devils to continue to calm down in the occupied area!
What's more, the 129th Division and 115th Division, as well as other units of the Eighth Route Army, have long been ready to fight, and will attack the Devil's troops at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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