I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 575 Best Chance to Practice

Chapter 575 Best Chance to Practice

Following the order of the devil commander, two devil infantry squads rushed towards the position defended by Battalion Commander Zhang again.

Originally, there were two devil infantry squads attacking the position, but now two more came, so that the devils attacking the position had as many as an infantry squadron.

Seeing that there were two devil squads joining the battle again, Battalion Commander Zhang looked ugly. Are these devils in the offensive position crazy?Can't see your own casualties?In the battle, the casualties of the devils were not small. One devil team was directly killed, and the other devil team also suffered a lot of casualties.

But even so, these ghost soldiers didn't take a step back, as if they didn't know what death was.

"Immediately bring up all the heavy machine guns we are carrying! Damn it! These devils are crazy!" Seeing the devil soldiers approaching the position, Battalion Commander Zhang ordered loudly.

Originally, Battalion Commander Zhang wanted to keep hiding the heavy machine guns that were not deployed, so as to reduce some of his own losses, but looking at the crazy attacking devils, he knew that the heavy machine guns could no longer be hidden.If you continue to hide, the devils are likely to rush to the position. Once the devil soldiers charge up, it will not be so easy to drive these devil soldiers back.

When the devil soldiers rushed to the position, the devil troops in the rear would inevitably rush up immediately. Battalion Commander Zhang knew the seriousness of the problem very well.

After lifting up the hidden heavy machine guns, there were as many as six heavy machine guns firing on the ground. The fact that there were so many heavy machine guns had a lot to do with the Nuanquan Town that Liu Gen and others took down.In Nuanquan Town, Liu Gen and others seized four heavy machine guns. If not, Liu Gen and others would not have had so many heavy machine guns.

With six heavy machine guns, the firepower of a regiment should be like this. The Japanese soldiers who charged forward were repulsed immediately. With such firepower, there is no objection to continuing to charge. It is nothing more than worthless casualties.

Seeing the ghost soldiers retreating, Battalion Commander Zhang quickly ordered the soldiers to act and move all the heavy machine guns to avoid being targeted by the devil artillery.It's just that before the soldiers successfully transferred the heavy machine guns, Battalion Commander Zhang could see the devil's shells attacking in the air.

The Devil Artillery is very experienced. After the Devil Soldiers withdrew a certain distance, they immediately started shelling the position, especially the position where the heavy machine gun was located.

The artillery shells exploded on the ground. Even if the Japanese soldiers couldn't hit each one accurately, they could still successfully blow up the two heavy machine guns with enough shells.And this was just the devil's first round of shelling. After seeing the firepower on the Eighth Route Army's position, it was impossible for the devil's artillery to stop easily.

"Fucking devils, our heavy machine guns are about to lose their hold!" Battalion Commander Zhang scolded angrily when he saw shells continuously hitting the position.

Battalion Commander Zhang hid behind the position, his fists clenched already. It didn't feel good to be crazily suppressed by the devil's artillery fire, and he didn't like it very much.If possible, Battalion Commander Zhang would rather face the crazy charge of the devils than bear the never-ending bombardment of the devils.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

As soon as Battalion Commander Zhang's words fell, shells flew out from the rear of the position quickly, turning into deadly black spots and attacking the position of the devil's artillery.It's just that the position was bombarded crazily by the devil's artillery, so Battalion Commander Zhang and others didn't notice the shells passing quickly through the air.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "..."

A loud explosion suddenly sounded on the Devil Artillery's position. The Devil Artillery who bombarded the Eighth Route Army's position was not at all prepared. Can't pose much threat to them.

But now, the continuous explosions in the Devil Artillery's position made the Devil Artillery realize that they had guessed wrong, and that the Eighth Route Army had quite a few artillery.The price of guessing wrong is that the artillery position was destroyed, and many artillery shells on the position were martyred. Even so, there were still shells in the air attacking quickly.

When the devil commander reacted and realized that his artillery position was under attack, he was already unable to do any counterattack.The artillery position was destroyed, most of the artillery was killed, and the artillery and artillery shells were completely destroyed. It was impossible to launch a counterattack against the artillery of the Eighth Route Army.

Unless these devils forcibly break through the Eighth Route Army's position, it is impossible to threaten Liu Gen and others.

"Battalion Commander! Battalion Commander! The devil artillery has been killed!"

"What did you say? I can't hear you!"

"The devil's artillery was killed! Battalion Commander Liu led the artillery battalion to do it!"


On the battlefield, the soldiers who were enduring the devil's shelling reacted. After the devil's shelling stopped, some soldiers observed the situation of the devil's artillery, and the fact that the devil's artillery position was destroyed happened.The soldiers in the position were very excited. They never thought that Liu Gen's artillery battalion would directly kill the Devil's artillery position. It was the Devil's artillery.

Moreover, judging from the strength of the devil's artillery shelling, the scale of the devil's artillery is not small, and it is not so easy to kill such a devil's artillery.

"Looking at these devils, with the character of devils, they will definitely not choose to give up easily."

"In my opinion, the next is the tough battle we need to fight!"


As Battalion Commander Zhang expected, after half an hour of adjustments, the devils organized an infantry squadron to launch a frenzied attack on the Eighth Route Army's positions.These devils are crazy, even if the artillery is successfully killed by Liu Gen and others, they are not willing to give up the attack.

The situation in Liulin County is a bit grim. Commander Guizi once again received an order from the headquarters, telling him to arrive in Liulin County before the sun goes down, otherwise he should cut open his stomach to thank the Emperor!For this reason, the devil commander had no choice but to organize again. The artillery was destroyed, but the devil still had grenades in his hands. As long as he could charge a certain distance, the grenades could also play a big role.

Seeing that the devils organized troops to attack the position, the artillery battalion, under the command of Liu Gen, decisively launched an artillery attack on the charging devil infantry squadron.Knowing that there was no threat from the devil artillery, the soldiers of the artillery battalion relaxed a lot, and had more time to adjust when shelling.

This also made the shelling of the soldiers of the artillery battalion more accurate. Even though such accuracy was obtained in exchange for the speed of the shelling, in Liu Gen's opinion, it was still very good.

The Artillery Battalion of the 120th Division does not have as many shells as the Devil Artillery, so it can only increase the accuracy of the shelling as much as possible, and kill more Devils with limited shells. Now is undoubtedly the best opportunity for the soldiers of the Artillery Battalion to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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