I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 582 Here Comes the Devil

Chapter 582 Here Comes the Devil
"What? Is there anything I can't see?" Liu Gen asked with a smile.

After receiving the dry rations handed over by Battalion Commander Zhang, Liu Gen directly broke off some of the dry rations. It was very hard, and Liu Gen had enough strength to break off a piece of the dry rations.

Liu Gen put the dry food in his mouth and chewed hard, his teeth a little bit. After eating a piece of dry food, he felt his cheeks hurt a little.Liu Gen looked down at the dry rations in his hand. The hard dry rations that Zhang Yingchang and the others ate were a bit too hard.

"Zhang Battalion Commander, don't you have hot dry food? Why don't you eat hot food?" Liu Gen couldn't help asking.

Before Battalion Commander Zhang could speak, a company commander explained: "Comrade Liu Gen, you don't know that the tools in our hands are limited, and it takes several times to heat dry food."

"The battalion commander is worried that devils will attack, so he wants to eat dry food directly, so that when the devils come, we can also have a certain fighting capacity,"

Liu Gen nodded. He understood Commander Zhang's thoughts, and looked up at Commander Zhang and the others. He was a little moved and ashamed.

After battalion commander Zhang and others fought such a cruel battle yesterday, how could he not be ashamed that he couldn't let battalion commander Zhang and others have a hot meal?
"Zhang Battalion Commander, don't eat these dry rations for now."

"The soldiers in charge of security haven't noticed any devil troops coming, and there is still enough time for comrades to have a hot meal." Liu Gen said seriously.

Commander Zhang quickly said: "Comrade Liu Gen, most comrades can eat hot meals, and there is no need to prepare other meals specially. Comrades have long been used to it."

The other extremely company commanders and platoon leaders didn't speak, but they didn't want Liu Gen to do other things either. It was just a meal, just a simple meal.What's more, in such war years, being able to eat a meal is already a very good thing.

Liu Gen was a little helpless, he thought it was very simple to let the soldiers have a hot meal, but Battalion Commander Zhang and others didn't want him to do this.In this regard, Liu Gen didn't know what he should do to convince Zhang Battalion Commander and others.

"Okay, since you guys don't want to eat hot food, then I'll eat dry food with you!"

"Forget it this morning. At noon, I promise that the comrades will have a full hot meal, and the soldiers will not be allowed to fight on an empty stomach!" Liu Gen took a bite of dry rations, with a particularly firm expression.

Battalion Commander Zhang nodded with a smile. He didn't refuse this time. It was what he hoped to see for the soldiers to have a hot meal.Battalion Commander Zhang didn't know what Liu Gen would do, but he believed that with Liu Gen's ability, he would definitely be able to see this target.

After having breakfast with Zhang Yingchang and others, Liu Gen felt that his teeth seemed to have become sharper, and these were honed by dry food.If Liu Gen was allowed to eat this kind of dry food again, he would definitely feel relaxed. With this experience, Liu Gen felt that he could eat any dry food.

"Battlemaster Zhang, continue to let the comrades in the infantry battalion rest, and pay close attention to the treatment of the seriously wounded."

"The comrades in the infantry battalion are all talents. We must minimize our own casualties, otherwise, when we return to the division headquarters, Master He will definitely punish us severely." Before leaving, Liu Gen confessed again.

Liu Gen knew that even if he didn't explain himself, Battalion Commander Zhang would pay attention to the treatment of the seriously wounded, but now that Liu Gen confessed again, he hoped that Battalion Commander Zhang would understand that the most important thing for the infantry battalion now is to treat the seriously injured. The wounded, not ready to fight.

Before the large army of devils arrives, the infantry battalion will not have any chance to participate in the battle. According to Liu Gen's idea, he wants the infantry battalion to be his biggest trump card. He also hopes that the infantry battalion can give the devil army a surprise. !

Battalion Commander Zhang didn't quite understand what Liu Gen meant. He just felt that Liu Gen attached great importance to the treatment of the wounded. As for more things, he didn't realize it at all.

After leaving the infantry battalion, Liu Gen did not return to the front line immediately. He approached the mayor of Nuanquan Town, hoping to pay for some food and vegetables, and hired chefs from Nuanquan Town to cook for the wounded soldiers. Some nutritious meals.

At the same time, Liu Gen also hopes that Nuanquan Town can provide enough hot meals and dishes for the soldiers, and he will pay the corresponding ocean for these.

In the capture of the battle, Liu Gen got a lot of oceans. Originally, these oceans should be sent back to the division headquarters of the 120th division, and then the division headquarters would distribute these oceans uniformly.But after seeing that the soldiers couldn't eat enough hot meals, Liu Gen felt that he needed to make use of these oceans.

Keeping these oceans in your hands will not create any value at all. Instead of this, it is better to use these oceans to exchange enough hot meals for the soldiers, so that the people in Nuanquan Town can earn some money, and the soldiers Can have a better state to deal with the enemy's attack.

The mayor is still very cooperative, especially after knowing that Liu Gen will pay Dayang, there is no problem.The mayor knew that even if the Eighth Route Army did not use Dayang, everyone was willing to do everything they could to help the Eighth Route Army fight the devils.

It's just that the Eighth Route Army has always followed the principle of not taking the people's stitches and threads, so the townspeople in Nuanquan Town don't know how to help this Eighth Route Army unit.

Now that Liu Gen came to ask for help, the mayor naturally welcomed it. He also hoped that the Eighth Route Army could guard Nuanquan instead of being recaptured by the devils.Only the areas that were really ruled by devils can clearly understand the tyranny and inhumanity of devils.

It can be said that the devils in Nuanquan Town have been suffering for a long time, and the arrival of Liu Gen and others is to help Nuanquan Town get rid of the volcanic sea of ​​suffering.

After solving the food problem of the soldiers, Liu Gencai went to the defensive position on the front line of Nuanquan Town again. During this time, the soldiers of the artillery battalion who took over the defense were not idle. Guaranteed to be able to persist for more time in the devil's attack.

"Commander Wang, let the comrades rest, and don't have to reinforce the defensive position all the time."

"Don't forget, the devils still have fighters? Although the possibility of the devils using fighters when attacking Nuanquan Town is very small, it cannot be denied that there is such a possibility. Once the devils' fighters are dispatched, our defensive position will inevitably become the base of the devils' fighters. Target."

"Besides, the devil's vanguard should arrive soon. Let the soldiers take the time to rest and get ready to fight at any time." Liu Gen's expression was serious. At this time, the devil's army should be arriving soon.

Battalion Commander Wang nodded, waved his hand, and ordered the soldiers of the artillery battalion to stop and rest.

Less than half an hour after the soldiers in the artillery battalion rested, some alert soldiers reported that they had found the trail of the devil's vanguard, and the devil was coming!

 The next update will be more stable and will not be easily interrupted
(End of this chapter)

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