I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 586 Defense Focus

Chapter 586 Defense Focus
"Comrade Liu Gen, this Zuoguan knife is for you." After the battle, after cleaning the battlefield, Battalion Commander Zhang delivered a Zuoguan knife to Liu Gen.

Liu Gen took the Zuoguan knife, pulled it out casually, and took a look. The workmanship of this Zuoguan knife is not bad, and it is worth collecting and commemorating.Of course, in this day and age, being able to seize a Saguan sword on the battlefield is something to be very proud of!
If you want to seize the Zuoguan Dao from the hands of the devil, you must kill at least one of the devil's infantry squadrons, and you must ensure that the devil commander will not retreat before you can successfully seize an official sword.It can be said that in any anti-Japanese army, successfully capturing an official sword is no small honor.

"Zhang Battalion Commander, you should keep this Zuoguan Dao." Liu Gen returned the Zuoguan Dao to Zhang Battalion Commander. He didn't have much thought about this Zuoguan Dao.

As long as Liu Gen wants something like the Zuoguan knife, he can easily get it.

With Liu Gen's strength, it is very easy to get a Zuoguan knife.What's more, in the previous battles, Liu Gen had also killed many devils, and he had captured a lot of sabers.

And those Zuoguan swords seized by Liu Gen had already been sent out by Liu Gen, and he had no interest in the devil's Zuoguan swords.Even if Liu Gen wanted to get a devil's saber, at least it should be a general's saber.

Zhang Battalion Commander was a little helpless, he knew that it was unlikely that Liu Gen would accept the Zuoguan knife. From Liu Gen's performance, he knew that it would not be difficult for Liu Gen to get a Zuoguan knife .In the eyes of others, it is not easy to get a Zuoguan knife.

But it would be very easy to put such a thing on Liu Gen, and Battalion Commander Zhang was very sure of this.

Battalion Commander Zhang was a little happy to put away the Zuoguan knife. It is still very good to be able to seize a Zuoguan knife.Liu Gen didn't like Zuoguan Dao, but Zhang Battalion Commander knew exactly what a Zuoguan Dao represented.When other people question your strength, it is the best proof to take out a Zuoguan sword.

"Comrade Liu Gen, we have successfully killed this attacking army of devils, what should we do next?"

"Once the devils react, they will definitely send more troops to attack Nuanquan Town. If we want to successfully defend it, I am afraid it will be difficult." Successfully killing the devil army that attacked Nuanquan Town, Battalion Commander Zhang Still dare not have the slightest relaxation.

Battalion Commander Zhang knew very well that the devil's revenge against the 120th Division had just started, and the devil's revenge would not stop easily in a short period of time.

Nuanquan Town has good strategic value, and with a devil infantry squadron losing contact in the direction of Nuanquan Town, the devils will definitely not give up the idea of ​​​​attacking Nuanquan Town easily.The devil's troops were a little nervous, but it was still possible to deploy another infantry squadron to attack Nuanquan Town.

There was not much tension on Liu Gen's face. He successfully killed a devil's infantry squadron. The capture on the battlefield allowed Liu Gen and others to replenish their weapons and ammunition.Without the worries of weapons and ammunition, the defense work of Nuanquan Town will be easier.

Regardless of ammunition consumption, if the devil wanted to break through the defensive positions of Xue Bing and others, he would need at least an infantry brigade, or even more troops.Only when the devils have enough troops can the devils attack wildly regardless of their own casualties, and then take Nuanquan Town.

"Repair the defensive positions, and let the comrades use the captured land to lay more mines and traps."

"The devil troops attacking Nuanquan Town next time should not attack in such a mindless and crazy way. Our defense in Nuanquan Town should last for a while. Comrades must be mentally prepared." Liu Gen seriously ordered .

Battalion Commander Zhang nodded, he understood what Liu Gen meant, and he knew how to do the defense of Nuanquan Town next.Unless the devil mobilizes a large number of troops, it is impossible for the devil to take Nuanquan town in a short time with Nuanquan town's defense facilities.

After leaving the front line, Liu Gen returned to Nuanquan Town. He knew that there would be no major problems in the next defense work.

After killing a devil's infantry squadron, it will take a certain amount of time for the devil to mobilize its troops, and it will take a certain amount of time for the next devil's army to attack Nuanquan Town to arrive around Nuanquan Town.In other words, the fighters have enough rest time to recover.

After a full day of training, the soldiers were still very tired, especially the guard company led by Xue Bing, who took the lead in the battle and was more tired than other soldiers.

Not long after Liu Gen returned to Nuanquan Town, folks from Nuanquan Town carried pots of hot meals to the front line. These were meals cooked by the folks for the soldiers.Of course, Liu Gen paid a certain amount of money for these meals.

Many villagers refused to accept Dayang as a reward, but under Liu Gen's strong request, these villagers still accepted it.

In such war years, the lives of the villagers are already very hard, Liu Gen does not want to make the lives of these villagers more difficult because of himself.It is a very good thing for both parties to exchange Dayang for the villagers to cook some hot meals for the soldiers.

The soldiers can eat hot meals and go into battle in a better state, while the folks can get the ocean as a reward through such behaviors, thereby improving their own lives.

I have to say that the folks in Nuanquan Town are very simple, and Liu Gen can see that the hot meals and dishes prepared by the folks are full, which should be able to satisfy every soldier.

When we came to the place where the wounded were, there were also folks cooking here, but considering the state of the wounded, the meals made by these folks were more delicate and nutritious.Many folks took out good food that they were reluctant to eat at home on weekdays, in order to make these wounded recover better.

After walking the entire Nuanquan Town, Liu Gen felt relieved. The situation in Nuanquan Town is very good now, and it should be regarded as a solidarity between the army and the people.

Liu Gen believed that the defense work of Nuanquan Town would be easier. If the Eighth Route Army's defense encountered difficulties, the folks in Nuanquan Town would definitely lend a helping hand without hesitation.

Compared with when the devils occupied Nuanquan Town, Nuanquan Town is undoubtedly more vibrant now, and the folks in Nuanquan Town don't have to worry about provoking those moody devils all the time, and then losing their lives.The performance of Liu Gen and others in Nuanquan Town made the folks in Nuanquan Town very satisfied, and they were willing to cooperate with Liu Gen and others in their defense work.

Looking for a corner, Liu Gen took out the dry food on his body, drank cold water, and started eating quickly.

Liu Gen felt that his condition was not bad, and whether he ate hot food or not, it didn't have much influence on him.Besides, Liu Gen didn't take part in many battles, and didn't consume much physical strength, so some dry food was enough.

After eating dry food in the corner, Liu Gen quickly walked towards the temporary command post. He needed to ask the 120th division of the division headquarters what to do next.The location of Nuanquan Town is very special. With the 120 division troops in the surrounding area attracting the attention of the devils, it can be well defended.

However, once the troops of the 120th Division in the surrounding area withdraw, especially the battles in Liulin County, Wubao County, and Jiaokou County, the defense work of Nuanquan Town will be affected.

In order to do a good job in the defense of Nuanquan Town, Liu Gen needs to clearly understand the next actions of the troops of the 120th Division. Quanzhen, it will become a lone army that cannot be rescued.

Nuanquan Town has been in touch with the 120th Division Headquarters, and Master He is also very concerned about Liu Gen's situation, and is very worried about what danger Liu Gen will encounter in the battle.Since the start of the battle, Liu Gen has fully demonstrated his ability, and it is precisely because of Liu Gen that the battle has progressed so smoothly.

If it weren't for the fact that there were battles in the surrounding area of ​​Nuanquan Town, there would be a certain risk in allowing Liu Gen to evacuate from Nuanquan Town, then Master He would definitely withdraw Liu Gen directly to the headquarters of the 120th Division to ensure Liu Gen's safety .

From the contact with the headquarters of the 120th Division, Liu Gen clearly understood the fighting situation in the surrounding area. Liulin County is still in the hands of the 120th Division, but it should be impossible to defend it.The devil's attack on Liulin County was very ferocious, coupled with the suppression of the firepower of the devil's fighter planes and heavy artillery, it made Liulin County's defense work very difficult.

Even if the soldiers of the Desperate Secret Service Regiment responsible for defending Liulin County rely on various defensive facilities and continuously launch counterattacks against the devils' attacks, they cannot stop the devils from capturing Liulin County.The fighting power of the Deathly Regiment is very strong, and it is precisely because of this that Liulin County is still in the hands of the 120th Division.

Tonight, the soldiers of the Daredevil Secret Service will withdraw from Liulin County and give up the defense of Liulin County.In just two days of fighting, more than half of the Deadly Secret Service Corps suffered casualties, and one battalion of the two battalions of the 714 Regiment, which was responsible for assisting the Deadly Secret Service Corps in defense, also suffered casualties.

It is really because the devil's fighter planes and heavy artillery bombard and shelled without money, and it is also because Liulin County's defense facilities are relatively strong that it is possible for the Daredevil Secret Service Group to stick to it until now.

After abandoning Liulin County, Commander Chen of the Daredevil Special Task Force will lead the remaining troops to Wubao County to assist in the defense of Wubao County.Next, Wubao County will become the focus of the devil's next attack. The devil has two infantry brigades around Wubao County.

In order to ensure that the defense of Wubao County was foolproof, Commander He specially dispatched some troops from the 120th Division to Wubao County for support. At the same time, the cavalry detachment also became active behind the devils, trying to destroy the devils' traffic routes and material transportation as much as possible.

As for the battle in Jiaokou County, it was not as bad as Liulin County. The devils did not take Jiaokou County as the main direction of the counterattack.In a short period of time, there should be no problems with the defense work of Jiaokou County.

In Nuanquan Town, Liu Gen's face was a bit solemn. The Devils could successfully take down Liulin County, which was within his expectation.This time the devil's counterattack was very violent, and the devil also knew that the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army could not easily take the county.

Even if the devil has transferred part of his troops to the Pacific battlefield, the devil still does not want any accidents on the Chinese battlefield. He needs to maintain his own deterrence on the Chinese battlefield.

The battle in Wubao County will become the focus of this battle. If the 120th Division can successfully defend Wubao County, the devils can only stop their counterattacks, shrink their troops, and lick their wounds.But if the devils take Wubao County, the devils' counterattack will be strengthened again, and they will inevitably march to the hinterland of the 120th Division's anti-Japanese base area.

For the devils, whether they can take Wubao County is not that important, and it will not have much impact.Even if the 120th Division finds an opportunity to take down a few counties, the devils will not have much influence. Compared with the counties taken back by the 120th Division, the area occupied by the devils is still large.

But for the 120th Division, the battle in Wubao County cannot fail. The hinterland of the 120th Division's anti-Japanese base area is Yan'an. In order to ensure the safety of Yan'an, Wubao County must be defended!Only in this way can the devil's troops be prevented from driving straight in and directly approaching Yan'an, threatening the safety of the bosses.

Liu Gen seriously thought about what he could do in the next battle, but after serious thinking, he found helplessly that he couldn't do much.To affect the battle in Wubao County, there are only two choices, either kill enough devils, or kill the commander of the devils!

Of these two options, it would be extremely difficult to do either one, at least Liu Gen didn't think he was capable of it. The artillery battalion of the 120th Division is in his hands, but limited by the number of shells, the combat effectiveness of the artillery battalion cannot be fully utilized.

Liu Gen knew very well that even if he brought the artillery battalion to Wubao County, it would not be able to have much impact on the battle in Wubao County.With the current state of the artillery battalion, it is very difficult to kill the devil's artillery, let alone the devil's heavy artillery unit.

If you can't kill the devil's heavy artillery unit, then you can't have much impact on the devil's attack.

Liu Gen frowned and thought about it. He desperately wanted to find a way, a way that could affect the victory or defeat of Wubao County's defense.Next, there will be no major problems in the defense of Nuanquan Town. Liu Gen's absence in Nuanquan Town will not have much impact.

It was precisely because of this consideration that Liu Gen wanted to intervene in the defensive battle in Wubao County and help the 120th Division win the defensive battle in Wubao County.

However, no matter what Liu Gen did, he couldn't think of a good breakthrough. It was impossible to kill enough devils, and the commander who wanted to kill the devils would not be so easy.

The devil commander is not a fool. In such a battle, he must pay special attention to his own safety, and it is impossible to easily reveal his position.

If you want to kill the devil commander, you need to know the specific location of the devil commander. Only in this way can you have a slight possibility of killing the devil commander.Even if he could kill the devil commander, it would not be easy to escape successfully.

The devil's reaction speed is not slow, and if he is a little careless, he will definitely be surrounded and killed by the devil.

Coming to the frontline positions, comrades from the artillery battalion were repairing the defensive positions, while Xue Bing and other soldiers from the guard company were resting in place.It can be seen that the soldiers of the guard company have recovered a lot, much better than when they just retired from the battlefield.

"Xue Bing, come here." Seeing Xue Bing, Liu Gen shouted directly.

Xue Bing got up quickly and ran to Liu Gen. His arm was wrapped with bandages. During today's battle, he was accidentally bitten by a devil's bullet.

"Xue Bing, how do you think we can kill the devil's commander?" Liu Gen asked with some expectation.

Xue Bing's ability is good, Liu Gen hopes that Xue Bing can bring him a little surprise, or make him trigger something.

(End of this chapter)

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