588 2 minutes

In the outskirts of Wubao County, Liu Gen and others have been here for some time.

When they were still some distance away from Wubao County, Liu Gen and the others could hear the thundering gunfire. In the night, the devils were attacking wildly, and they didn't seem to feel the slightest fatigue.

"These devils are really crazy."

"Is Wubao County really that important?" Xue Bing couldn't understand the devil's thinking when he saw the devil's army attacking wildly.

The strategic location of Wubao County is good, but under the premise that the devils took Liulin County, whether they can take back Wubao County does not seem to be that important to the devils.But now?The devils attacked Wubao County crazily, as if they didn't care about those devil soldiers who kept dying.

Liu Gen's face didn't change much. He had already guessed that the devil's attack on Wubao County would be very crazy. Whether Wubao County can be retaken is of great significance to the devil.

The successful recapture of Wubao County means that the devils still occupy the initiative in the battle, and it means that the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army's seizure of the city will not have too much negative impact. This is what the devils value most.

The devils are very proud. Even if the devils withdraw some of their troops from the Chinese battlefield due to the stalemate in the Pacific battlefield, the devils will still not change much in the Chinese battlefield. of weakness.

Seeing that Liu Gen hadn't spoken for a long time, Xue Bing realized that he must have asked a stupid question. He looked towards Liu Gen and could see Liu Gen carefully observing the devil's camp.

Xue Bing looked towards the devil's camp, but he couldn't see much. With the darkness shrouded in it, he couldn't see the specific situation of the devil's camp at all.

This made Xue Bing doubt whether Liu Gen could see something, he couldn't see anything clearly, could Liu Gen?Xue Bing did not disturb Liu Gen's observation. He knew that Liu Gen's observation had achieved results, so he would definitely speak directly.

Time passed slowly, and the soldiers lay on the ground patiently waiting for Liu Gen's observation results. No one felt impatient, let alone made any small movements.

When observing the devils, Liu Gen also paid attention to the soldiers around him. He was very satisfied with the performance of these soldiers, and they were indeed selected elites.Being able to be selected is enough to show their elite level. In fact, they have also successfully proved their own strength.

"Withdraw!" Liu Gen yelled lightly, not loudly, but enough for the surrounding soldiers to hear.

The soldiers reacted, lying on the ground and slowly retreating, this was also to avoid making too much noise, which would cause them to be discovered by the devils.

Half an hour later, Liu Gen and his soldiers showed up less than 1000 meters away from the devil's position. They could not move forward because the devil's protection of the artillery position was very strong.Liu Gen and the others could see that there were Japanese soldiers patrolling 300 meters away, obviously defending the artillery position from being attacked.

Killing the patrolling devil soldiers is not a difficult problem, the difficulty is that after killing these patrolling devil soldiers, the devils will definitely notice.

Or in other words, once they make too much noise when attacking these patrolling devil soldiers, then Liu Gen and others will definitely be left here by the devils!With the strength in Liu Gen's hands, he has no chance to come back next time, he can only succeed once!
"What should I do next? I'll take Comrade Ji to touch it?" Seeing that Liu Gen had no further instructions, Xue Bing asked.

Being brought by Liu Gen to the Devil's artillery position, Xue Bing already understood Liu Gen's plan. Obviously, Liu Gen had some ideas about the Devil's artillery position, otherwise he would not have brought a few comrades from the Artillery Battalion with him when he moved.

"Don't be impatient! You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!"


After half an hour, there was no movement from Liu Gen, Xue Bing was a little helpless, he wanted to speak several times, but finally chose to give up.

Xue Bing knew that even if he opened his mouth, he would not be able to influence Liu Gen, not to mention his judgment could not be compared with Liu Gen's. Since Liu Gen chose to wait, there must be Liu Gen's reason.

An hour, two hours, until four o'clock in the morning, Liu Gen moved slowly with Xue Bing and others.

After hiding for so long, the soldiers are in very good condition, and the fatigue caused by the rush has long since disappeared.Not to mention, while waiting, Liu Gen asked the soldiers to rest in batches.

Resting under the eyes of the devils requires a lot of guts, which is why Liu Gen didn't choose to bring recruits here. Veterans have experienced many battles, so there is no doubt about their guts.

Less than 300 meters away from the Devil's artillery position, Liu Gen and others stopped. The distance of 300 meters was fleeting, and the ensuing battle would be very cruel.

"Comrades, the devil's artillery position is 300 meters away, we must rush up as fast as possible!"

"Kill the devil's artillery, hold on for 2 minutes and then retreat, within these two times, I and several other artillery comrades will do our best to kill the devil's headquarters!"

"2 minutes is very short, but 2 minutes is also very long. During these 2 minutes, some comrades will die unfortunately! I hope comrades are ready!"


Liu Gen looked at the comrades present with a serious expression on his face. He knew very well what was going to happen next. Even he was not sure enough to survive, let alone other fighters.

"Comrade Liu Gen, we chose to follow you, so we are ready to sacrifice."

"Sacrifice is inevitable, we all know that."


The comrades laughed and said these words, they were already ready to sacrifice, which made Liu Gen's eyes moist, he wanted to cry, but he knew he couldn't.

As the captain of the current team, Liu Gen knew that he could not cry, and he could not let the soldiers be affected.

"Very good! Ready to fight!"

The next moment, Liu Gen took the lead and rushed towards the devil's artillery position. At four o'clock in the morning, there were not many devils staying in the artillery position, probably less than 20 people.As long as Liu Gen and the others are fast enough, it will be easy to kill these devils.

In fact, Liu Gen never paid attention to the devils who stayed behind in the artillery positions. What he was worried about was the devils' counterattack.


"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

The sound of gunfire was particularly obvious in this area. Many devils rushed towards the artillery position reflexively when they heard the sound.The devils in the nearby area are well aware of the existence of artillery positions, and even more aware of the importance of artillery positions.

With the help of artillery, it is so difficult to attack Wubao County, which is defended by the Eighth Route Army. Without artillery, these devils don't know how to take Wubao County. OK.The devils don't want to die either, so they must keep the artillery positions!

"Xue Bing! Lead the comrades to persevere!"

Liu Gen only had time to explain to Xue Bing, and then devoted himself to the calibration of the artillery. He needed to fire the cannon before the devil commander could react!Then kill the Devil Command!

(End of this chapter)

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