Chapter 591
"Let go, defend!" The nurse struggled vigorously. She didn't expect Liu Gen to make such a movement in a coma. She only felt that her wrist was caught by an iron hand, and she couldn't break free at all.

What the nurse didn't expect was that the more she struggled, the stronger Liu Gen's grip on her wrist became, making it even harder for her to break free.


"Pain, pain, pain..."

Tears welled up from the nurse's eyes, Liu Gen's strength was too great, and the pain from his wrist caused the nurse's own wrist to be scratched by Liu Gen.With Liu Gen's grip on her wrist, it might take some time to recover.

"Save! Help me! Help!"

In the ward, the nurse couldn't help shouting for help. She thought she could handle it, but the reality made her realize that she couldn't handle it at all, and even made things worse.


Liu Gen, who was in a coma, didn't know the outside situation. At this time, he was still on the battlefield, fighting frantically with the enemy.

Outside the ward, Xue Bing heard the nurse's cry for help, a little tempting, not quite understanding what was going on.But Xue Bing didn't hesitate. He rushed into the ward as fast as he could. As soon as he entered the ward, he saw the crying nurse.

"What's wrong with you?" Xue Bing asked quickly.

Xue Bing was a little worried, did Liu Gen do something bad to this nurse?Xue Bing shook his head secretly, denying this guess. Based on what he knew about Liu Gen, it was impossible for Liu Gen to do such a thing.What's more, Liu Gen is still in a coma, even if he wants to do bad things, he is powerless.

"My wrist is about to be grabbed by him, save me!" The nurse asked for help with teary eyes, Liu Gen's strength was too great.

Xue Bing came to his senses. He squatted down and looked at the nurse's grasped wrist. He could see that the wrist had already turned red, and there were even handprints on it.Seeing this scene, Xue Bing couldn't help but gasped. How could Liu Gen still have such great strength in a coma?
With the strength shown by Liu Gen, if it continues, the nurse's wrist may really be broken by Liu Gen.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Xue Bing hastily acted. Naturally, he couldn't watch the nurse's wrist being cut off. It wouldn't sound good to spread the word like this. If Liu Gen cut off the nurse's wrist, there would definitely be no more cases in the future. The nurse dared to take care of Liu Gen.

No one wanted to grab Liu Gen's medicine and have his hand cut off suddenly. With Liu Gen's strength, even in a coma, ordinary people should not be his opponents.

"Captain, I'm sorry."

The next moment, Xue Bing stretched out his hand, trying to break Liu Gen's fingers apart.

Xue Bing is very confident, Liu Gen is awake, he is not Liu Gen's opponent, but when Liu Gen is unconscious, there should be no problem.But soon Xue Bing's face became stiff, and he found that he couldn't break Liu Gen's hand that was tightly clutching the nurse's wrist.

"Why don't you use force?" The nurse looked at Xue Bing with doubts on her face.

The corner of Xue Bing's mouth twitched, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes. Today he will break Liu Gen's hand no matter what.If other fighters knew that he couldn't even open Liu Gen's hand when he was unconscious, then he would have no face to show off in front of other fighters.

Xue Bing increased his strength again. In order to avoid hurting Liu Gen, he didn't dare to use too much strength. He didn't dare to increase his strength again until Liu Gen's strength also increased.

Two minutes later, Xue Bing forcefully opened Liu Gen's last finger, with deep helplessness in his eyes. He realized that even if he was really in a coma, he might not be Liu Gen's opponent.In a coma, Liu Gen's strength is naturally not strong, but under such circumstances, Xue Bing took 2 minutes to break Liu Gen's hand.

For a full 2 ​​minutes, Xue Bing no longer had the slightest pride at all. He knew that there was a huge gap in strength between himself and Liu Gen, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

"Miss Nurse, go and take a rest, I'll take care of it here." Xue Bing looked at the nurse beside her, and was going to let the nurse go back first, otherwise the nurse might be injured if something like this happened again.

During the period of trying to break Liu Gen's hand, Xue Bing also saw Liu Gen's situation. Obviously, Liu Gen didn't know that he was brought back to Wubao County, and now Liu Gen's consciousness is still on the battlefield. , this will lead to radical actions.

Fortunately, this time it was just a grabbing hand. If Liu Gen had punched, the female nurse would definitely be injured.

"Big Sister? Who are you calling Big Sister? Am I this old?" The nurse rubbed her wrist, a little displeased.She is obviously very young, how did Xue Bing turn her into a big sister?It is also the nurse whose wrist is injured now, otherwise she would not mind giving Xue Bing a slap on the head, whether she would speak or not.

Xue Bing scratched his head in embarrassment. He reacted quickly and realized that he had said the wrong thing.

"Comrade, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing." Xue Bing apologized in a timely manner. He must apologize when he makes a mistake, and stand at attention when he is beaten. He has always understood this truth.

On the hospital bed, Liu Gen vaguely heard the sounds around him, he only felt that his eyelids were very heavy, and it was difficult to open them.After several attempts, Liu Gen managed to open his eyes and saw Xue Bing and the nurse who were talking.

"Xue Bing, where is this?" Liu Gen asked directly.When speaking, Liu Gen frowned slightly, his throat was a little sore, his voice was a little hoarse, and he sounded very tired.

Hearing Liu Gen's voice, Xue Bing's face immediately showed obvious joy, "Captain, you woke up. You were injured and passed out last night. My comrades and I took you to Wubao County according to the original plan."

"Now, we are in Wubao County, so there shouldn't be too many problems in a short time."

Seeing Liu Gen waking up, the nurse was a little surprised, "Comrade Xue Bing, take care of this comrade first, and I'll go to the doctor."

"Wubao County? How was the result last night? Are you sure?" Liu Gen asked directly when the nurse left the ward. ,

Liu Gen was eager to know the result of last night's battle. This matter was what he was most concerned about. If the result was okay, Wubao County could continue to stay.Once not enough results are achieved, Wubao County's defense work will be extremely difficult, and the defense will be very difficult. In that case, it is natural to make preparations for evacuation.

There is no problem in defending Wubao County, but all of this needs to be based on the premise that it can be defended. If it is really impossible to defend, then Liu Gen and others will not forcefully defend Wubao County.

"The results are good. Most of the devil's artillery position was destroyed, and the headquarters was also killed by us."

"The devils outside are still attacking, but the attacking force has been significantly reduced, and it cannot be compared with before."


From Xue Bing's mouth, Liu Gen quickly learned about the current situation in Wubao County, which made him feel relieved. It seemed that Wubao County's defense would not be a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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