I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 69 Fierce Battle

Chapter 69 Fierce Battle

Not far away, a brigade of devils rushed towards the position of the second battalion in squads.

In the rear, the soldiers of the third battalion who retreated in time and evaded the devil's bombers also rushed towards the second battalion's position. Facing the impact of a large group of devils, the second battalion alone could not resist.Ding Wei also decisively led the regiment's directly subordinate security company to the right side of the second battalion's position, and the third battalion was on the left side.This time the devil's offensive was quite crazy, directly pressing a brigade of devils up, trying to take down a new group of defensive positions in one fell swoop.

Leading the soldiers to find out the hidden mortar shells, the devil's aviation unit carried out the bombing, which not only caused a lot of casualties to the soldiers, but also affected the artillery shells hidden by Liu Gen and others.It was because Liu Gen was careful enough not to pile up all these shells together, otherwise if they were detonated by devils, the damage would be enormous.

Find all the shells, only half of the shells are left, what thirty mortar shells can do, I'm afraid it can't bring too many casualties to the devils, let alone stop the devils' crazy offensive!

Liu Gen manipulated the 60mm mortar in his hand and found a place where the devils were standing densely. The soldiers behind him quickly sent the shells to Liu Gen. Bang, the shells flew out and landed beside the charging devils, exploding loudly. Come.As soon as a shell went down, three or four devils fell to the ground and howled in pain. The 60mm caliber mortar was not very powerful, but the shrapnel could still effectively kill the devils.

In the rear, the soldiers of the artillery company also finished loading the shells, and the shells slammed towards the area where the devil was.The artillery company was a certain distance from the front line, and was lucky enough to escape the devil's aerial bombing. As soon as the devil's bomber flew away, the soldiers of the artillery company pushed out two [-]-type infantry cannons.

"Boom" "Boom"

The high-explosive bombs equipped with the [-]-type infantry guns were not weak in lethality. When they fell on the side of the devil, they were directly blown away. Only the cabinets with a sufficient distance from the high-explosive bombs survived.A brigade of devils directly pressed down, even if the devils dispersed consciously, but this area is so big, where can they hide?The devils didn't retreat, and now they don't have the support of artillery, so they can only rush up by themselves.

Now retreat, the devil who died just now has no value.

The devils in the front had rushed to less than 500 meters from the second battalion's position. If the second battalion chose to stick to the position built by the first battalion in the mountains, then the devils might all rush to their faces.The Second Battalion Commander didn't rush to let the soldiers shoot. The devil's charge was too fierce, and the soldiers couldn't effectively kill the devil with their shots.There were many landmines planted in front of the Second Battalion's position, but the crazy bombing by the Devil bombers detonated all the landmines planted by the Second Battalion.

Just one crazy bombing by the devil's bomber ruined the hard work of the soldiers of the second battalion, but there was no way, the soldiers of the second battalion still needed to fight, and there was no reason to give up fighting the devils if there were no land mines.

Cannonballs flew out of the mortar continuously, and in a short period of time, Liu Gen shot out half of the shells, causing a lot of damage to the devils.But even so, the artillery fire of the new regiment was still too weak. The two infantry artillery, plus a few scattered mortars, caused limited damage to the devils who charged forward.Except for Liu Gen and the soldiers of the artillery company who were able to hit the devils with every shot, the other artillery would inevitably miss.

This kind of situation is very common, the soldiers can't compare with Liu Gen, not to mention the fast impact speed of the devil, so the soldiers can't easily calculate the shooting angle.The devil's tactical movements are also very proficient. In the process of advancing, the devil is also constantly evading.

Liu Gen looked at a devil officer who drew out an officer's knife and ordered the devil to attack wildly.The next moment, a shell flew towards the devil officer, landed beside him, and killed him directly.Without the officer's command, the devil's forward speed slowed down a bit, but soon the devil's officer stood up again to command.


A shell landed next to the devil officer again, making it impossible for him to effectively command the frontline troops. He successfully killed two devil officers, but Liu Gen couldn't see the slightest joy on his face.

Even with the continuous bombardment of artillery fire, the devils' charge did not stop. After rushing wildly, they soon entered a position less than 300 meters away from the position.At this time, the soldiers with better shooting skills in the new group started shooting one after another. As for the other soldiers, they had to wait until the devils got closer before they chose to shoot. Otherwise, with their shooting skills, it would be difficult to shoot effectively. Kill devils.

As the soldiers with better shooting skills fired shots, the speed of the devils' forward charge slowed down a lot. The devils who rushed to the front set up their guns one after another and launched a counterattack against the soldiers.Several of the devil's heavy machine guns were activated with a bang, and the bullets rushed towards the new group's position, easily killing several soldiers who had no time to hide.

Noticing the Devil's heavy machine gun, Liu Gen used his range-finding skills, 652 meters.Adjusting the shooting angle of the mortar, the shell flew towards the devil's heavy machine gun without stopping. Liu Gen adjusted the angle again, and a shell flew out again.

"Boom" "Boom"

Two shells fell, fell around the devil's two heavy machine guns, directly blowing up the devil's heavy machine guns.The artillery battery in the rear had stopped firing, and within 10 minutes of shooting, more than half of the ammunition had been consumed.In order to deal with the artillery that the devils will support next, the artillery company needs to keep a certain amount of shells.

The only one that is still shelling now is the mortar in Liu Gen's hand. In less than 10 minutes, the mortars in the hands of others have all emptied their shells.Compared with the Devils, the accumulation of the Xinyi Regiment was much worse. The Devils' mortars fired non-stop, while the Xinyi Regiment could only hold out for less than 10 minutes under the condition of full fire.

However, these 10 minutes are still very valuable, and the devil's crazy charge was stopped.There should be nearly a hundred devils who fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

The two heavy machine guns were suddenly blown up, and the firepower of the devils weakened a lot. The soldiers of the new regiment took advantage of this opportunity to counterattack quickly and wiped out the devils who rushed within a hundred meters.The soldiers of the new regiment did not save bullets, there were not many shells, but there were a lot of bullets. Now every soldier has more than ten bullets in their hands.

Seeing the ghosts 150 meters away took out the grenade, Liu Gen decisively adjusted the angle of attack again. A shell flew out quickly and landed among the ghosts who hadn't put the grenade in place yet.The loud explosion killed several devils, and scrapped three devils' grenadiers by the way.

"Genzi! Well done!" Ding Wei shouted loudly from the right position.

Such precise bombardment by Liu Gen greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers of the new regiment. The soldiers pulled the trigger and killed all the devils in front of them as much as possible.It's just that many of these fighters' shooting skills are too poor, and the results obtained are not great.In addition, the devils continued to make tactical evasion actions and find corresponding bunkers to hide, which greatly reduced their due casualties.

The shells kept falling, and under Liu Gen's control, they tried to destroy the devil's firepower as much as possible.And Liu Gen's hidden position is very good, so that the devil can't stop Liu Gen's shelling at all. As for the devil's mortar, Liu Gen bombarded the devil's camp before, blowing up the devil's ammunition depot, and making the devil fall into the trap of the mortar. , but the embarrassing situation of no shells available.

(End of this chapter)

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