Chapter 99

"China prisoners of war? The imperial army can give you a chance to survive. You can form a team of three, hold a weapon, and deal with a soldier of our imperial army. If you win, you will be released. Does anyone dare to fight with the Japanese imperial army? Contest?" the devil shouted.

All the prisoners of the national army present were moved in their hearts, and they could be released if they jointly defeated a devil?The prisoners of the national army did not really believe that these Japanese devils would really do this, but many people still had some hope that maybe they could really survive.At the same time, these prisoners of the national army also realized that the devil wanted to use them for training. If they succeed, they will live, and if they fail, they will die!
"Brothers? Does anyone want to fight with me? Devils don't have three heads and six arms. No matter how powerful these devils are, how can they be opponents of three people?" A prisoner of the national army asked coldly.

After being captured by the devils, their treatment was not good. With the murderous nature of the devils, if these national troops hadn't been captured not long ago, they might have shot and killed these national troops long ago.Even if they become captives, who wants to die?In the past, there was no chance of surviving, but now it is different,
"I! If I fall into the hands of the little devil, I will die sooner or later. If I defeat a devil, I will live. If I can't beat it, I will go on the road early!"

"I'm coming too!"

Soon, two other national army soldiers came out. Before the three national army soldiers could say anything, a devil rushed out and kicked a national army soldier in the chest, with a clear sound of bones. The sound of breaking was heard, and the soldier of the national army immediately vomited blood, but he was directly killed by the devil.

Seeing the death of their companion, the other two soldiers of the national army had a flash of fear in their eyes, and gritted their teeth and rushed towards the devil soldier.But when the fist fell on this ghost soldier, he seemed somewhat weak. After these national soldiers were captured, they never had enough to eat.

It can be said that the devil is completely waiting for work. Even if two soldiers of the national army fought desperately, they could not cause any harm to the devil.The fist landed on the devil's heavy equipment, unable to make the devil take a step back. Instead, every punch and kick that the devil swung seemed extraordinarily heavy.

The two soldiers of the national army were eliminated, and the hearts of the other soldiers of the national army were shocked. The fighting power of these devils was too strong, much stronger than the devils seen on the battlefield.Many national army soldiers glanced at these devils. From the equipment on these devils, it can be seen that these devils are not simple.

Some soldiers of the national army who originally had thoughts in their hearts, many of them lost their thoughts. They may not be the opponents of these devils if they are full, not to mention that they have never had a full meal after being captured. Somewhat weak.

"Are you soldiers? In you, I don't see any blood that belongs to soldiers. No wonder you were captured by our Imperial Japanese Army. In my opinion, you are not soldiers, you are sheep, a group of people waiting to be slaughtered Sheep. With a knife on your neck, you won't have any resistance, and you can't be called soldiers at all." Seeing the prisoners of the national army who didn't make any movement, the devils resorted to aggressive methods.

The devils didn't mind making these national army prisoners angry, and they were able to join the secret service team. These devils belonged to the elite of the elite, and the equipment they carried on their backs at all times weighed more than ten kilograms.Under such circumstances, none of the devils thought that there would be any prisoners of the national army as their opponents.

"Let me try it!" The monk couldn't help it, he couldn't stand the aggressive methods of these devils.

"You? Very good! Now there is one person, and you need two more teammates." The devil captain said.

The monk shook his head, "Little devil, I don't need other people, I can do it by myself, I like one-on-one, come on! Let me compete with your grandfather!"

"Oda-kun! You go!" The devil captain ordered.

"Come here! He will not be my opponent!" The monk said disdainfully.

The captain of the ghost team glanced at the monk, and handed the saber in his hand to the devil beside him, and the two stood still!When the wind came, the two couldn't help squinting their eyes. Seeing the monk blinking, the devil captain rushed towards the monk. His fist was blocked by the monk, and the devil captain kicked it out.


The monk reacted quickly. When his legs collided, he deliberately pulled the leader of the devil team closer, and punched him in the chest, knocking him to the ground.

"Little devil! You can't do this! It seems a bit too useless!" The monk mocked with a smile.

Captain Guizi couldn't accept the fact that he was so easily defeated. He gritted his teeth, got up from the ground, shouted, and rushed towards the monk's position again. This time he became more cautious and serious.It's a pity that the gap between the leader of the devil and the monk is still too large. After three punches and two kicks, he was knocked down by the monk again.

"Little devil, use your strength! How can this be done?"

Before the devil got up again, the monk jumped up and landed his elbow on the back of the devil's captain, killing the devil's captain directly.At the same time, the monk snatched the weapons from the waists of the dead devils and quickly shot, knocking down the nearest devils.

"Escape! Escape!" A prisoner of the national army shouted.

The monk was among the crowd, and before the devil could react, he rushed out quickly.The devil reacted quickly, and the submachine gun and light machine gun opened fire, quickly killing the prisoners of the national army who wanted to take them out.That is to say, the monk reacted quickly and escaped successfully. The other prisoners of the national army were not as lucky as the monk, and died under the gunfire of the devils.


Liu Gen and the two headed in the direction of Yangcun. They each carried a [-] rifle on their backs and a box cannon on their waists.The road is not peaceful, and there are still puppet forces in the middle.

"Brother Zhang, there seems to be gunshots coming from ahead." Liu Gen stopped the horse under him and said in a deep voice.

Zhang Dabiao frowned slightly, listened carefully for a moment, and then realized that he also heard gunshots not far away.

"Come on, let's go take a look." Zhang Dabiao said.

This area is the area where the puppet army is located. It is very likely that the puppet army will shoot. It is very likely that the puppet army will choose to shoot when they encounter the Eighth Route Army.The puppet army in this area is still somewhat arrogant, and their combat effectiveness is not too weak.

Over a low hill.Liu Gen and the two saw three Eighth Route Army soldiers fighting with a dozen or so puppet troops. Even though the three Eighth Route Army soldiers kept shooting and knocked down the advancing puppet troops, the puppet troops still clamored to charge forward.

"Brother Zhang, shall we make a move too? If we continue, we might really get the puppet army to rush up." Liu Gen said in a deep voice.

Zhang Dabiao nodded. Naturally, he would not have any objections. After aiming carefully, he pulled the trigger, and a bullet flew out, knocking down a puppet soldier who was charging forward.After Liu Gen shot, he was a little helpless, but he failed to hit the puppet army. The distance of 200 meters was still somewhat difficult for him.

The sudden sound of gunfire and the fallen puppet army made the face of the attacking puppet army change, and the reinforcements from the eighth route are here, mother!retreat!retreat!Soon, these puppet troops ran away without a trace. The puppet army didn't know how many Liu Gen and the others had. It was a little troublesome to take down these three Eighth Route Army soldiers. Individuals will all die here.

Seeing the puppet army leave, Liu Gen and the two walked towards the three people not far away, wondering why they were entangled by the puppet army.

"Thank you for your help. I didn't expect the puppet army in this area to be so rampant. I will find an opportunity to clean it up in the future!" Zhao Gang said in a deep voice.Soldiers of the Eighth Route Army often pass through this area. How rampant these puppet troops are, if they are not cleaned up, it is easy to hurt the soldiers.

Liu Gen and the two were a little surprised, "I don't know who you are?"

"I'm Zhao Gang, the political commissar of the independent regiment appointed by the headquarters, and I'm about to take office." Zhao Gang looked at Liu Gen and the two, and said gently.

If it weren't for Liu Gen and Zhao Gang, their lives might still be in danger.

"Hello Political Commissar Zhao, we are also going to report to the Independent Mission!" Liu Gen and the two immediately saluted earnestly.

 ps: Please recommend!Thank you Professor of Philosophy, o Haohao o, half an old scholar, Nanfeng Weilian, for your sincere reward, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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