Chapter 219 Killing

The saber-toothed porcupine howled and rushed wildly because of the complete darkness and stinging pain. Dongfang Li tightly clenched the whip in his hand, trying not to let the saber-toothed porcupine break free.

Lin Shanshan and Yu Man in the dark saw the right moment and threw the poisonous pills in their hands into the open mouth of the saber-toothed porcupine.

This is different from the secret medicine that Xiao Jingshui gave before, but a real poison pill.

The poison pills thrown by Lin Shanshan and Yu Man were different, and the combined effect was doubled.

The saber-toothed porcupine soon let out a more mournful howl, but it didn't have the strength to sprint left and right.

The toxin dissolves with the saliva, and spreads in the body, and finally wraps around its heart, devouring its vitality inch by inch.

Eventually, the hilly saber-toothed porcupine fell.

Its limbs were twitching and foaming at the mouth before falling.

There were whip marks and sword wounds all over his body. Looking so embarrassed, his eyes almost turned into blood holes, and the blood flowed down like weeping blood.

But no one sympathized with it, the hunters cheered.

And Xiao Jingshui, Xiao Jingshui watched coldly.

She knew it was killing.

Every world has killing, she is used to it.

However, Xiao Jingshui still instinctively wanted to avoid the bloody color spreading in front of her.

She doesn't like it.

I don't like killing, I don't like seeing blood.

Regarding the point of not killing, Xiao Jingshui is somewhat sincere about it.

She hated it deeply, but at the same time Xiao Jingshui knew very well that killing is a normal state.

Regardless of the world she was in before or the world today, killing is a norm.

Therefore, Xiao Jingshui has some sincerity about not killing, but it is only a little bit.

The life of any creature is based on the death of other creatures.

Humans stand at the top of the food chain, their life is based on the death of more creatures.

The most basic thing is that people need to eat and drink.

Even vegetarians cannot survive without the death of other living beings.Because plants are the same as animals, they are also life.

Maybe some people think that only killing animals is killing life, but Xiao Jingshui doesn't think so.

Because this kind of definition of killing and not killing is only whether there is spiritual wisdom or not.

In Xiao Jingshui's original materialistic world, this statement may still be barely reasonable, because there is really no evidence to say that plants have intelligence.

But this can convince many people, but Xiao Jingshui is not among them.

Xiao Jingshui has always believed that all things have spirits. The reason why people think that plants and trees are heartless is because plants and trees are not as bleeding, howling, and struggling as animals.

They are quiet, so they cannot empathize with others, so people will not feel guilty for eating vegetables or fruits, let alone feel guilty. ——Unless they caused the extinction of a certain plant.

Xiao Jingshui has always firmly believed that all things have animism, and in this bizarre world, Xiao Jingshui has further affirmed his idea that all things have animism.

All things have spirits, even plants can give birth to their own intelligence.

The cannibal tree demon that Xiao Jingshui met not long ago is a good example.

Picking spirit plants and refining medicine will inevitably kill some speechless creatures.

Killing is everywhere.

Although Xiao Jingshui advertises that he does not kill, it is essentially a ridiculous lie, but no one has exposed it.

She participated in the killing, and not long ago she hunted the unicorn with Ren Shifei, and even the death of the saber-toothed porcupine this time was also her handwriting.

 Sorry sorry, the author was busy applying for a return just now, and forgot to update QAQ in time, I will be mad at Taobao QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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