The years when I was doing things in another world

Chapter 238 1 The Blockbuster Xue Xiuping

Chapter 238 The Blockbuster Xue Xiuping
Xue Xiuping restrained his thousands of thoughts, his expression became more and more submissive without showing any strangeness on his face.

Zheng Qishan noticed Xue Xiuping's abnormality, and he was noncommittal to Xue Xiuping's question:
"Who doesn't want to win over a genius who has realized the way of reincarnation?"

Xue Xiuping said calmly: "There are also many people who want to destroy him."

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

This sentence can never be wrong.

Not to mention targeting a towering tree like Gui Yuejun who can control the six realms of reincarnation.Inevitably, someone would look at him as an eyesore.

Maybe others think that Hongchu Academy is a first-class representative of the righteous way, and they will never use such sinister ideas to speculate on the people and things in the academy.

But what is actually going on, no one knows better than the core staff like them.

The academy made such a packaging, but to achieve some unknown malice.

As for the present dean...

The dean looks like a ruthless and desireless goddess, but...

Xue Xiuping could vaguely sense that she had a subtle malice towards sentient beings.

Therefore, if the Academy's attitude towards Gui Yuejun is not to win but to destroy, Xue Xiuping is not surprised, but feels that it should be so.

Zheng Qishan looked at himself, a disciple who had always been taciturn but thoughtful, with some surprise in his eyes.

Compared with his senior disciple Qiu Fengshao, Zheng Qishan obviously didn't pay so much attention to Xue Xiuping.

Xue Xiuping's talent is only moderate in Hongchu Academy, where there are many geniuses, and he keeps a low profile on weekdays. Naturally, Zheng Qishan is even less likely to pay too much attention.At the beginning, I took such an apprentice, probably because he was more worry-free.

He did not expect that Xue Xiuping would be able to express such an opinion.

Is this nothing but a blockbuster?

This made Zheng Qishan look directly at this disciple for the first time.

Xue Xiuping's facial features were only delicate, and he was inconspicuous among the monks surrounded by beauties.

Xue Xiuping did not avoid Zheng Qishan's gaze, and let him look at him calmly.

It was only now that Zheng Qishan discovered for the first time that his second disciple had a pair of bright black and divine phoenix eyes, which added to his ordinary appearance a little more.

"Where is Gui Yuejun so easy to deal with?"

After a while, Zheng Qishan sighed quietly.

Xue Xiuping was silent for a while, then said slowly: "So... is the academy really planning to deal with Guiyue-jun?"

The amount of information is a bit large, Xue Xiuping felt that he needed to slow down.

Zheng Qishan was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed and scolded: "You kid, you are playing with the words of the master!"

Xue Xiuping looked calm and innocent: "Master said it himself." In other words, he didn't have any formulas.

Zheng Qishan couldn't hold back and slapped Xue Xiuping: "Why didn't I find you so eloquent in the past?"

The second disciple, who has always been well-behaved and worry-free, suddenly felt a little upset. Zheng Qishan began to reflect, is it because he did not teach well?

Xue Xiuping straightened his eyes: "Master taught well."

Zheng Qishan was so annoyed by Xue Xiuping's appearance, he taught well!This is not a compliment for his good teaching, it is clearly a mockery for his failure to teach well!

"Go, go, go out, don't get in my way! I'm annoying when I see you!"

Zheng Qishan waved his hands like chasing flies, determined to calm down for a while.

Otherwise, he was afraid that Xue Xiuping would say a few more words to provoke him and want to clean up the house.

However, Zheng Qishan also had a rare time to reflect on whether he was too partial to the first disciple in the past and ignored the second disciple?
 The author is preparing for the exam recently. I don’t know how to read the comments. I will come back after Double Twelve. I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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