Chapter 244 Late Night Poisoning
Xiao Jingshui deliberately kept a distance from Xuanyanzong. Although he used some resources of Xuanyanzong, Xiao Jingshui did not know how many spirit stones he had helped Xuanyanzong earn since he started selling pills.

As for the underworld, Xiao Jingshui just can't get out, it's really miserable.

The four people who didn't know that they were calculated and arranged clearly finally discussed the general regulations.

The target this time was a wolf pack of more than 40 Galewolves, and they were much more cautious than the previous few times.

They were not in a hurry to choose a poisoning point, because Lin Shanshan and Dongfang Li had just met for the first time before, and they only knew some basic information.

They still need a period of tracking and latency to determine the final location.

Of course, if there is a suitable opportunity during the tracking process, you can still do it in time.

After all, the opportunity must never be missed, and these people are not rigid people.

After the discussion, the four of them all acted separately, Xiao Jingshui naturally wouldn't follow, and just waited for them to come back at the same place.

This time it went relatively smoothly. At dusk, the few people made the final regulations.

Several people decided to put the medicine in a relatively flat river valley.

This time Xiao Jingshui will be with her.

After all, they couldn't seal off the waters. Although Xiao Jingshui's suggestion suggested that the poisonous elixir chosen was not strong, it would not be good if it really spread over a large area.

In addition, this is also the last critical moment, Xiao Jingshui has to follow to prevent accidents from happening.

It was dusk according to the time at this time, but the ancient trees in the Biqiong Forest covered the sky, and the light was very dim even at noon. At dusk, it was already completely dark.

The Bidome Forest is fine during the day, with a quiet beauty, but at night, this quietness becomes terrifying, and the powerful and intricate trees are like ghosts.

If it were in other places, such a dark environment must be illuminated with something like a luminous pearl, but it is obviously impossible now.

So several people can only walk in this eerie darkness.

But this kind of horror is only for ordinary people, and it has no deterrent effect on monks.

The monks' five senses are different from ordinary people, and they can see things as usual even in the dark.

Xiao Jingshui has the experience of living in the underworld full of ghosts and ghosts. In that environment, Xiao Jingshui will be fine even if he closes his eyes. Now it's only dark, so it's strange to be afraid.

Xiao Jingshui looked at a few people, thinking that fortunately they all knew the situation in the Biqiong Forest, so they didn't wear conspicuous white clothes.

Otherwise, at night, it would be like a target in the Biqiong Forest.

If it were placed in Xiao Jingshui's original world, walking in white clothes at night in such an environment might be regarded as a horror like ghost, but in this fantasy world, it would only become the prey of other monsters.

Xiao Jingshui was originally wearing a moon-white silk vestment, but the light and light blue is too conspicuous in the forest. Xiao Jingshui doesn't need to care about it alone, but he has to consider low-key issues when walking with others. Changing to a darker color clothes.

Therefore, as early as Xiao Jingshui agreed to go with the four of them, he changed into a dark green cassock, walking among the trees, it was simply a natural protective color.

In a dark environment, not all creatures are asleep. Occasionally, bright spots can be seen in the dark. Those are not fireflies, but the eyes of some beasts.

Monsters are looking for their prey, and so are monks.

For powerful monks, perhaps the best time for their activities is at night.

(End of this chapter)

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