Chapter 246

Xiao Jingshui felt that he didn't need to intervene, and was confident that Dongfang Li would be able to complete the task satisfactorily, so he leaned against the ancient tree and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

It was also due to the fact that Xiao Jingshui was separated from the others, otherwise Xiao Jingshui's persona would have to be broken into pieces in just half an hour.

However, Xiao Jingshui was just closing his eyes and resting his mind, which doesn't mean that Xiao Jingshui didn't pay attention to the outside world.

After all, Xiao Jingshui is not so big-hearted yet.

As soon as Dongfang Li rushed back, Xiao Jingshui opened his eyes.

She knew that the main event was about to begin.

But even so, Xiao Jingshui didn't pay too much attention.

Because, the highlight is just about to begin.

They still have a long wait.

Waiting for the Gale wolves to drink water, and waiting for them to die of poison.

Without any intervention, waiting is a word full of uncertainty.

If you are lucky, it will take a quarter of an hour, and if you are unlucky, it may take half a day.

But opportunities are created by people, and if there is no opportunity to create an opportunity, it must be taken.

Apparently, due to Xiao Jingshui's subtle and silent transformation in the past few days, they have begun to change from small white to white and black.

A few people saw that the few Gale wolves guarding the wolves didn't look like they would take the initiative to drink water for a while, and they began to create opportunities as soon as the secret words and sounds were combined in private.

There is a smell in the smoke or something, and it is easy to arouse the vigilance of the Gale Wolf, so the few people chose to place flint stones around them.

Flintstone is a relatively tasteless stone, but it has a characteristic, that is, it can increase the surrounding temperature.

If you want the wolves to drink water, you must first make them thirsty. A very simple way to make them thirsty is to make them feel hot.

Ever since, flintstones, which are usually tasteless, came in handy.

This time it was not Xiao Jingshui who reminded them, but they came up with it themselves.

Of course, this is inseparable from Xiao Jingshui's subtle guidance these days.

Several people are smart people, and they can quickly learn to draw inferences from one instance.

The flint stones took effect very quickly, and the five wind wolves on the night watch were the most affected.

The heat made them stick out their tongues irritably. This place is close to the water source, and the Gale Wolf didn't hold back, and ran directly to the water's edge to drink.

Seeing this scene, the four of them were immediately excited, very good, they will be able to collect the net soon.

Xiao Jingshui has been paying attention to the movement around him, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and then sent a voice transmission to the four people:
"Calm down, be careful and hide."

Too much mood swings is not conducive to concealment, and now it is just the beginning of Gale Wolf's attack, so you must hold your breath.

When the four of them received Xiao Jingshui's voice transmission, they realized how overwhelmed they were, and their hearts shuddered.

They were careless.

If something is exposed at this moment, it will fall short!

Fortunately, Xiao Jingshui was cautious and reminded them.

While breaking out in a cold sweat, all four felt grateful to Xiao Jingshui.

The four quickly calmed down, continued to hide their breath, and silently followed the movement of the Gale Wolf.

After the Gale Wolf drank the water, his agitation subsided a little, and he returned to the pack of wolves to continue guarding.

——The elixir they chose didn't take effect so quickly, not to mention it was diluted by water countless times.

That's good too, because if the effect is too fast, it will cause the wind wolves to be vigilant, and if the effect is slow, it will make them think that they are sleepy.

The first wave of drinking wolves went back, and the sleeping wolves woke up one after another to drink water.

(End of this chapter)

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