The years when I was doing things in another world

Chapter 252 Wanting to Trick Me into Finding a Reliable Reason

Chapter 252 Wanting to Trick Me into Finding a Reliable Reason
Xiao Jingshui originally planned to leave directly so as not to waste any more time. Hearing this, he chuckled lightly: "If you really knew the whereabouts of the Dragon Tongue Grass, you wouldn't be in such a situation. If you want to lie to me, find a reliable reason."

The cold moon dragon tongue grass is very beneficial to snake monsters. If the moon ring snake in front of you knows it but doesn't eat it, there are two possibilities. One is not mature enough to eat, and the other is someone who got there first.

Apart from Xiao Jingshui's new injuries, Moon Ring Snake also had other injuries, which were also new injuries.

The environment here is rather like the place where the Dragon Tongue Grass grows, and there are traces of fighting, combined with the injuries on the Moon Ring Snake, it is not difficult for Xiao Jingshui to guess that there should have been a Dragon Dragon Tongue Plant growing here before. The moon ring snake is also very likely to be a guardian beast.

Unfortunately, a few days ago, Xiao Jingshui and the little snake agreed to let him get the Dragon Tongue Grass, so the Dragon Tongue Grass here has probably changed hands.

After thinking about it for a while, I knew that Moon Ring Snake took the initiative to explain the whereabouts of Hanyue Dragon Tongue Grass because it wanted to kill two birds with one stone.

The Moon Ring Snake was startled, does this person know something?
Although guilty, Moon Ring Snake still said sincerely: "My lord, trust me!"

As he said that, the Moon Ring Snake told the half-truth about the robbing of the Hanyue Dragon Tongue Grass a few days ago, crying and crying.

The corner of Xiao Jingshui's mouth twitched, it was hard for a snake to show a flattering and pitiful look.

Xiao Jingshui commented in his heart that the acting skills are not bad, although the eyeballs rolling around seem not so sincere, but it is not easy for a plain snake without professional training to do this.

It is estimated that ordinary people are here, and after being praised by the Moon Ring Snake on the left and the right, they have long been in high spirits and want to fight with the bad snake that snatched the Dragon Tongue Grass from the Moon Ring Snake's mouth, and then snatch the Dragon Tongue Grass away.

such a pity……

Xiao Jingshui is no ordinary person.

Moreover, the cold moon dragon tongue herb that was stolen is for it.

The Moon Ring Snake didn't know anything about it, and pretended to cry: "My lord, only someone as powerful as you deserves to have such a treasure as the Dragon Tongue Grass. It would be a waste of heaven and earth to fall into the hands of that dead snake!"

Xiao Jingshui: "..."

Seeing how vigorously you are provoking, I am ashamed to tell you that the Hanyue Dragon Tongue herb was snatched by that little snake for me.

Thank you for your concern, but the Cold Moon Dragon Tongue Grass will fall into my hands and I won't waste everything.

But Xiao Jingshui was kinder after all, couldn't bear to see the Moon Ring Snake vomit blood and died in anger, and finally said perfunctorily: "Thank you for letting me know."

Moon Ring Snake thought that Xiao Jingshui had taken the bait, and immediately recommended himself: "Master, do you want me to lead the way?"

Xiao Jingshui glanced at the Moon Ring Snake with several cuts on its body, a little surprised, can it still crawl after being so injured?How much perseverance and vitality is this?
Xiao Jingshui waved his hand after accepting a piece of snake scale with the breath of a small snake from the Moon Ring Snake, "No need."

Because I'm afraid that the moment you know the truth, you'll want to vomit blood and die, and I wish I didn't come to this world for a while.

Moon Ring Snake regretted that he couldn't watch the two annoying guys kill each other.

The pain on the body brought the Moon Ring Snake back to reality, hissing, it hurts like hell, don't watch it if you don't look at it, the injured snake should just stay at home and recuperate.

Xiao Jingshui only took two steps when he heard Moon Ring Snake yelling from behind:
"My lord, you are going the wrong way! You shouldn't be going this way!"

Xiao Jingshui stopped immediately, with no expression of joy or anger: "It's in this direction."

(End of this chapter)

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