The years when I was doing things in another world

Chapter 254 Can't You Be Honest To Yourself?

Chapter 254 Can't You Be Honest To Yourself?
"I thought you'd wait until the end to come out."

In the other courtyard of Tiandilou, Gui Yuejun and Xiao Jingshui sat opposite each other.

Gui Yuejun was a little surprised that Xiao Jingshui came out early.

Xiao Jingshui rested his chin lazily, yawned casually, and lazily said: "Isn't this a coincidence. To be honest, this kind of trial is meaningless to me."

Xiao Jingshui originally wanted to wait until the last time to go out, but when he met the little snake ahead of time, and learned that the little snake had obtained five kinds of spiritual plants including the Dragon Tongue Grass, Xiao Jingshui had no interest in waiting any longer.

Under the fearful eyes of the little snake, Xiao Jingshui calmly proposed to end the transaction early.

The little snake didn't dare to say anything, after handing the five kinds of spiritual plants to Xiao Jingshui, he asked tremblingly, "Master, Nirvana Fruit..."

Xiao Jingshui knew what it wanted to say, and said: "After the blood is continuously purified, it will be fine."

After all, Xiao Jingshui pointed to the direction he came in with some ambiguity: "There's a seriously injured Moon Ring Snake over there."

Taking advantage of the little snake's stunned effort, Xiao Jingshui directly crushed the teleportation talisman and exited the trial.

There are many ways to purify the blood, one of which is devouring the treasures of heaven and earth, and the other is devouring the same kind of high-level blood.There is also the most common one, which is quenching the body due to thunder.

The bloodline level of the Moon Ring Snake is no higher than that of the Little Snake, but its cultivation level is not lower.If the little snake devoured it, the Moon Ring Snake's cultivation would be enough to support its cultivation to a higher level.

If there is no accident, it can also completely transform into dragons while advancing to the next level.


While removing the hidden dangers of the Nirvana Fruit in the little snake's body, Lei Jie will also bring irreversible damage to it, and it will have no chance with Hualong.

Gui Yuejun did not communicate with Xiao Jingshui's spiritual sense, and he didn't know what happened to Xiao Jingshui's side, but based on his own understanding, when he showed such an expression, he should have done something bad.

The corner of Gui Yuejun's mouth twitched, and he agreed not to mess around, it seems that he still couldn't control himself in the end.

"Nothing happened, did you?"

Xiao Jingshui asked back: "What can happen to me?" Are you so worried about yourself?
Gui Yuejun rolled his eyes at himself: "It's not because I'm afraid that you will overturn after doing too many bad things."

Do you have no idea about your situation?Big waves will capsize the boat!
Xiao Jingshui looked innocent: "You should be more confident in yourself."

Ghost Moon Lord: "..."

This confidence is not that I am confident that I have not done anything bad, but that I am confident that I will not overturn.

Gui Yuejun suddenly realized that his skin seemed a little thick.

But after all, you are yourself, so don't hurt yourself.

"Okay, I believe it." Guiyue Jun nodded lazily, this topic has been turned over, "They didn't make things difficult for you when they came out, did they?"

This "they" naturally refers to the group of people in Hongchu Academy.

Xiao Jingshui shook his head: "No, it just... seems to have scared them."

Guiyue-jun is very clear about his character, folded his arms and took a good time: "Tell me, what tricks did you do to scare people?"

Xiao Jingshui glared at Guiyue Jun reproachfully, his peach blossom eyes twinkling with affection: "How can you say it's a Sao operation?"

Gui Yuejun was shocked for a while, his face was expressionless, thinking that he seemed to be getting more and more dramatic after so long in the other world, he was gentle and elegant in front of people, but he looked like a ghost in the queen.

"speak politely."

Can't you be more honest with yourself?Bullying her now can't communicate with the body's spiritual consciousness, right?

(End of this chapter)

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