Chapter 261

Xiao Jingshui snorted coldly, and put down the wine glass in his hand: "The world likes to make up brains. If you spend the time spent thinking about it on cultivation, I'm afraid the world will be able to add a few more great talents."

Xiao Jingshui's sarcasm was beyond words, and his pair of drunken peach blossom eyes were full of contempt, and upon careful examination, there was also a bit of anger and disgust.

Gui Yuejun sighed, got up and walked behind Xiao Jingshui, and patted him reassuringly.

"It's just a group of short-sighted guys, we don't care about them."

Gui Yuejun comforted softly.She understood Xiao Jingshui's anger.

In the final analysis, the fate of her past life and present life all came from the word "scrupulous".

Xiao Jingshui is certainly not a bad person, but she is definitely not a saint either.

As a person who is extremely rational and transparent, hovering on the edge of good and evil, no one would believe that she is really harmless.

If good and evil are compared to a number line, where good is a positive number and evil is a negative number, then Xiao Jingshui is zero standing on the dividing line.

One step further will not make people think how good she is, but half a step back is evil heresy.

Xiao Jingshui never thought of harming anyone, but the fear that came to his face was so much that it was suffocating.

They didn't understand her at all, so why did they arbitrarily classify her as a different kind?

Xiao Jingshui was angry about this matter.

So Xiao Jingshui is the person who hates wild thinking and believes his wild thinking to be true.

Sometimes Xiao Jingshui even thought a little meanly that some people might really have a pair of eyes for nothing.

What they see only serves to plant a beautiful but useless flower in their already barren brains, serving no purpose other than decoration.Even sometimes, if you don't pay attention, poisonous weeds will grow on this land, and fools will treat them like treasures.

They are not ashamed of it, but rather complacent, thinking that they are extremely clever.

If you have that time to think about it, it is better to do something practical.Just thinking about what is there and what is not, not to mention wasting brain cells, may also lose a lot of material, financial and even manpower.

When will there be more sincerity and trust between people?
Xiao Jingshui lowered her eyes, and her long eyelashes concealed her emotions, but Gui Yuejun knew that she had a little depression in her heart.

As a victim, it is impossible for her not to resent, even if she understands it.

Gui Yuejun hugged Xiao Jingshui, and said in a tolerant and loving voice: "Anyway, all the people and things in this world have nothing to do with us. If you don't like it, we can just stay away."

Xiao Jingshui was silent instead.

After a long while, she raised her eyes, and looked at Guiyue Jun with her pair of dark peach blossom eyes, her gaze was unprecedentedly firm: "No."

Gui Yuejun was startled at first, then clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "As expected of me!"

Now that she has chosen to swing her sword at fate, nothing can make her compromise and surrender!
However, Xiao Jingshui's next sentence made Gui Yuejun's face change drastically.

"Someone hypnotized me."

Xiao Jingshui's tone was calm, but a raging storm was brewing in his eyes.

Gui Yuejun's face was ugly, and he was frightened and angry: "How is it possible?!"

How could someone have hypnotized her unknowingly?She has no contact with anyone who can!
Xiao Jingshui was very calm, and asked back: "Am I a fragile person?"

Guiyue-jun was dumbfounded.

Naturally not.

It takes more courage to choose to live consciously than to face death.

The moment she decided to be a sober person, she was doomed to be out of fragility.

 When the brave are angry, they draw their blades towards the stronger; when the cowardly are angry, they draw their blades towards the weaker. ——Lu Xun

  Thanks to Arashiyama Yin and Tiaoyuan for their rewards (*︶*). .:*

(End of this chapter)

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