Chapter 275
Zheng Qishan didn't like Gongye Pan's behavior of exploiting loopholes in the rules, and seeing his crazy attitude made him even more disgusted.

The Xindao Yaozu is a Yaozu, and they are really arrogant and uneducated.

But even though he was thinking this way in his heart, Zheng Qishan still looked kindly: "The number one this time is Qingyuge, there is no need to change it, Young Master Gongye doesn't need to get angry."

Hearing the words, Gongye Pan calmed down a little bit, said "hmm" casually, and said very perfunctorily, "President Zheng is still fair and reasonable."

Zheng Qishan: "..."

To be honest, I think it is unreasonable to meet such a bad student like you!
But it is still necessary to maintain a good manner, Zheng Qishan quickly adjusted himself.

Qing Yuge is most sensitive to the good and evil changes of others. Even though Zheng Qishan adjusted quickly, she still noticed his flash of disgust towards Gong Yepan.

Qing Yuge pursed her lips, finally pulled down Gongyepan's sleeve, and said in a low voice: "You keep a low profile!"

This is not the world of demons, so they can't let them mess around.

After all, Gong Yepan was doing it for her own sake, and it was not easy for her to see him getting into trouble for her.

Seeing that Qing Yuge seldom paid attention to him, Gongyepan immediately turned his fingers softly, and said very obediently: "Okay, I will listen to Yugeer."

Gongyepan's voice was so gentle that he could pinch water out, making the few people around him feel chills.

Is this kind of virtue the same as that of the sinister and arrogant Young Master Gongye?
I'm afraid someone will take it away!
Qing Yuge's forehead was throbbing with veins, but he could hardly resist the urge to scold him.

She finally understood that Gongyepan was the type who wouldn't turn back when he bumped into the south wall.

Qing Yuge sighed silently in his heart, let him go.


"You are not allowed to do this in the future, otherwise I will really ignore you." Qing Yuge sent a voice transmission to Gongyepan.

Although it's cool to get No.1, she doesn't want a No.1 that wasn't obtained by her own strength.Otherwise, what is the difference between her and Qing Biqiao?

Gong Yepan's focus was off, and he said happily through voice transmission: "So in the future, will Yu Geer talk to me?"

Qing Yuge: "..."

She really shouldn't have too much hope for Gongyepan.

Zheng Qishan didn't pay attention to their small actions, and continued to preside over the overall situation: "There should be no problem, right?"

Everyone shook their heads. Naturally, there was no problem. This time it was a loophole in the rules, and they could only accept it.

So Zheng Qishan continued: "Then, No. 2, Jun Yuecheng, 440 three points; No. 3, Ke Yulun, 420 four points. Qing Yuge, Jun Yuecheng, and Ke Yulun will go to the dean with me to get it later." Exclusive rewards."

There was a burst of cheers in the school field.

Xiao Jingshui smiled, and said to Jun Yuecheng, "Congratulations."

Ji Xingzhou also said: "Congratulations, brother."

Jun Yuecheng said humbly, "Thank you very much."

Zheng Qishan's gaze swept over Jun Yuecheng, and a trace of regret clearly flashed across his eyes.

If Gong Yepan hadn't stepped in, Jun Yuecheng would have been number one.

I thought that the first meeting would be a human cultivator, so as to boost the momentum of the human cultivator, but it turned out that the last one to reach the top was a demon cultivator.

But fortunately, everyone knows how Qing Yuge came to be number one, and Jun Yuecheng is the real uncrowned king.This is enough.

Zheng Qishan's gaze stayed on Xiao Jingshui again for a moment, and he didn't know how the little guy who asked a tricky question before the trial was ranked, but he was the fourth son of the Immortal Dao, so he should be in the top ten.

 Author: You think too much

  Zheng Qishan: ...

(End of this chapter)

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