The years when I was doing things in another world

Chapter 290 So Xiao Jingshui Can Be Perfunctory

Chapter 290 So Xiao Jingshui Can Be Perfunctory

Yu Man hesitated several times, hesitated to speak, wanted to say something, but was too embarrassed to say it.

Xiao Jingshui noticed Yu Man's state carefully, and asked considerately, "Does Junior Sister Yu have any questions?"

"Ah?!" Yu Man hesitated for a moment, and then said embarrassedly, "'s nothing, just...just curious about Guiyue-jun. Brother Xiao...seems to be familiar with Guiyue-jun."

Xiao Jingshui's smile faded a little upon hearing this.It wasn't a very polite question for her.

Seeing Xiao Jingshui's slightly cold expression, Yu Man was a little apprehensive.

Yu Man began to reflect, was the question she asked a bit too sensitive?
Everyone has their own secrets, and she shouldn't pry into other people's privacy.

Xiao Jingshui sighed softly. After all, Yu Man is a girl with a thin skin. She didn't say anything to accuse her, but said vaguely:
"Ghost Moon and I are friends. We met a long time ago."

Seeing Xiao Jingshui's expression of not wanting to mention more, Yu Man, who was already somewhat regretful, naturally stopped asking, and immediately said:

"Ah, that Senior Brother Xiao is really amazing."

Yu Man said something dry.

Xiao Jingshui laughed: "It's just fate, it can't be said that it's great or not. I'm leaving, see you later!"

"See you!"

"See you!"

Lin Shanshan and Yu Man said goodbye to Xiao Jingshui in unison.

Xiao Jingshui left without hesitation.

After Xiao Jingshui disappeared, Lin Shanshan whispered to Yu Man:
"Senior Sister, you are really amazing. How dare you ask Senior Brother Xiao about Gui Yuejun."

Yu Man was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and his cheeks were hot: "I'm just curious! When Senior Brother Xiao asked, I lost my mind and said it."

Lin Shanshan: "..."

This is really true.

When Senior Brother Xiao asks others something seriously, it is very difficult for others not to answer or lie.

This is probably Brother Xiao's unique charm.

Yu Man complained again in a low voice:
"Senior Brother Xiao has no difference if he says it or not. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that they are friends."

Lin Shanshan: " seems to be true."

After the words fell, the two looked at each other in blank dismay.

This... So Brother Xiao is also perfunctory?

Xiao Jingshui felt a little upset, so he wanted to make others feel unhappy too.

Thinking back to the small courtyard Ji Xingzhou chose, Xiao Jingshui's mouth curved into a nasty smile, but he quickly restrained himself.

Alone Better Together.

She decided to tell Ji Xingzhou the good news.

I think Ji Xingzhou should be very happy to hear that his cousin lives here.

Facts have proved that Xiao Jingshui's decision is correct.

After learning that Yu Man is Xiao Jingshui's neighbor, the bright smile on Ji Xingzhou's face froze for a moment, but soon became natural.

Ji Xingzhou said sincerely: "Thank you Jingshui for letting me know. There are some misunderstandings between me and my cousin, maybe we can resolve them during this period of time."

There was a bright smile on his face, but Ji Xingzhou felt bitter in his heart.

These words are sincere and true, but Ji Xingzhou is very clear that this is impossible.

Yu Man hated him to a certain extent, the kind that even a glance would make him feel annoying.

Xiao Jingshui nodded happily: "It's so natural that it's the best. You are blood relatives, and you will have to support each other in the future."

It is quite difficult for monks to have children, so cousins ​​and cousins ​​are considered close relatives.

Of course, this is only in theory. Sometimes, siblings are at odds with each other, let alone cousins ​​separated by a layer.

 Thank you very much for the little cute reward (.ω.)ノ
  PK starts today, let's work together~

(End of this chapter)

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