Chapter 292 The Elusive Dean

In this space, there is only a small bamboo house in the middle, a pavilion that can only accommodate four or five people, and a futon in the middle of the pavilion.

This space is not small, so it looks empty, and these simple buildings also look extraordinarily simple.

And unlike the dense enchantment outside, there is nothing inside, not even an ordinary spirit gathering array.

On the futon, a woman closed her eyes slightly, sitting cross-legged, like an old monk in meditation.

The woman's black hair is only tied up with a wooden hairpin, and her plain clothes are even more unpretentious.

It is hard to imagine that the dean of Hongchu Academy is such a simple person.

What is even more unimaginable is that she has a holy and soft appearance.

Gui Yuejun raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise, she did not expect that there was a face that was more harmless than the main body.

However, the harmlessness of a woman is different from that of Xiao Jingshui.

Xiao Jingshui's appearance was also rather eye-catching, but she deliberately neutralized this beauty with a harmless temperament, disguising a dazzling gemstone as a moist jade without edges and corners.This kind of innocence is transparent, it is the gentleness and restraint shown after reading Qianfan, no one will associate innocence with her.

But the woman in front of her is different, she seems to be born this way.Whether it is her appearance or temperament, they are extremely harmless.This kind of innocence is pure and innocent, like a newborn baby, with a fragile and spotless ignorance and innocence, which makes people feel pity and desire to destroy.

However, she still carried a different kind of holiness, as if she was surrounded by a faint moonlight, stained with an indescribable divinity, and awe-inspiring, I had to carefully restrain those dirty thoughts Come.


Two words appeared in Gui Yuejun's mind.

It was so much fun.

The appearance of such a combination is interesting, and such an existence is the dean of Hongchu Academy, which is even more interesting.

Because these two temperaments, whether taken apart or combined, do not seem like what a manager should have.

And because of his sensitivity to harmless temperament and his firm belief that things will go against each other, Guiyue-jun can be sure that this dean must hide an unknown side, and this hidden side is not very beautiful.

She even felt a similar aura from this woman.

The same kind of lunatics are naturally lunatics.

No matter how normal they appear to be, they can't hide their paranoia inside.

Zheng Qishan didn't bother the woman, he stood quietly at the side, turned his head and made a gesture, signaling Qing Yuge, Jun Yuecheng and Ke Yulun to be quiet.

At the same time, he bowed apologetically to Gui Yuejun, begging her to be more patient.

Gui Yuejun nodded casually, which made Zheng Qishan heave a sigh of relief.

Gui Yuejun seems to be careless, but he has been observing secretly.

Noticing the subtle changes in Zheng Qishan's expression, Guiyue Jun came to a conclusion: Zheng Qishan cared about the dean very much, even in awe.

Because he handled the headaches on the school grounds before with ease, but facing the dean, Zheng Qishan's expression was tense.

This tension is not out of fear or apprehension, but pure surrender out of awe.

Numerous details conveyed the same message, and he was afraid of offending this woman, even if it was just an unavoidable disturbance due to the execution of orders.

It was so much fun.

What's more interesting is that she couldn't see through this woman's cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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