Douluo: Start capturing the goddess Xiao Wu from the sign-in!

Chapter 114 Breaking the Conventional Theory, Liu Erlong Shocked!

Chapter 114 Breaking the Conventional Theory, Liu Erlong Shocked!

The direction of the roar.

Soon there was a dense rustling sound from the grass.

The three of Bai Hao turned their eyes to look, their hearts trembled.

Dozens of ugly wolves suddenly sprang out from the surroundings, with blue wolf hair and a fierce breath, and thick thorns and bone spurs protruding from their backs, they were outflanking from all directions.

"Jade-faced wolf?" Ye Wuchen looked at the wolves, slightly taken aback.

He had encountered this pack of wolves in the Star Dou Forest before.

This kind of soul beast is extremely difficult to deal with, and each wolf will cooperate with the wolf king to hunt and kill its prey together.

This kind of soul beast, logically speaking, should rarely appear.

Why did it appear today?
At that time, Ye Wuchen only encountered this kind of soul beast at night.

Ye Wuchen frowned, he was not worried about himself, but about Bai Hao and Liu Erlong who had exhausted his soul power.

The wolves stared greedily at Ye Wuchen and the others with their dark green gazes. They opened their mouths wide open, with stinky mucus flowing between their sharp teeth, ready to pounce and bite at any time.

"Tmd, scare me."

"Heh, it's just a bunch of beasts. I'm missing a soul ring, so you guys came just in time!"

Bai Hao and the others stared at the wolves and sneered contemptuously.

Then without saying a word, he brazenly summoned his martial soul.

The air waves are rolling, the robes are blowing, and the hair is dancing.

The pack of wolves took a step back at the same time, looking at the three of them vigilantly.

Seeing this, the three of Bai Hao grinned ferociously at the corners of their mouths.

Stimulating the soul power with all his strength, his legs suddenly kicked to the ground, and he jumped up.

Fast to the extreme.

The wolves looked alert and made a defensive posture.

In the blink of an eye.

The three of Bai Hao had already moved behind Ye Wuchen, shouting loudly.

"Benefactor, help!"

The corner of Ye Wuchen's mouth twitched, his forehead was covered with black lines.

What's up with these three guys.

Wasn't it awesome just now?

I was ready to watch you perform a solo wolf pack, but you just showed me this?
That's it?

Liu Erlong next to him couldn't stand it anymore, his beautiful eyes even rolled his eyes.

So embarrassing.

I don't know all three of them.

Ye Wuchen turned his head and said contemptuously, "Aren't you three too cowardly?"

Bai Hao said with a mournful face:

"Benefactor, it's better for you to come, the weakest of this group of jade-faced wolves is a thousand-year-old cultivation, and the three of us can't afford them a meal if we rush up.

Ye Wuchen shook his head, not bothering to pay attention to him.

Standing on the ground, he rushed to the wolves alone.

"Clang clang clang!" Jianming hissed.

Hunyuan Zhantian appeared in Ye Wuchen's hands, and the blade exuded ancient aura.


Ye Wuchen is like a tiger entering a herd of sheep.

Liu Erlong looked a little dazed.

The scenes of men fighting are full of violent aesthetics, which makes her beautiful eyes shine again and again.

This is the man.

She unconsciously compared Yu Xiaogang and Ye Wuchen.

It seems... there is no comparison.

Gradually, the image of Ye Wuchen became clearer and clearer in her heart.

After a series of explosions, all the wolves fell to the ground, dying.

The eyes of Bai Hao and the others were full of admiration and reverence.

Too strong, indeed too strong.

"Bai Hao, come here." Ye Wuchen hooked his fingers.

"Here we come!" Bai Hao rushed over quickly, and said courteously, "What orders do you have, benefactor?"

Ye Wuchen pointed to the thorny blue wolf under his feet, "Don't you want to add a third soul ring, just let it go."

Bai Hao's face instantly showed joy.

His martial spirit is Qingyun wolf, it is just right to absorb this millennium thorn blue wolf.

"Thank you benefactor!"

Just as Bai Hao was about to kill the wolf, he began to absorb the soul ring.

A voice stopped him.

"Wait a minute!"

Liu Erlong walked over with his snow-white jade legs under the wide shorts, frowned and said, "Xiaohao, you can't absorb this thorny green wolf."

"Why the dean?" Bai Hao scratched his head in doubt.

Liu Erlong glanced at the man, and then explained:
"The third spirit ring of a soul master can only absorb ones that are about 600 years old at most. This blue wolf looks close to 2000 years old. If you absorb it, you will explode and die."

"This..." Bai Hao turned pale with fright.

Ye Wuchen shook his head and patted Bai Hao's shoulder.

"Trust me, then don't listen to her, this blue wolf spirit ring is just right for you."

Bai Hao suddenly felt troubled, and didn't know who to listen to.

Liu Erlong stared and said: "Aren't you trying to harm him, the absorption limit of the soul master's third ring is about 600 years."

"Who told you?" Ye Wuchen raised his eyebrows.

"The guy I like told me."

Liu Erlong suddenly remembered that Yu Xiaogang still has advantages.

He is an invincible genius in Douluo Dalu theory, not a useless waste.

Ye Wuchen's eyes flashed, "Are you so sure what he said is right?"

Liu Erlong nodded, full of confidence.

"I'm sure and sure, there should be no one in Douluo Continent who understands martial arts better than him. This is his field of expertise, and he will never make mistakes."

"Oh?" The corner of Ye Wuchen's mouth showed playfulness.

"Since you trust him so much, let's make a bet."

"What are you betting on?" Liu Erlong asked.

The corners of Ye Wuchen's mouth curled up slightly.

"I lost, and you don't have to pay back the two favors you owed me."

"You lost, call me good brother when we meet later."

"Pfft, smelly shameless!" Liu Erlong stared at his beautiful eyes,

"You seem to be many years younger than me, don't you have the nerve to let me call you brother?"

"Are you afraid of losing?" Ye Wuchen smiled lightly.

"I'm not afraid, his theory won't go wrong." Liu Erlong said with certainty.

Ye Wuchen didn't smudge, and looked directly at Bai Hao.

"You kid believes me, and you still plan to believe the person your dean said."


Bai Hao hesitated a little, thinking of Ye Wuchen's previous extraordinary strength, and the law of matching the original soul ring.

The benefactor's soul ring is matched with a 10-year soul ring. Even if I am not as good as my benefactor, I am still better than others. I don't believe the theory is so good!
Bai Hao gritted his teeth, his eyes were firm, "Benefactor, I believe in you!"

Liu Erlong's face turned pale, and he stopped repeatedly.

"Xiaohao, you can't take any risks. The person I mentioned just now is Yu Xiaogang, who is recognized as a genius of Douluo theory."

"You mean Yu Xiaogang—Master Yu?" Bai Hao was shocked.

"Yes!" Seeing Bai Hao's expression, Liu Erlong thought that he could persuade Bai Hao to turn around.

Bai Hao glanced at Liu Erlong, then at Ye Wuchen who was standing there calmly with his arms around his shoulders, and then at the green wolf with thorns on the ground.

Finally, he took a deep breath and made his final decision.

Regardless of Liu Erlong's obstruction, he began to absorb the Qinglang soul ring.

"Ruzi can be taught."

Ye Wuchen smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

He will not force Bai Hao to choose, it is up to him whether he can get the chance or not.


Liu Erlong was about to step forward to stop him.

But Ye Wuchen stopped him with his hand.

Seeing Liu Erlong's anxious eyes, Ye Wuchen said calmly: "Just wait, you will see the result soon."

Liu Erlong stomped his feet repeatedly, his face full of worry, isn't this just nonsense.


Following the wolf corpse, a purple soul ring floated onto Bai Hao's body.

Bai Hao suddenly let out a painful roar, and the veins all over his body burst out.

Soon, his body surface began to ooze bright red blood.

The two students beside him and Liu Erlong clenched their fists in fear, full of worry.

Ye Wuchen is calm and relaxed.

"What should I do, Xiaohao can't bear it any longer!"

Liu Erlong's face was full of sadness, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, he was very concerned about his students.

Ye Wuchen rolled his eyes, "Relax."

"How can I relax?"

Liu Erlong squeezed his hands and said angrily:

"I have said that more than 600 years is the limit of the three rings. It is too dangerous for you to let Xiaohao absorb this, and something big will happen."

Ye Wuchen shook his head and stretched out three fingers.




With a bang, Bai Hao completed the breakthrough.

At this moment, the pain on his face has all disappeared, and instead turned into an extremely comfortable color.

The strength has not only reached level 31, but has also risen rapidly.

Reached level 32.

The breath is still rising, breaking through again, and finally staying at the peak of level 33.

" is this possible!!" Liu Erlong's beautiful eyes were stunned, full of disbelief.

"Xiao Hao really succeeded in absorbing it?"

Bai Hao opened his eyes suddenly, and the first thing he did when he got up was to bow deeply to Ye Wuchen, his voice was extremely excited and grateful.

"Thank you for your guidance, otherwise I would not dare to absorb this spirit ring anyway."

"It's okay, get up."

"This is your own choice. This opportunity is also your own choice. I just said a few more words."

Ye Wuchen looked at all this calmly, as expected.

Bai Hao stood up humbly, looking at Ye Wuchen with incomparable admiration.

He has really reaped the benefits.

Just this soul ring is enough to make him ahead of his peers.

The two students around were full of envy and looked at Ye Wuchen eagerly.

"How is this possible? The theory of soul ring absorption is the result of Yu Xiaogang's lifetime of research. How could it be wrong?" Liu Erlong was shocked and shook his head repeatedly.

Ye Wuchen asked: "Why can't you make mistakes?"

"He is recognized as the number one theoretical master of Douluo." Liu Erlong responded.

Ye Wuchen slowly stretched out two fingers.

"First, as far as I know, the spirit ring absorption theory you mentioned was actually researched by the Spirit Hall."

"Second, this theory actually has limitations."

"Didn't Yu Xiaogang research this?" Liu Erlong's eyes were dull.

Luo Yu sneered: "A person has limited manpower after all, how many soul masters can he meet at most, who will give him data research?"

"This set of spirit ring absorption theory is the experience summed up by the Wuhun Hall from all the Wuhun branch halls in the world, and countless examples of soul masters. How did it become his research?"

"This..." Liu Erlong couldn't find any reason to refute.

Ye Wuchen sneered, "I think it's probably because he knows the nobles in the Wuhun Palace, who helped him to take out this theory, and made minor changes and took it for himself."

Liu Erlong lost his focus, and his delicate body staggered.

Some couldn't believe this fact, it hit her too hard.

Ye Wuchen continued: "But the theory he brought is actually flawed."

"Because every soul master's physique and endurance are different, how can we use a set of fixed standards to measure, isn't that a mistake?"

"Do you know the correct theory?" Liu Erlong looked at the man.

"To sum it up in one sentence, it is actually that teaching students in accordance with their aptitude cannot be measured by dead rules."

"Specific students, specific analysis."

"Take Bai Hao as an example. If my prediction is correct, he should have been practicing body training for so many years."

"That's why he has an excellent physique, and can withstand a spirit ring of a higher age to obtain the maximum benefit."

Liu Erlong was startled, "How did you see that??"

Ye Wuchen smiled, his deep black eyes were like a starry sky.

"This kid's physical condition cannot be hidden from my eyes."

"This 800-year-old blue wolf is the ultimate soul ring I selected for him from the pack of wolves."


It wasn't just Bai Hao and the others who were dumbfounded.

Liu Erlong was even more deeply shocked.

Although the man said it simply, only she knows how difficult it is to have such knowledge and judgment.

She originally thought that Yu Xiaogang was a theoretical genius, and she had full trust in him.

Unexpectedly, he actually got the information from Wuhundian.

The data is still flawed.

And do you need to consider the authenticity of Ye Wuchen's words?

He is obviously the real master!
The example of Bai Hao's extreme absorption of soul rings is clearly in front of him.

If Bai Hao listened to his words, his future would be delayed and his talent would be buried.

Liu Erlong was ashamed and blushed for a while, and he didn't dare to look Ye Wuchen in the eyes.

At the same time, I felt admiration for the little man in my heart.

This man is indeed too powerful, what else does he not know?

A certain kind of special emotion began to grow rapidly in Liu Erlong's heart.

Yu Xiaogang's shadow has begun to blur.

"Hey, did someone forget our bet?"

Ye Wuchen gave a reminder.

Liu Erlong's hot and delicate body trembled, his cheeks were flushed, and water was about to drip from his beautiful eyes.

Do you really want to call?

It's too shameful, what is this called an exit.

PS: In the fifth chapter update, Xianyu applied for a few days off. Some things in the past few days made me feel that my whole mental state is not right, and I may be a little depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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