Douluo: Start capturing the goddess Xiao Wu from the sign-in!

Chapter 118 Killing the God's Mansion and Meeting Bibi Dong by Coincidence

Chapter 118 Killing the God's Mansion and Meeting Bibi Dong by Coincidence
Ye Wuchen sneered: "Could it be possible that all the gods in the sky have the same virtue as you?"

"A mere mortal ant, how dare you talk about the world."

"The deity announces that you can die."

A glass-colored purple cloud stick appeared in the young man's hand, exuding an explosive breath.

He didn't even bother to use his divine power, so he ran towards Ye Wuchen and swept over with a stick.

Even if it's just a random blow, any god has already broken through the [-]-level mark.

This stick was thunderous, and the air exploded.

The surrounding air became thicker.

Ye Wuchen urged Hunyuan Zhantian Sword with all his strength, and the three rings merged into one.

The first three soul rings of 10 years were fused together, and a brand new soul ring appeared, with an extremely rich blood color, bursting out with a little golden brilliance.

The soul ring was integrated into the Heaven Zhanjian, and the Hunyuan Heaven Zhanjian underwent earth-shaking changes in an instant.

Ye Wuchen swept out with a sword, causing ripples in the void.

Slashed head-on on the glass-colored purple cloud stick.


At the same time as the explosion sounded.

The blade vibrated, and Ye Wuchen was thrown flying.

In the end, he forcibly stabilized his figure, and the arm holding the sword was a little numb from the shock.

Seeing that his stick was blocked, the young god looked very surprised.

You boy is not ordinary, if you can block my casual blow, you can be regarded as a stronger mortal ant. "

"But that's all, because—"

"You pissed me off."

"This time, you will definitely not have any way out."

The young deity exploded with divine power, and the golden coiling dragon stick exuded an aura as deep as the sea.

"Go to hell!!"

With the young god's stick, the space was vibrating and humming, as if it was about to be blasted at any moment.

Ye Wuchen's complexion changed, and he felt his body was firmly locked.

The opponent couldn't dodge this move, so he could only resist it.

Even now, there is no need to hide.

"hold head high!"

A startling dragon chant resounded, and a nine-colored dragon shadow soared upwards.

Ye Wuchen was possessed by the Dragon God Martial Soul, two armors of different colors appeared on his arms, and two ultimate attribute powers erupted.

The golden flame of the great sun and the profound ice of the hell prison, two extreme powers of attributes, flooded the entire battlefield in an instant.

Looking at the power of these two attributes, the young man's face changed slightly.

The originally terrifying offensive disappeared in an instant.

Because of the power of these two attributes, he felt palpitations.

If you are not careful, you may die in the power of these two attributes.

Ye Wuchen suddenly felt that his own prison power disappeared.

He looked at the young man, and found that the young man was staring vigilantly at the two solidified attribute powers on his arms.

After being beaten for so long, Ye Wuchen couldn't take it anymore.

Now it's finally time to fight back.

"Weren't you crazy just now?"

"Why are you so lazy now?" Ye Wuchen said lightly.

Hearing this, the young man's eyes widened, but he was afraid of the power of attributes on Ye Wuchen, so he didn't dare to say too much.

"Boy, you are lucky this time, but you won't be so lucky next time!" The young man let out the words, and immediately wanted to turn around and leave the place.

It is definitely impossible for Ye Wuchen to let him leave so easily.

"Buzz!" A loud voice sounded.

A simple and elegant chessboard appeared in Ye Wuchen's palm.

Immediately, the picture of the entire battlefield was instantly depicted on the chessboard.

Ye Wuchen sat in the void, and black and white chess pieces appeared in the field in front of him.

The young man who originally wanted to leave this place suddenly felt that a terrifying force was applied to his feet, making him walk very slowly.

"Come whenever you want, leave whenever you want, I won't spoil you." Ye Wuchen's eyes showed a terrifying murderous intent.

If it weren't for the golden flame of the day and the mysterious ice of the hell prison, he might have died at the hands of this stinky and shameless god.

"The third soul skill: black and white prison." Ye Wuchen held white in his left hand and black in his right.

He threw it casually, and the two chess pieces turned into a huge barrier, heading towards the young man.

The black and white barriers attacked the young man, intending to imprison this divine mansion in this cage.

The young man's face was gloomy, and the light on his body kept flickering.

He didn't expect that the remnants of the dragon clan in front of him would not let him leave.

And the opponent's cultivation base is so low.

He is courting death.

However, the young man was afraid of the power of the two attributes appearing beside Ye Wuchen, and he did not dare to approach Ye Wuchen actively.

The young man held a purple cloud stick and looked at the black and white barrier in front of him with a gloomy expression.

"Bang!" The young man raised the long stick in his hand, and the black and white barrier was instantly shattered.

At the moment when the youth smashed the barriers.

Ye Wuchen's eyes turned silver blue.

"The third soul skill: Desolate Hell Arrow."

A faint white light appeared above Ye Wuchen's head, and a feathered arrow invisible to the naked eye appeared.

Attacked towards the forehead of the young man.

The young man was instantly hit by the feather arrow, and his body lost his mind for a moment, and he froze in place for an instant.

"It's now!" Ye Wuchen roared.

The domain of the heaven and earth chessboard disappeared, and the pupils turned black.

The Hunyuan Zhantian Sword appeared in his hand.

"Golden Misty Step!"

"Shua!" Ye Wuchen disappeared in place.

Appearing in front of the young man in an instant, Ye Wuchen raised the Hunyuan Zhantian Sword in his hand, and stabbed straight at the young man's chest.

The young man's eyes were horrified, and he wanted to raise his hand to block, but found that it was too late.

The young man didn't expect that just a short moment of absence would determine the outcome.

Hunyuan Zhantian Sword is covered with glass-colored luster, piercing directly through the silver armor in front of the young man.

The golden blood flowed down the blade towards the ground.

Youth is now a powerful bow.

But the young man raised his hand, exhausted the last bit of strength in his body, and slapped Ye Wuchen's chest directly.

On Ye Wuchen's chest, the armor of the sky-swallowing unicorn soul bone appeared directly.

But no matter what the young man is, he is still a god.

"Pfft!" Ye Wuchen suddenly felt a strong force hit his chest.

Bright red blood spat out from his mouth.

"Tmd." Ye Wuchen lay directly on the ground, the pain in his chest almost made him faint.


At the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest.

As soon as Hu Liena waited, she was attracted by the sound of fighting in the distance.

"Huh?" Bibi Dong's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, looking solemnly at the sound coming from afar.

"Yueguan, go and have a look." Bibi Dong opened her mouth lightly.

Ju Douluo, who was standing beside Bibi Dong, nodded slightly upon hearing this.

The next moment, Ju Douluo disappeared instantly.

The battlefield was devastated and horrible.

Chrysanthemum Douluo only saw a young man being pierced through by a long sword, and another young man lying on the ground, life or death unknown.

Chrysanthemum Douluo narrowed his eyes slightly.

Why is that boy lying on the ground so familiar?
Ju Douluo walked into the side of the young man with doubts.

The young man's face was covered with blood, he was dressed in a white gold-patterned suit, and his slender black hair was casually scattered on the ground.


Ju Douluo gasped.

"No wonder it looks so familiar, I didn't expect it to be that little guy from Shrek Academy." Yue Guan murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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