Douluo: Start capturing the goddess Xiao Wu from the sign-in!

Chapter 128 The Eyeless Man-faced Demon Spider

Chapter 128 The Eyeless Man-faced Demon Spider
When Chihiro Ji heard the words, he snorted immediately, what time is it, and still pretending to beep?

I kindly advised you to leave, but you are still here to pretend for me.

I hope you will see the soul beast later and don't be scared to death.

Qian Xunji glanced at Ye Wuchen lightly, and then left.

He didn't want to persuade Ye Wuchen anymore.

This man is too good at pretending.

That being the case, why not do it.

Seeing Chihiro Ji's deflated look, Ah Yin immediately covered his mouth and suppressed a smile.

"Brother Chen, why are you always mad at me?" Ah Yin leaned over and whispered in the man's ear.

Ye Wuchen felt his ears itch.

He turned his head away and looked at Ah Yin with his deep black eyes.

"Don't you believe me?" Ye Wuchen asked.

"I definitely believe in Brother Chen, but Brother Chen, if you don't show him your ability, even if Brother Chen is strong, no one else will believe it." Ah Yin said.

"It's okay, he will believe it later." Ye Wuchen waved his hand and said.

The four continued to walk towards the interior of the Star Dou Great Forest.

The closer he got to the inside, Chihiro Ji realized something was wrong.

It seems too peaceful here.

Not even a shadow of a soul beast could be seen.

Qian Xunji looked around, and suddenly said to himself: "It's broken!"

The towering trees here block the sun in the sky, making the ground appear damp. In the distance, the corpse of a soul beast lies quietly on the ground.

Seems to have been dead for a while.

Ye Wuchen frowned slightly.

If he guessed correctly, this should be the place where Datura Snake and Man Faced Demon Spider often live.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Ah Yin immediately stood in front of the man.

The breath of the soul king erupted instantly, and the golden blue soul light surged, forming a barrier here, protecting the man to death.

Ye Wuchen released his consciousness.

Good guy!
Ye Wuchen called him a good guy.

Inside, at least dozens of Man Faced Demon Spiders and four or five Mandala Snakes were hidden.

The man-faced spider with the highest cultivation level, and the cultivation base of 4 years.

The lowest, there are hundreds of years of man-faced spiders.

As for the Datura Snake, the highest level of cultivation has reached 5 years.

Minimum 3000 years.

Chihiro Ji frowned, looking around vigilantly.

Although he doesn't have the spiritual sense like Ye Wuchen, but Contra's cultivation has already made him aware of a sense of crisis.

At this moment, he glanced at Ye Wuchen and the two of them lightly.

It was found that Ayin was standing in front of Ye Wuchen.

Immediately he sneered.

Sure enough, he was a waste, he would only hide behind women.

No prospects.

Bibi Dong looked at A Yin curiously.

"Big sister..." Bibi Dong hadn't finished speaking.

The grass next to Chihiro Ji swayed, and there was a sound of friction.

First of all, a big net hit Bibi Dong.

The big net is dark green, with killing intent.

Qian Xunji has been observing the surroundings, but didn't realize that Bibi Dong had left his side.

Chihiro Ji hadn't reacted yet.

By the time he reacted, the big net had almost enveloped Bibi Dong's head.

"Dong'er!" Qianxun Ji was startled, and ran towards Bibi Dong.

When Bibi Dong heard the words, it was only at this time that she realized that, when Bibi Dong found out, a wheelchair was blocking her.

Right now.

Ye Wuchen, who was originally behind Ah Yin, suddenly appeared in front of Bibi Dong.

Ye Wuchen raised his slender jade-like hands, and a golden flame emerged.

The flames burned the big net with terrifying power.

At the same time, the bloodthirsty chill in his Wuling eyes suddenly enveloped the upper layer, as if a demon god descended into the world, his pair of icy eyes easily pierced people's hearts, and he looked towards the grass beside Chihiro Ji.

Qian Xunji met Ye Wuchen's eyes inadvertently.

He was shaking all over.

It was as if he was being targeted by some terrifying beast.

Ye Wuchen raised his hand, and the Hunyuan Zhantian Sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

Bibi Dong stared at Ye Wuchen infatuatedly.

She found that the man with impaired legs in front of her was not only easy-going, but also powerful.

Ye Wuchen's figure was planted in Bibi Dong's young heart.

"Second Soul Skill: Sky Spiral Flows Like Fire."

The sword body has a simple charm, and five dazzling blood red colors emerge.

The blood-red soul ring illuminated Chihiro Ji's eyes.

"Ten... 10 year spirit ring?"

"Still... still Wudao?!" Chihiro Ji could no longer be calm at this time.

The man in the wheelchair in front of me was too mysterious.

And those five dazzling blood reds.

Chihiro Ji's mind was blank, and he couldn't think about it now.

The voice just fell.

With a sudden turn of the blade, the original quaint aura disappeared, replaced by a dazzling and extreme flame.

The flames covered the blade, and the scorching breath rushed towards the face, burning the air.

Let the originally damp and dark environment, a little more warmth.

Ah Yin looked at the man in the wheelchair, his beautiful eyes sparkled.

Is this Master Rui Beast?

It turned out to be so powerful.

The attraction between soul beast and soul beast.

It will always be greater than the attraction between soul beasts and humans.

Ye Wuchen showed such a powerful strength.

What's more, Ye Wuchen also has the body of a sky-swallowing unicorn, which is also powerful.

Ah Yin is completely about to fall into it.

Ye Wuchen's five fingers were slightly caged, and his palm grasped the hilt of the sword.

Ye Wuchen's black hair fluttered, and his clothes rattled.

The Man Faced Demon Spider, who was originally hiding in the dark, felt the terrifying sword intent, and ran out immediately.

The leader, the Man-faced Demon Spider, watched the man in the wheelchair in front of him warily.

This man, the power that erupted, gave it a feeling of death.

A soul beast whose cultivation base exceeds ten thousand years will give birth to a certain amount of wisdom.

Those mandala snakes had long since disappeared.

Ye Wuchen raised his eyes lightly, looking at the leader of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

He raised his hand, Hunyuan Zhantian Sword, and drew an arc in the air.

A red sword blade appeared in the air.

The blade cut a deep ditch along the ground.

The sword intent was rampant, and the sword energy filled the entire environment.

The moment many trees touched the sword intent, they immediately fell to one side.

The sun shines through the bushes and once again shines in the dark environment.

The leader of the Man-faced Demon Spider moved its six legs and dodged the sword.

But the Man Faced Demon Spider behind it was not so lucky.

The man-faced demon spider with the lowest cultivation level was burned to death under this sword.

Only a pale yellow soul ring was left floating quietly.

Ye Wuchen glanced lightly at the 4-year-old man-faced demon spider.

"Still leaving?" Ye Wuchen said lightly.

Ye Wuchen burst out with the breath of auspicious beasts.

Seeing this, the Man Faced Demon Spider's eyes were terrified.

The next moment, it took the rest of the man-faced spiders that were not dead, and left here in despair.

After the Man Faced Demon Spider left completely.

Ye Wuchen turned the wheelchair and looked at Bibi Dong who was staring blankly at him.

(End of this chapter)

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