Douluo: Start capturing the goddess Xiao Wu from the sign-in!

Chapter 133 A Guangling San, Impressing Tang Yuehua!

Chapter 133: A Song of Guangling, Impresses Tang Yuehua!

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, terrified.

Because at this time, there seemed to be countless iron-blooded armies rushing towards them from all directions.

They have no escape at all, only death.

When the piano sound ended, the audience fell silent.

Almost everyone's eyes were full of fear, and their clothes were soaked, as if they had walked through the siege of thousands of armies, and they looked like they had escaped and ascended to heaven with lingering fear.

Even more timid people have weak legs and feet.

"This... what song is this?"

"Who played this song!!"

"Never has a piece of music brought me such a real feeling, why is it so?"

"Just listening to a piece of music can make me so embarrassed, how is it possible?"

Horrified voices kept coming out, they were short of breath, and their eyes were fixed on the door of the quiet room.

It is unimaginable that such a song would appear in the world.

It's hard to imagine that someone in Tiandou City can play a complete piece of music with that Yaoqin.

No, it's not like that.

In a luxurious academy far away on the other side of Heaven Dou City.

A woman in her twenties was sitting on the podium, looking down at the students who were playing the piano.

"Zheng!" A long, murderous zither sound came here.

Tang Yuehua, who was originally sitting on the podium, lost her former ancient well and waveless eyes with her amber-like quiet eyes, and stared in the direction of the Qin Pavilion in horror.

Tang Yuehua completely forgot what she was going to do, and looked in the direction of Qinge in shock.

How could the sound of the zither sounded over there spread to such a long distance? How could it be possible?
Soon, Tang Yuehua didn't even care about being shocked, because her mind was completely attracted by the music, and she couldn't help but immerse herself in the music, unable to extricate herself.

The melody is melodious and tactful, sometimes low-pitched, sometimes high-pitched and powerful, just like presenting a magnificent picture scroll.

It seems that a picture of thousands of troops fighting against each other appears in front of my eyes.

In the piano pavilion.

After Ye finished playing a piece, he stroked the strings with five fingers, as if he was remembering something.

The old man sat aside.

Looking at Ye Wuchen nervously.

The old man opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But he found that Ye Wuchen's slender five fingers stirred the strings again.

Ye Wuchen's five fingers quickly jumped between the strings, and the light was floating around, like a smart elf.

The wonderful sound of the piano radiated out.

The melody is melodious and melodious, and the sound of the piano changes, just like the rolling waves, flying away.

What he played just now was the qin music played by loquat, ambush from all sides.

What he wants to play this time is the long-lost song from the previous life.

Guangling San!
Although this song has been lost in the previous life.

But with the help of the system, Ye Wuchen was able to play this piece completely.

Ye Wuchen closed his eyes, and moved the strings with his five fingers.

The fingers are nimble, like elves.

The original lively market, the main street.

They all became quiet, and the pedestrians stopped to listen carefully to the piece of piano music.

There was a thud, and suddenly, the strings of the guqin in front of Ye Wuchen broke.

The song naturally stopped.

Ye Wuchen's hands paused.

Looking at the broken strings with both eyes, he shook his head helplessly.

In order to play Guangling San and Fengqiuhuang, Ye Wuchen broke countless guqins.

I thought I could play it completely today, but it turned out to be the same.

It's over before it starts.

The old man looked at Ye Wuchen who shook his head and sighed.

He got up and dragged his old body, scrambling, and ran towards a room in Qin Pavilion.

Inside Yuexuan Pavilion.

As soon as the qin music was interrupted, Tang Yuehua came back to her senses.

Looking at the piano pavilion in the distance.

Don't know what to think.

The old man's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and he staggered to Ye Wuchen's side holding a dusty guqin.

"Sir, please use this guqin to play the piece that you haven't finished just now!" The old man said emotionally, looking at Ye Wuchen.

Ye Wuchen was taken aback for a moment, looking at the old man holding the dusty Guqin.

Although the guqin is covered with dust, you can still vaguely see a pattern full of ancient rhymes on the guqin.

Ye Wuchen didn't rub his feet, he reached out to take the guqin, and gently wiped the dust on the guqin.

After the dust is wiped clean, the true face of Guqin is revealed.

The strings of the Guqin are different from other Guqins. The material of the strings of this Guqin is obviously different, plus the pattern of the tattoo on the body of the Guqin.

Ye Wuchen guessed that the origin of this guqin might not be simple.

Seeing Ye Wuchen staring at the Guqin in a daze, the old man hastily explained: "Sir, this Guqin is the Guqin that I got from my benefactor before."

"The benefactor said at the time that this guqin can only be played by those who are destined to play it. I have met many masters who play ancient music, but no one can let me take out this guqin."

"Because most of the people are coming towards this guqin, and there are also some people with evil intentions."

Listening to the old man's words, Ye Wuchen nodded slowly.

If this is the case, then play those two ancient songs completely.

In the Tiandou City market, the people who stopped on the street, after waiting for a long time, sighed with regret when they found that a song hadn't played again.

People are moving again, right now.

"Zheng!" The piano sounded again.

Like a bell, it struck people's hearts.

In Yuexuan Pavilion, Tang Yuehua was wearing a cheongsam and rushed towards the Qin Pavilion.

She wants to meet this person, who is he?

This time, the sound of the piano never stopped.

It's just that Ye Wuchen's guqin had ancient lines, but there was a trace of golden brilliance at the blooming place, and the strings were covered with golden light. The whole guqin seemed to have revived.

Ye Wuchen didn't notice these details, but closed his eyes, recalled carefully, and moved the strings with his five fingers, as if he was exiled from the world, which is beyond the reach of people.

Tang Yuehua's heart was shaken, and her eyes were filled with disbelief.

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

Although she is only in her twenties, she has been exposed to music for so long, and she can appreciate the extraordinary and refined quality of this piano piece.

She really couldn't believe that there was such a qin melody in the world, and what kind of person could play this qin melody so vividly and perfectly.

Tang Yuehua's strength has been limited to level nine for life due to her congenital martial soul defect, but her musical accomplishments can be called the No. 1 in the Heaven Dou Empire and even in the Douluo Continent.

This peak height in music did not bring her happiness, but instead brought her a kind of loneliness.

It was this sense of loneliness that made her feel that it was hard to find a bosom friend, and it was hard to find a bosom friend.

In addition, as soon as Ye Wuchen played the song, Tang Yuehua instantly felt that he had found a bosom friend.

She can no longer miss this kind of opportunity, because if she misses it, it may be difficult to meet again.

ps: Xianyu changed his mobile phone, and the keyboard is not familiar with Xianyu’s previous code words. In a few days, the plot will come, and Xianyu will explode. Wait, everyone, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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