Chapter 138 Chihiro Ji's Girlfriend Yao Xueer

Seeing this, Chihiro Ji had no choice but to help his forehead.

Sure enough, if you have a sweetheart, you forget him as a master.

But Qian Xun Jiye is not angry, after all, the female college is going to marry, not to mention Wu Chen's talent is so good.

He believed that Bibi Dong would not be wronged if she married Ye Wuchen. (Most jealous.)
Bibi Dong stretched out her hand and embraced Ye Wuchen's neck, staring at Ye Wuchen with purple-pink pupils, blinking her eyes.

Ye Wuchen noticed a refreshing fragrance coming from the tip of his nose.

Bibi Dong sat on her lap, staring at him with blinking eyes.

"Dong'er, I'm here for the appointment." Ye Wuchen said with a smile.

"It's not too late, is it?" Ye Wuchen asked tentatively.

"It's not too late, I just broke through to become a soul king and become a soul emperor!" Bibi Dong shook her head repeatedly.

I am afraid that the man will be unhappy.

After all, the man in front of her is her sweetheart.

After waiting for so long, she finally gave him hope.

At this moment, a shout sounded: "Master, I planted this flower to death again..."

With a crying voice, it sounded from outside the Pope's Palace.

Hearing this, Ye Wuchen tilted his head slightly and looked at the person coming.

When the person came, a young girl was wearing a long white dress, with tears in the corners of her eyes, and she looked pitiful.

"Xue'er, why are you here?" Chihiro Ji looked at the girl named Xue'er with tender eyes.

Bibi Dong noticed the man's gaze, and followed the man's gaze.

He found that he glanced at the strange girl.

Bibi Dong whispered in the man's ear: "Brother Wuchen, that is my little junior sister named Yao Xue'er, who is also my master's girlfriend."

Ye Wuchen trembled when he heard the words.

Good guy!
He originally wanted to find a marriage for Qian Xun Ji, but he didn't expect that his appearance would not only indirectly change Bibi Dong's life, but also find a wife for Qian Xun Ji?

This is outrageous.

Could it be the butterfly effect?

No matter what, as long as Chihiro bid farewell and focus on Bibi Dong.

"Little friend Wuchen, I invite you to a banquet at the Pope's Palace tonight!" Qian Xunji hugged Yao Xue'er and said while looking at Ye Wuchen who was sitting in a wheelchair.

Only then did Yao Xueer discover the existence of Ye Wuchen.

There is no way, because her eyes are full of Chihiro disease.

He didn't notice Ye Wuchen's existence at all.

"Senior sister, is this your elder brother Wuchen?" Yao Xueer asked, leaning on Qianxunji and pointing at Ye Wuchen.

"That's right!" Bibi Dong smiled.

Yao Xueer left Qian Xunji's arms and came to Ye Wuchen's side.

He said something quietly to Bibi Dong, and then trotted all the way to Qian Xun Ji's side.

When Bibi Dong heard that she wanted Xue'er, her pretty face flushed immediately, her hands tightly gripped the corner of her skirt, and her white teeth gently shook her moist red lips.

Seeing Bibi Dong's appearance, Ye Wuchen felt puzzled in his mind.

What happened to Dong'er's phone?

Why is your face red?

Qian Xunji also saw it, and he frowned at Yao Xueer.

"Xue'er, what did you just say to your senior sister?"

"Master, come here, I'll tell you." Yao Xueer waved and said.

Chihiro Ji heard the words and bowed his head.

"Master, it's like this..." Yao Xueer glanced at Bibi Dong who was blushing, her eyes curved and smiling.

"Ahem!" Chihiro Ji cleared his throat.

The old man couldn't help but blush.

His apprentice and girlfriend is really too bad, how can he say such foul language to her senior sister.

Qian Xunji took a deep look at Bibi Dong, then pulled Yao Xueer away.

This time, he must ask Yao Xueer to discuss a business, about a business worth hundreds of millions.

Before leaving, Qian Xunji took a deep look at Ye Wuchen.

A picture of you asking for blessings.

Ye Wuchen looked strange.

Is this looking down on him, or something else?
"Dong'er?" Ye Wuchen turned his head away, looking at Bibi Dong who was sitting on his lap with his eyes closed and blushing.


What does this mean?

Ye Wuchen couldn't understand.

Just blushing.

What is the meaning of this picture of letting you pick it now?
Yao Xueer didn't say anything weird to Bibidong, Ye Wuchen wouldn't believe it.

"Dong'er, open your eyes and look at me." Ye Wuchen stretched out his hand and stroked Bibi Dong's beautiful hair.

Bibi Dong opened her eyes, her eyes were full of beauty, and her eyes were full of Ye Wuchen.

"You..." Seeing Bibi Dong's appearance, Ye Wuchen's mouth became dry for a while.

"Dong'er get up quickly..." Ye Wuchen urged.

If he stays like this, he might do something.

"Brother Wuchen, do you... like Dong'er?" Bibi Dong looked at the man expectantly and asked.

"Gulu!" Ye Wuchen's Adam's apple rolled.

There is no way, although Bibi Dong is still a girl, but there are a lot of things that should be there.

It can even compare with Zhuqing.

Ye Wuchen, who hadn't eaten meat for a long time, added to this situation.

He felt he couldn't help it.

"Happy..., I like it, you go down first." Ye Wuchen raised his hand, hugged Bibi Dong's slender waist, and urged.

When Bibidong heard Ye Wuchen's words of liking, she immediately rolled her eyes and walked away from the man.

There is only one sentence in Bibi Dong's mind right now: Brother Wuchen said he likes me!So happy!So happy! !

"Huh!" The moment Bibi Dong left Ye Wuchen's legs, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In a little while, he might have to discuss business with Bibi Dong, a business worth billions or even tens of billions, which is about the good genetic inheritance of human beings.


Night falls.

The moon rises high, and the stars adorn the sky.

Bibi Dong pushed the wheelchair, Ye Wuchen looked at the scenery outside the Pope's Palace.

Bibi Dong looked down at the handsome man, her eyes were full of love.

In fact, a few years ago, she didn't even know that this was liking someone.

She only knew that since returning from the Star Dou Great Forest, the figure of the man would always appear in her mind for a period of time every day.

Originally, she thought that with the passage of time, this kind of situation would not happen, but she didn't expect that the deeper and deeper she was, the more she missed her, and she couldn't forget it at all.

Until he confessed to Qian Xunji, saying that she sometimes dreamed of Ye Wuchen at night, and was in a daze and smirked during the day, all because she thought of Ye Wuchen.

Chihiro Ji told her that she had a sweetheart.

Bibi Dong asked curiously: "What is a sweetheart?"

Chihiro Ji said confidently: "Sweetie, you miss him every day, want to meet him sooner, stay with him all the time, like every bit of him, he is full of light in your eyes..."

However, with this liking, Bibi Dong persisted for a long time, just to meet the man in front of her.

This was the man she could never forget.

Fortunately, she waited.

Ye Wuchen also arrived as scheduled and came to the appointment.


(End of this chapter)

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