Chapter 141 Ah Rou's Shock


On the Xingdou Plain, strong winds were blowing, and air waves were blowing.

Ye Wuchen stood in front of the wheelchair, his blue shirt was blowing, and his black hair was dancing with the wind.

The silver-blue divine light shines through the eyes, the red-gold divine light surrounds the whole body, and the left leg is covered with a red-gold chain phantom.

Lifting his leg, he swung his foot forward at will, and his bones snapped.


Boundless energy and blood swept across the audience, and the sense of bursting power made the earth tremble and shake.

Countless blood powers gathered together to form a ferocious and terrifying blood dragon. With the sound of rubbing against the air, it broke through the air and went straight to the seven priests!

The bright day in the sky seemed to lose its color at this time, and the delicate and bright A Rou's hair fluttered in the distance, mobilizing her soul power to stabilize her figure.

The pupils dilated to the extreme, staring at Ye Wuchen, her face paled, she didn't expect Ye Wuchen to stand up suddenly, let alone Ye Wuchen's terrifying power when he stood up, it was too scary.

It was so shocking to watch.

Facing the strength of Ye Wuchen's legs, the seven priests were already frightened to the point of splitting their livers. Looking at the unimaginably majestic power of red energy and blood, the heartbeat of the seven priests of Wuhun Hall accelerated to the point that they were about to explode.

"This... what's going on here!"

"Why does this guy have such power."

"Impossible, even if the great priest strikes with all his strength, it is possible to bring such a strong sense of oppression!"

At this time, the seven priests' calves were trembling.

But he can't move now, Ye Wuchen's murderous intent has completely locked on him, he can only resist.

"Seven priests, I'll help you!" The voices came one after another, and the silver-armored stomach guards from the Wuhun Hall came to the seven priests, and all of them summoned their own spirits.

The gorgeous soul ring shone, and a terrifying power appeared, forming a barrier.

But in Ye Wuchen's eyes, it's just a mantis' arm as a car.

However, the roaring dragon of qi and blood told him that this was not a dream, but a reality that he had to face. This young man with handicapped legs was so outrageously terrifying.


The blood dragon came head-on with an exploding aura like abyss and hell.

Quickly break the barrier of soul power!
what! ! "

There were screams one after another, and a bloody storm rolled up on the ground.

"Swipe Lala!!"

When the storm dissipated, the scene inside was revealed.

The Seventh Priest of the Titled Douluo level half-kneeled on the ground, his armor turned into flying ashes, his soul ring disappeared, his martial soul collapsed, and his flesh and blood were full of cracks like broken porcelain.

He gulped blood, exhausted every inch of his muscles and meridians, trembling uncontrollably from head to toe, his thick face was full of the afterlife.

The silver-armored stomach guards fell into the pool of blood on the ground, breathing like a gossamer, only their mouths were able to pant slightly, and the flesh and blood were inlaid with countless stones that splashed into their bodies.

Qigong didn't understand why this young looking person could have such strength to kill Titled Douluo in seconds at will.

He regretted it, deeply regretted it.

Only then did he realize that the man in front of him was not a brainless person, and only with absolute strength would he save the mother and daughter of the tender bone rabbit.

There is a problem with it being so obvious, why couldn't I see it just now.

Am I stupid?

Qigong scolded himself in his heart.

Now he only asks Ye Wuchen to keep his promise.

If you don't die after one move, let yourself and these people leave.

Ah Rou's long legs were weak, and she stared at Ye Wuchen's radiant back with a dumbfounded look, recalling the terrifying coercion just now, her heart was already astonished.

"Where did this young man come from?"

"And why did you take action to save their mother and daughter?" Ah Rou looked at the man with deep doubts, trying to find the answer from him.

Regardless of the dignity of any strong man, the Seven Priests crawled to Ye Wuchen's feet and begged for mercy: "This friend... no, this expert."

"Before, we were dogs who saw people as inferior, and we were arrogant and ignorant."

"Now that I have picked you up."

"Can we get out of here?"

"I know that an expert like you must promise everything."

Ye Wuchen turned his pupils and glanced at him.

In an instant, Qigong felt as if he was being watched by a ferocious beast, and couldn't help shivering, his scalp tingling.

"Don't worry, I always keep my word."

Seven enshrined great joy.

"Thank you for your kindness of not killing, I'm leaving now, and I will never hunt and kill soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest again."

After all, Qigong ran away rolling and crawling.


The seven priests all trembled, not daring to take another step, and turned their heads stiffly to look at Ye Wuchen.

"You don't mean what you say. Didn't you say that if I borrowed your kick, you would let me go." Qigong said without tears.

Ye Wuchen shook his head, the corner of his mouth revealing a playful look.

"Are you sure—"

"Are you going to take my kick?"

"It's just that I haven't been active for too long just now, so I raised my legs to warm up."

"What?" Qi Gongfeng and the others were shocked in an instant, unbelievable.

Qigong stared, "You really can't play tricks with your strength and status. How could the offensive just now be a warm-up! Dogs don't believe it."

Ye Wuchen couldn't deny it.


This time, Ye Wuchen's eyes were concentrated, showing seriousness.

The waist is tense, and the energy and strength are combined.

The muscles of his left leg tensed every inch of his body, every inch of flesh and blood, every cell was activated, click, click, the ground under his feet quickly collapsed.

The soul beasts in the entire Star Dou Great Forest felt this power, and ran towards the outside as if they were dying, as if they would die if they walked a few steps slowly.

Ye Wuchen raised his left leg, a red vortex appeared, and all the red energy and blood in the air instantly reversed and gathered on his left leg.

In an instant, the majestic power of qi and blood changed from condensed liquid to substance, and turned into a red leg armor, covering his left leg, and at the same time, there was a clang.


The pupils of the seven priests and everyone present shrank to the extreme.

Because they are not blind, they can all feel how terrifying the power contained in Ye Wuchen's left leg is, and the surrounding space is rippling, as if it will be broken at any time.

What kind of energy level skill is this that can cause such an effect.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Wuchen's mouth, and his eyes lightly swept over the extremely embarrassed Wuhun Hall people.

"I said it was just the aftermath of the warm-up, no one believed it?"

Touching Ye Wuchen's eyes, he felt the divine power gathered on that leg.


The seven priests fell to their knees directly, their lips trembling.

"I believe it, how could I not believe it!"

"Forgive me, my master. If you step down, we will really die."

At this time, he had completely lost the aura that a Seventh Priest should have. Between survival and soul bones, he chose survival.

Because of life, it is possible to obtain soul bones.

It's a pity that Ye Wuchen couldn't let him leave alive.

Seven priests left, and they will definitely make a comeback in the future, which will bring great harm to Ah Rou's safety.

He can't do that.

It is impossible to do so!
ps: Xianyu has been preparing for the past few days, and plans to double-publish. The new book is not a Douluo fan!

It's a brand new theme, sure cool!
(End of this chapter)

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