Chapter 181 Teasing Qian Renxue

The next morning.

The morning sun has just risen, and the sky is gradually showing white belly.

Ye Wuchen, who was dozing off in a wheelchair with his head leaning against the bed, suddenly felt a chilling murderous intent.

A golden envelope was shot into the room with fierce murderous intent, and firmly nailed to the wall.

The golden envelope sliced ​​through the wall like a sharp knife.

Ye Wuchen, who was dozing off, suddenly stared.

He looked at the golden envelope embedded in the wall, and knew without guessing that this must be what Qian Renxue did.

Ye Wuchen gently pulled his right hand away from Tang Yuehua's palm, manipulated the wheelchair, and held the envelope in his hand.

He stared at the golden envelope in his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly.

What should come is still coming.

Ye Wuchen shook his head helplessly.

After all, he was the one who detoxified Emperor Xue Ye's poison, so it's no wonder that woman isn't crazy.

He had expected that Qian Renxue would come to trouble him, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

Ye Wuchen opened the envelope, and there were only four sentences on it.

"Miss Ben is waiting for you in Shenyin Valley, [-] miles away from Tiandou City."

"Do you dare to come?"

"Do you dare to come?"

"Do you dare to come?"

The elegant font pierces through the back of the paper, and there seems to be a strong murderous intent between the lines.

Repeat three questions in a row, as if the anger in the writer's heart has been suppressed to the extreme.

Ye Wuchen held the envelope in his hand, confident.

Ye Wuchen manipulated the wheelchair and gently came to the door of Tang Yuehua's boudoir. When he was about to reach out to open the door, he looked back at Tang Yuehua lying on the bed.

When Ye Wuchen turned his head, he happened to see that Tang Yuehua opened his beautiful eyes, looking at Ye Wuchen who was about to leave.

"Yuehua, you..." Tang Yuehua interrupted Ye Wuchen before he finished saying "wake up".

"Brother Chen, you go, Yuehua will wait for you in Yuexuan Pavilion." Tang Yuehua blinked her amber eyes, looking at the beloved man in front of her.


"You, you know everything?" Ye Wuchen was dumbfounded.

"I knew it a long time ago, but I hope that Brother Chen will remember to go back to Yuexuan Pavilion after finishing the matter." Tang Yuehua didn't have the hysteria of last night, she only had eyes on the man in front of her.

Last night, the man stayed with her all night, and she knew it well.

Men don't take advantage of others.

Ye Wuchen looked into Tang Yuehua's eyes and nodded, "Okay, wait for me in Yuexuan obediently, I'll finish the matter and come back immediately."


Ye Wuchen held the golden letter in his hand, controlled the wheelchair, and came to Shenyin Valley in the envelope.

Eight hundred miles outside Tiandou City, a deep valley is located here.

Dark clouds cover the sun, and the stars recede.

There are strange rocks in the valley, and on top of a big rock stands a magnificent blonde beauty.

Qian Renxue was wearing a short golden skirt and battle suit, with two straight and round beautiful legs standing tall, and she was wearing long golden high-heeled boots, her fair shoulders were exposed.

The sacredness that cannot be profaned is mixed with a charming sexy temperament.

Her pair of purple phoenix eyes fixedly stared in the direction of Tiandou City, full of indifference.

The miniature seraph brand on the brow flickered with golden light, and a pair of beautiful fists were tightly clenched.

It shows her inner irritability.

"That guy must have received Miss Ben's letter."

"I haven't seen you for so long, is it because I'm afraid and dare not come?"

"Oh, Ye Wuchen, right?"

"If you dare to come here alone, I still respect you as a dignified man, and I am willing to crush you in an open and aboveboard way, so that you can die with dignity."

"If you hide in Yuexuan and become a coward, then I, Qian Renxue, will have countless shady ways to kill you."

Qian Renxue's voice was full of determination.

She waited for a long time, but no one came here.

Meimou couldn't help showing disappointment and disdain.

"I thought it was rare for the younger generation of Douluo Dalu to find a character."

"I didn't expect that I wouldn't even dare to go to the appointment."

"It's a mistake to see this Ye Wuchen."

"Hey, you woman is not kind." Ye Wuchen drove the wheelchair from a distance, and came to the front in the blink of an eye. He looked at Qian Renxue, "Isn't it inappropriate to talk about people behind their backs?"

Qian Renxue's purple eyes locked on Ye Wuchen who came suddenly

The cold voice is like Fengming, full of lofty aura.

"I thought you were afraid to come."

"Why don't you dare?" Ye Wuchen chuckled lightly.

Qian Renxue looked behind him.

Ye Wuchen saw through her thoughts directly, "Don't look, there is no one behind, only myself is here."

Qian Renxue was surprised, "Do you have the courage to come to see me alone?"

Ye Wuchen shook his head, "What I didn't expect was that you dare to wait for me here alone."

"Don't take me for a cripple, I only say this once"

Qian Renxue's purple pupils radiated a cold color, and the temperature of the surrounding air dropped instantly.

"What do you mean?"

"Literally, why are you making such a big noise?" Ye Wuchen raised his eyebrows.

"You think I'll be in danger facing you?"

"I'm in danger facing a cripple???"

Ye Wuchen nodded seriously, "Yes, it is very dangerous."

"Oh, what a joke."

"To deal with people like you, it would be a shame for me to bring a single soldier with me."

Qian Renxue raised her gooseneck, her words were indifferent, showing arrogance.

The corners of Ye Wuchen's mouth rose slightly.

"You seem to be very confident in yourself, woman."

"It seems that I need to teach you a good lesson today, let you know that it is very dangerous to be alone in the wild, especially for a beautiful woman like you."

Qian Renxue said disdainfully, "Do you have thoughts about me?"

Ye Wuchen looked carefully at Qian Renxue standing on the boulder, and slowly shook his head.

"The figure is good, the temperament is perfect, and the appearance under the veil is probably not bad, but this arrogant temperament that looks down on the common people needs to be polished."

"It's not in line with my aesthetics yet, it would be nice to be a little more gentle."

The voice of the man's comments was particularly harsh in Qian Renxue's ears.


As soon as her momentum exploded, the boulder under her feet shattered into cracks like spider webs.

Her beautiful eyes seemed to spew out flames, her silver teeth clenched tightly.


"A man who doesn't know how to live or die."

"No one has dared to point fingers at me yet."

"Are you teaching me Qian Renxue how to do things?"

"A cripple dares to speak generously. I'll give you a chance to end it on your own." Qian Renxue raised her chin proudly.

"Hehe, are you so angry?"

"No, no, if you marry back to be your wife, whoever marries back will be unlucky." Ye Wuchen teased.


"Smelly man, you are going to die!" Qian Renxue gritted her silver teeth, her whole body exploded, and the boulder under her feet was instantly covered with cracks.

"Ye Wuchen, you will regret coming to this world!" Qian Renxue gritted her teeth.

"It's my business not to regret later."

"Are you so confident that you can kill me here?" Ye Wuchen smiled lightly...

(End of this chapter)

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