Chapter 201 Boss Xiao, Wang Sheng

There were many voices in the arena.

When more than [-] spectators saw that Tang San participated in the competition with six supporters, they were all dumbfounded.

They racked their brains to recall the history of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Competition for so many years.

Never before has such a wonderful thing happened.

Hot discussions continued one after another, looking at Tang San on the stage full of splendor.

"What's the matter with this guy, one person brings six supports on the field? How dare he."

"This kid is planning to output one by himself, and destroy the seven with one?"

"Fuck, how arrogant is this?"

"Obviously he doesn't take the heroes of the world seriously."

on the ring.

Meng Yiran's bright and beautiful eyes frowned.

Tang San didn't play cards according to the routine, which made her confused for a while.

She looked opposite.

"Hey, what lineup is this?"

Tang San glanced at her indifferently, and ignored her.

Instead, he stared at Ye Wuchen who was under the stage.

There was a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I hope to see the strength I will show later, don't be so scared that your calves become weak."

"Ha ha."

After finishing speaking, he quickly turned his head and hooked his fingers at Meng Yiran's team.

"Come on, let's make a quick decision."

Meng Yiran's eyes were blank at first, and then revealed an extremely annoyed look.

"You guy, you have such a big tone, who are you looking down on?"

"Do you really treat our School of Beasts like a persimmon?"

Tang San shook his head, impatience crossed his face.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm in a hurry."


Meng Yiran's hair fluttered, and the light and shadow of dark purple soul power exploded from his body like mist.

In Yu's hand, he held a snake-headed crutch, yellow, yellow, and purple, with four soul rings circling around it.

His eyes spit fire, staring at Tang San closely.

"I'll stop this guy first, the six of you quickly cut to the back row, and join me for a siege after solving the support on the opposite side."


The six members of the Alien Beast Academy responded in unison, and the formation changed.

Following Meng Yiran's beautiful legs and attacking Tang San, the other six people made a detour and went straight to attack the opposite auxiliary system soul master.

Luo Yu secretly nodded at this scene.

Meng Yiran's choice is undoubtedly the most correct.

This girl reacts very quickly, she is obviously not a vase, her IQ is above the line.

Although angered by Tang San, he remained calm.

The auxiliary combat power is undoubtedly the weakest. Quickly cutting off six players and then playing seven against one will surely seal the victory.


Ye Wuchen sighed. Although Tang San was trash in his eyes, he was still difficult to deal with others.

However, the man he saw before seemed to be more than a little stronger than Tang San, Ye Wuchen felt that the whole soul master contest became more interesting.

Faced with such tactics, Tang San didn't panic at all.

Facing Meng Yiran who was rushing straight ahead, he sneered.

"When the strength gap is too large, no tactics can make up for it."


A mandala flower spirit appeared, with five spirit rings circling around it.

yellow yellow purple purple black

He stretched out his hand, sprinkled countless seeds, and thick purple-red vines rose from the ground.

The seven members of the Alien Beast Team were originally shocked by Tang San's spirit ring configuration, so their actions were delayed for a moment.

Coupled with Tang San's unexpected attack.

In an instant, the six people fell into the vines and their freedom was restricted.

Meng Yiran's ankle was also entangled.

She just swung the snake staff to blow up a vine, but when she looked up, she found dozens of vines entangled like poisonous snakes.

Immediately, her face paled, and she cried out that it was not good.


Tang San shouted.

The six soul masters behind them all activated their soul skills, shooting out six beams of light and shadows, which landed on Tang San.


Tang San's momentum exploded, the ground shattered, and gravel flew.

"The fourth soul skill: Manro Cage!"

"Fifth soul skill: Zihong Overlord Spear!!"


The seven people were surrounded by cages woven with Datura flower vines.

A purple-red long spear shone in Tang San's hand.

Tang San stomped hard, the masonry exploded, and his whole body bounced like a cannonball.

Holding a spear in hand, he uses the ghost shadow fascination step.

For a moment, the shadow of the gun was heavy.

The six members of the Alien Beast Academy were picked up one after another as if they were being sacked by rags, and were thrown off the stage.

Meng Yiran tried his best to escape the siege.

However, the strong wind came, and when she raised her eyes, she saw that Tang San had already approached her, with the point of the spear pointing between her eyebrows.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, her pretty face was tense, and all the soul light on her body dissipated.

Tang San narrowed his eyes and shook his head slowly.


The audience outside the stadium have been stunned.


The whole audience became noisy, everyone stared at Tang San as if they had seen a ghost.

"This... how can this guy be so scary?"

"One person can kill seven members of the Alien Beast Team. What a combat power this is."

"Digging, this is too scary. Is there anyone in the younger generation who can be this guy's opponent?"

"Grass, how old is this to be the five-ring soul king? It's fake."

"Black soul ring, the younger generation actually has a black ten-thousand-year soul ring?"


The audience was frightened by Tang San's combat power performance, they all looked sideways and sighed again and again.

Tang San held a spear in his hand, and stared at Meng Yiran in front of him with indifferent eyes.

"Why don't you admit defeat?"

"You... who are you?" Meng Yiran asked, "Why do you have such strength."

Tang San sneered, his eyes sharp.

"I am the king of the younger generation, and there is no one in the Douluo Continent."

"Remember, losing to me, Tang San, is your glory."

The man looked at Tang San on the stage, his eyes were calm, and the corner of his mouth was still playful.

"Tang San, I will repay the insult given to me at Notting College a hundredfold!" the man gritted his teeth.

Back then, Ye Wuchen appeared.

Let Wang Sheng find a path of his own.

However, during his time at Notting College, every time Tang San fought against Ye Wuchen, if he lost, he would come back to Wang Sheng to vent his anger.

Wang Sheng didn't tell Ye Wuchen at all.

Because of fear, fear that after Ye Wuchen left, he would have no strength and would continue to be retaliated by Tang San.

Slowly, every time Tang San couldn't beat Ye Wuchen, he would use Wang Sheng as a sandbag.

Wang Sheng's initial fear slowly turned into motivation.

During the time at Notting College, Ye Wuchen would help Wang Sheng improve his strength every time.

Not for anything else, just for the sake of the people who live in the same dormitory with him, so as to avoid getting involved in the name that can't even graduate.

Ye Wuchen's help was especially great for Wang Sheng and Boss Xiao.

Not only did the two graduate, but they both broke through to become great soul masters.

Even Ye Wuchen might not have imagined that the simple and simple words at the beginning turned Wang Sheng and Boss Xiao into god kings who were second only to Ye Wuchen in strength in the God Realm. I just want to practice hard, of course, this belongs to a later story.

Wang Sheng walked over to a man who was leaning against the wall and sitting on the ground.

"Old Xiao, wake up, the boss is coming to the soul master competition." Wang Sheng pushed Xiao boss.

Boss Xiao's mouth grew wide, and there was still a trace of saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth. His hands were slumped on the ground, his hair was a little messy, and he was wearing a black dress.

Boss Xiao opened his eyes and looked at Wang Sheng.

"Wang Ergou, you can't lie to me. If the boss is not in the soul master competition, I will kill you!" Boss Xiao stood up cursing.

Wang Sheng shook his head and smiled helplessly.

Since he and Boss Xiao graduated, they left Notting College as a companion. The two of them broke through the fourth floor of the Star Dou Forest and the Capital of Slaughter. The relationship between the two of them has long been fatal.

However, the two never forgot that without Ye Wuchen's enlightenment and help, the two of them would still be doing nothing at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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