Chapter 204 Shocking Hu Tingzhen

on the VIP seat.

Ning Fengzhi smiled and looked at Hu Yanzhen, the head of the Elephant Armor Sect.

"Sect Master Huyan, the Guizong team has already entered the stage, what do you think of the next match?"

Hu Yanzhen glanced at Ning Fengzhi, and a look of disdain crossed the corner of his mouth.

"What's your opinion?"

"Although Shrek Academy was full of talents before, but now it seems that one cripple is paired with five women, and one is unable to play due to physical reasons."

"Everyone in my Elephant Armor Sect is a fierce man, especially my son Hu Yanli, who is the strongest genius in the history of the Elephant Armor Sect. He has learned the unique secret skills of my Elephant Armor Sect."

"Wouldn't it be easy to beat this weak Shrek team?"

"Oh?" Ning Fengzhi raised his eyebrows, with a playful expression on the corner of his mouth, "Sect Master Huyan has so much confidence in your clan's team?"

Hu Yanzhen smiled and said, "That's natural."

He stretched out a finger, with a look of arrogance across his face.

"In the time it takes for a stick of incense to burn, the other side will surely fall apart and be defeated."

"Tsk tsk."

"The suzerain's words are wonderful."

Ning Fengzhi nodded repeatedly, the smile in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

Hu Yanzhen thought that Ning Fengzhi also recognized the strength of his sect, and the proud expression on his face became even worse.

The Emperor Xue Ye beside him had strange eyes.

"Why do I feel that your Elephant Armored Sect has more bad luck this time?"

Displeasure flashed across Hu Yanzhen's eyes, and he didn't dare to speak back, but when he saw the platinum bishop sitting beside him, he immediately had the confidence to retaliate.

"Your Majesty's words are different. As one of the lower four sects of the Elephant Armor Sect, my son is also a rare genius in cultivation, not to mention the talent of heaven."

"Will there be a word of typing?"

A smile flashed across Emperor Xue Ye's eyes.

"Then let's wait and see to see if my prediction is accurate."

"Hey, isn't the outcome obvious, why wait for the result?"

Hu Yanzhen shook his head again and again, his words were quite disdainful, and secretly said that Emperor Xue Ye was so old that he couldn't even see such an obvious crushing situation.

He turned his proud gaze to the audience.

Suddenly, he saw Hu Yanli, who was as tall as an iron tower, screaming with fright on his face.



Hu Yanli and other team members hurriedly shouted to the referee, their faces full of panic and fear.

It seems that the referee is regarded as a life-saving straw.

Seeing the monstrous power erupting from Ye Wuchen's body, Hu Tingli and the others were frightened and slurred their speech.

At this moment, Hu Yanzhen in the VIP seat was stunned and his face froze.

He had never seen such an expression on his son who was always fearless, and he was even more in awe than seeing his father.

what's going on.

Ning Fengzhi smiled elegantly and said nothing.

Emperor Xue Ye's eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Tens of thousands of spectators in the auditorium were already stunned, with funny and incomprehensible expressions on their faces.

They couldn't figure out what was going on now.

Just now, the Elephant Jiazong had a coercive and tyrannical temperament, but now he became panicked like a mouse.

The middle-aged referee sensed something was wrong and galloped from the edge of the ring to the arena.

"what happened?"

Seeing the referee, Hu Yanli ran away as if seeing a savior, hiding behind the referee.

The referee rolled his eyes, and then turned his eyes to Ye Wuchen.

"Fuck! Slot!" The referee looked at the power around Ye Wuchen and the monstrous blood-colored dragon beside him, his legs became weak.

"What, what, what's going on..." the referee asked inarticulately.

"It's nothing, I just want to exercise, the referee, give way, or you will be hurt." Ye Wuchen said impatiently, digging his ears.

He can't control the strength of this kick.

Hu Yanli shivered for a while, exhausted all his strength, and shouted loudly:

"I, the Elephant Armored Sect, admit defeat!!!"

"Ah?" The referee hadn't reacted yet.

"I said, we are Xiang! Jia! Zong! Give up!" Hu Tingli roared in the ear of the referee.

"Oh! Admit defeat, admit defeat, you really have to admit defeat!" The referee nodded repeatedly.

"This... what's going on here."

"My son, what's the matter?"

Hu Yanzhen's old eyes flashed countless inexplicable lights, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Ning Fengzhi couldn't bear the smile on his face.

"Sect Master Huyan, isn't this what you mean by hand?"

Emperor Xue Ye also smiled lightly and said, "Could it be that the legendary stick of incense was cast for the opponent?"

Bishop Platinum looked at a loss, and he still didn't understand what was going on.

When Hu Yanzhen heard the sarcasm, his thick lips trembled and his eyes turned blood red.


He plopped violently, and the jade chair under him was instantly shattered, sending stone chips flying.

A huge roar resounded through the audience, and Hu Yanzhen questioned violently like an old father.

"Hu Yanli!"

"What the hell are you doing!!"

Hu Yanli sat on the ground, heard the roar, and turned to look at his father on the height.

"Dad, I didn't mess up."

"I'm surrendering."

Hu Yanzhen blew his beard and stared, the soul power in his body was released wantonly, and his breath was extremely unstable.


"I have trained you for so many years, and you surrendered to me for no reason?"

Huyanli burst into tears.

"Dad, look at that great Buddha who is still accumulating energy, if you can beat him, I will be your grandson!"


Hu Yanzhen's eyes instantly turned blood red, he was out of breath, and his face was extremely livid.

Hu Tingzhen cast a glance at Ye Wuchen, looking at the bloody dragon that was still accumulating beside him, and the idle attitude on his face.

I couldn't help but thumped in my heart.

"No, when will the Soul Master Competition be able to mix in mentors?" Hu Tingzhen asked.

"Aha?" Ye Wuchen was astonished when he heard this.

"No, you old man, do you think I look like a mentor?" Ye Wuchen asked.

Hu Tingzhen looked left and right, looked at Ye Wuchen's handsome face like a fairy, and looked at the bloody dragon around him, his whole body was excited.

"This is, I have offended Daddy!" Hu Tingzhen said to himself.

Because the power that Ye Wuchen erupted at this time was even stronger than that of the suzerain.

The referee watched Hu Tingzhen's face change, and hurriedly added, "I declare that Shrek Academy wins this game!"

For a moment, Hu Yanli breathed a sigh of relief, and stroked his chest with his big hands again and again.

"It was dangerous just now."

"It's safe now!"

Ye Wuchen was speechless.

If you surrender, where will the power of my foot go?
Ye Wuchen looked left and right, and looked around.

Finally, he looked towards an open area.

Ye Wuchen is not ink stained, and his legs are bent.

The next moment, Ye Wuchen appeared there, and the bloody dragon beside him kept roaring.

Ye Wuchen raised his legs, and the bones of his legs creaked.

"Boom boom boom!" A loud noise came out, and a huge pit ten meters deep appeared in that empty area in an instant.

Hu Ting swallowed in shock.

Hu Tingli looked at the terrifying power, and felt that what he did was right, "It's okay, it's okay, otherwise I will be gone!"

(End of this chapter)

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