Douluo: Start capturing the goddess Xiao Wu from the sign-in!

Chapter 206 The 5 Shrek Girls Suppress the 7 Thunderbolts

Chapter 206 The Five Shrek Women Suppress the Thunder Seven

In the arena, the two colleges faced off against each other.

Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and the five daughters vacated the seat C and let Ye Wuchen sit in front alone.

Brother Yu Tianheng from Thunder Academy led in the front, staring at Ye Wuchen covetously.

Yu Tianxin sneered and said, "I didn't expect that you would dare to come to the stage after seeing the strength of our two brothers."

Ye Wuchen squinted at him.

"I have reason to suspect that you are blind."

"May I ask which eye you see that I am walking up?"

Yu Tianxin stared at her eyes, anger rose from her heart, and hummed:
"How dare you speak rudely now?"

"The competition has no eyes. If the two of us accidentally miss something, your life will be..."

"Ha ha."

Yu Tianheng took a step forward, clenched his fists too hard, the blood vessels on the back of his hands seemed to burst at any moment.

He gritted his teeth like a ghost in the abyss seeking his life.

"Ye Wuchen, everything you have done to me."

"Today I will double the amount in exchange."

"If you have the guts, don't admit defeat today."

Ye Wuchen shook his head, turned his gaze to the referee who retreated to the side.

"Referee, can we start?"

"I don't want to listen to the nonsense of these two fools."

"You!" Yu Tianheng stared.

Yu Tianxin roared angrily, "You're courting death!"

All the men in the auditorium were very excited, because they could finally see Ye Wuchen on stage.

The kick that Ye Wuchen showed off on the stage just now made the audience feel palpitations.

It's a pity that the Thunder Academy wasn't there just now, and didn't see Ye Wuchen show off his might.

"Hey, brother, tell me, can Lei Ting Academy walk a round under Ye Wuchen's feet?" an audience member asked.

"Come on, if Ye Wuchen doesn't stand up, it's a good thing, if he does, it's estimated that the entire academy participating in the soul master competition can't beat Ye Wuchen." A young man said lightly.

In the direction of Tianshui College.

"Sister! Sister, look, he's on stage again!!" Shui Yue'er excitedly held Shui Bing'er's palm and said.

Shui Bing'er looked at Ye Wuchen with complicated eyes, she never expected that Ye Wuchen was so powerful.

That kick just now, let alone her, probably the dean of Tianshui College couldn't bear the power of that kick.

"Hush! The game is on."

As the referee announced the start of the match, all Thunder Academy's spirits bloomed in an instant.

A total of seven blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex spirits shined in the audience, especially Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin, whose bodies after dragon transformation were extremely domineering.

The majesty of the dragon filled the audience.

An astonishing coercion was formed, which attracted the surrounding audience to look sideways and shocked.

Yu Tianheng had four soul rings around his body, and his ferocious arm after dragon transformation pointed directly at Ye Wuchen, and bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes.

"Today, I will also let you taste what it feels like to be crushed."

"Cousin, do your best and don't give him a chance to surrender."

"it is good."

Following Yu Tianxin's cold reply, the seven members of the Thunder Academy launched an offensive together and shot up.

The seven blue thunder dragons brought sparks and lightning all the way, and all the attacks rushed towards Ye Wuchen alone.

"Damn it, is this Thunder Academy crazy? No one else cares about it, and the whole team just picks one person to fight?"

"You can lose a team battle, but Ye Wuchen must die?"

"This formation is a bit scary, but they met Ye Wuchen, and they probably will return home in defeat."

"Nonsense, Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is recognized as the number one beast spirit in the world, and the absolute king of beast spirits in the Douluo Continent. If we attack together, isn't the power scary?"

"Can Ye Wuchen resist? Although the power of that kick is terrifying, I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist the attack of a group of seven."

In the auditorium, there were many discussions, some were optimistic about Ye Wuchen, and some were worried about Ye Wuchen, but most of them were watching the show.

The seven members of Thunder Academy teamed up to make the audience terrified, but in Ye Wuchen's eyes, it was not worth mentioning.

Seven bolts of thunder came galloping towards him, but Ye Wuchen's eyelids did not blink.

Instead, he huffed and glanced left and right out of the corner of his eye.

"Xiao Wu, Zhu Yun, Zhu Yun, go up and practice."

"Let me clean it up, it's not good if you don't let you play."

Zhu Zhuqing opened and closed her red lips, and said with a sweet smile: "Hehe, Brother Chen still understands me, so I've already gotten it right."

"Brother Chen, let Zhu Yun help you teach them a lesson."

Zhu Zhuyun circulated his soul power.

The ghost cat's martial spirit instantly possessed him, and the four spirit rings lit up instantly. Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling were not to be outdone, and the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda and Nine Heart Begonia were sacrificed instantly.

"One day power!"

"The second is speed!"

Two glazed rays of light instantly attached to Zhu Zhuyun's body.

Zhu Zhuqing twitched his mouth, and possessed his spirit.

Xiao Wu looked at the seven Thunder Academy members bouncing around.

His eyes were indescribably cold.

"A few idiots, even we can't compare, and you still want to challenge brother Ye Wuchen?"

With the momentum of the five Shrek girls bursting out, revealing their extraordinary soul power cultivation, they faced the Thunder Academy.

The other teams in the auditorium and rest area were instantly amazed.

Feng Xiaotian was full of puzzlement, "How is it possible, how could these five girls from Shrek Academy have such a high level of soul power?"

The audience is also very confused now.

"What's the situation?"

"Why are the women around this kid more perverted than the other? Are they all so strong?"

"It doesn't matter if Ye Wuchen is strong, but why is the woman around him so strong, why don't you let people live?"

"I think, we can go back to the furnace and rebuild it. It's too shameful! Even a few women can't compare!"

They were puzzled, and the seven Thunder Academy members were even more confused.

Even Yu Tianheng couldn't imagine that the Shrek team, which he didn't pay attention to before, would suddenly become so strong.

The five women forcibly withstood the offensive of him and Yu Tianxin.


"How is this going."

Yu Tianheng gritted his teeth tightly, and Longhua's left arm waved out thunderbolts, bombarding Zhu Zhuyun.

Trying to break out and attack and kill Ye Wuchen in the rear.

However, he found that it was impossible to do it for a while, the ghost cat girl was surprisingly strong, and her soul skills were perfect.

Fighting skills actually faintly suppressed him.

How is this possible?
His fighting skills were all trained by the titled Douluo-level elders in the clan since he was a child.

How did this woman manage to have such sophisticated fighting skills at such an age?

For a moment of stupefaction, a crescent blade stabbed in front of his eyes, almost piercing his temple and breaking his bangs.

Yu Tianheng was getting more and more aggrieved.

He is the young patriarch of the blue electric Tyrannosaurus family, can't deal with a woman?
"Zhuyun, you don't seem to be in good shape today. Logically speaking, this guy should be lying on the ground."

A relaxed and playful voice came from the arena and fell into Yu Tianheng's ears.

He noticed Ye Wuchen in the distance sitting there leisurely leaning against his body.

With a leisurely and contented appearance, his expression is extremely comfortable.

It seems that they are not on stage to compete, but to go sightseeing.

"Damn it, this guy is going to win by lying down like this?"

"Can you stop bawling, do people need to lie down and win? I think they are just afraid of breaking the ring again, and you have too many things to do."

The audience saw Ye Wuchen sitting there so chicly, with his mouth wide open.

His face was full of speechlessness.

PS: The map will be changed soon! ! !
Xianyu is going to change the map, but where to go, Xianyu has to think about it! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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