Chapter 385

It's just that after Su Tiancheng and Qin Yumo walked out of the room together, both of them became a little embarrassed.

Because Hu Yifei and the others were all staying in the living room at 3602 o'clock, when Hu Yifei and the others heard the sound of the door opening of Su Tiancheng's room, they couldn't help looking at the door of Su Tiancheng's room.

And Qin Yumo and Su Tiancheng just opened the door of the room, and walked out of the room holding hands.

Then everyone looked at each other. Although a little embarrassed, Su Tiancheng and Qin Yumo walked into the living room and sat on the sofa.


As for Hu Yifei and the others, they were beyond surprised. They didn't expect that Su Tiancheng and Qin Yumo actually lived in the love apartment.

Hu Yifei glanced at Su Tiancheng and Qin Yumo who were holding hands, and then at Qin Yumo's ruddy face, and knew that Su Tiancheng and Qin Yumo were already cooked rice.

After Hu Yifei sighed helplessly, she said to Su Tiancheng and Qin Yumo.

"Yu Mo, you two, I really don't know what to say..."

When Qin Yumo heard what Hu Yifei said, he naturally knew what Hu Yifei wanted to say, so he said to Hu Yifei.

"Yifei, I already know that. I don't care about Tian Cheng and Zhuge Dali's affairs. I don't think even Zhuge Dali will care about me and Tiancheng's affairs."

After Hu Yifei heard what Qin Yumo said, she couldn't help waving her hands and said to Qin Yumo.

"I don't care about the matter between you and Tian Cheng, but you said that Zhuge Dali would not care about the matter between you and Tian Cheng. I would never believe it. After all, Zhuge Dali is such an excellent person, how could she not mind you being with Tian Cheng?" What about things together?"

It's just that just after Hu Yifei finished saying this, the door of the room at 3602 was knocked, and then Curry Sauce went to open the door.

Then Zhuge Dali walked in from the door of the room, but when he saw Su Tiancheng holding Qin Yumo's hand, Zhuge Dali didn't have any special reaction.

After all, she told Su Tiancheng yesterday that she wanted to add a new contract, and those new contracts were just about the same as the current situation.

Zhuge vigorously looked at Su Tiancheng, without any hesitation, pointed to Qin Yumo beside Su Tiancheng, and then directly opened his mouth and said to Su Tiancheng.

"The contract I told you about yesterday can be said to have something to do with her."

When Hu Yifei and the others heard what Zhuge Dali said, they couldn't help but quickly sat aside and waited, intending to watch a play aside and see how Su Tiancheng would solve this "Sura Field".

"Then you can talk about it. If it doesn't work, we can discuss it."

Hearing what Zhuge Dali said, Su Tiancheng just glanced at Qin Yumo who was a little nervous, and then lightly patted Qin Yumo's hand to make her relax a bit.

Zhuge Dali nodded when he heard what Su Tiancheng said, and then said directly to Su Tiancheng.

"During our relationship, we developed an ordinary relationship as a couple. You can't do anything to me without my consent."

"Of course, if the relationship between the two of us heats up quickly, then the above contract can be abandoned directly."

"As for the other contract, it's about her. I don't care if there are other girls around you besides me. After all, there are many women around you, which only shows that you are excellent. In addition, those things about you , I hope you can teach me something tonight."

After Zhuge Dali finished speaking, he quietly looked at Su Tiancheng, wondering if Su Tiancheng agreed with the two contracts.


Hu Yifei and the others on the side all looked confused, especially Hu Yifei. She had just said before that Zhuge Dali could not accept that Su Tiancheng had other women by his side.

But things will be different from what Hu Yifei said, which makes Hu Yifei feel a little slapped in the face.

At the same time, I was a little curious about what Zhuge Dali said to Su Tiancheng at the end.

After Su Tiancheng thought for a while, he nodded to Zhuge Dali. After all, the contract Zhuge Dali said was no big deal to Su Tiancheng.

It was all Su Tiancheng could accept. Qin Yumo, who was beside Su Tiancheng, glanced at Zhuge Dali, and then at Su Tiancheng, feeling a little helpless.

But Qin Yumo didn't say anything, after all, yesterday, Su Tiancheng told Qin Yumo everything, including Zhuge Dali's.

"Well, the new contract has officially come into effect, and then you just need to wait until tonight, when you teach me those things."

Seeing that Su Tiancheng agreed, Zhuge Dali breathed a sigh of relief. After all, she was not sure when Su Tiancheng would be willing to teach her the so-called kung fu, so he first used the contract to let Su Tiancheng teach him.

Su Tiancheng nodded and said, then let go of Qin Yumo's hand, stood up from the sofa, saw Zhuge Dali nodded, and Su Tiancheng went towards the kitchen.

"Well, don't worry, I have nothing to do tonight, so I can teach you naturally, do you want to have some breakfast together?"

Soon Su Tiancheng walked to the kitchen, and after a careful inspection, he found that there were no ingredients, only a handful of noodles and some vegetables.

So Su Tiancheng planned to serve Qin Yumo and Zhuge Dali noodles, after all, there are only noodles now.

A few minutes later, Su Tiancheng cooked all the noodles, and then called Zhuge Dali and Qin Yumo to the dining table to eat noodles.

As for Hu Yifei and the others, they were all sitting on the sofa, thinking about what happened just now, but the eyes of the curry sauce kept on the noodles cooked by Su Tiancheng.

But Su Tiancheng just turned a blind eye, but after Su Tiancheng thought about it, he communicated with Xiao Na in the nano ring with his consciousness.

Ask Xiao Na it to pay off all the money owed by curry sauce, which can be regarded as helping curry sauce.

Xiao Na obeyed Su Tiancheng's arrangement, and used the fastest time to pay off all the money owed by curry sauce.

Then Curry Sauce, who was sitting on the sofa, his phone rang. Seeing this, Curry Sauce hesitantly connected the phone.

After all, from the point of view of Curry Sauce, this call should be to urge him to pay back the money.

So when Curry Sauce saw the phone number, he hesitated, but he got through quickly.

But after answering the phone, Curry Sauce was confused by the person on the other end of the phone.


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(End of this chapter)

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