Your Highness Doubi, please take the call: Queen Momoda

Chapter 304 A Strange Trip of 5 People

Chapter 304 A Strange Trip of Five People
She wiped away the tears on her face violently, her eyes were bright, and that pair of fine ink jades shone brightly as if they had been washed by water.

She thought carefully about what happened during this time.

The expression on his face became more and more calm and confident.

If he really was a fan of the authorities, the observation ability that he was always proud of collapsed on him.

Although Lu Feifan had forgotten everything before, he was still the first person to rush to her when he was in danger.

That, is his love!

The most primitive, instinct! !
The clear wind blows the leaves in the woods, as if singing a moving song.

It was such a gentle wind and such a pleasant sound of swaying leaves that calmed Roland's heart unbelievably.

She stood up slowly, stretched out her hand, patted the puffy dirt on her body, and walked towards the villa facing the overwhelming sunlight.
Nanming Mountain, as the name suggests, is located in the south of City A. It is not a very tall mountain, but it is also handsome and tall. From a distance, it is covered by green trees. Under the sunlight, it exudes a faint green luster.

Five people, a car slowly drove up the mountain.

The windows of the car were rolled down, and a cool wind blew in from the outside, and there seemed to be a hint of the fragrance of flowers in the wind.

Ouyang Ming was driving the car, and Lu Feifan was sitting in the co-pilot's seat. The two of them seemed to miss the time they used to be together, talking freely.

The three girls sat in the back, and Chen Xi sat in the middle. She had been lying on Roland's lap and listening to the song, with her eyes closed, as if she had fallen asleep.

Roland looked out of the window, and quickly turned to the shadow of the tree retreating behind, thoughtfully.

But Qiancao Linglan looked at Lu Feifan who was sitting in front with admiration, listening to his laughter, the corner of her mouth could also be filled with a sweet smile.

It seems that as long as he is happy, he is very happy!
In this way, the date of five people seems to be a strange combination.

The villa of Lu Fei's grandpa's family is in the middle of the mountain, and there are several villas there. In such a mountain forest, it adds a little bit of popularity.

"It's here—here it is!!"

The car stopped at the gate of a villa, just honked the horn, and soon the gate opened automatically.

After a while, the servants who stayed in the villa came over one after another. After their cars stopped in front of the gate of the villa, all the servants gathered in front of the gate.

Since this villa is in the mountains, there are basically no people here.

There are world-leading security systems around the villa, and generally the more expensive items have been insured.

The servants in the villa are just some servants responsible for cleaning.

"I don't have anything to do with you, take a day off today! Come tomorrow morning!!"

The servants in this villa are all from the village below the foot of the mountain, so when they heard that it was a holiday, everyone was very happy, thanked each of them, and left.

"Extraordinary, if you let them go, what shall we eat!!"

Qiancao Linglan stood by the door and asked, how can there be no servants to attend to such a huge villa!

"There are only a few of us here, so relax a little while playing!"

"That's right! Miss Chikusa is a nobleman in Japan, so she must be very good at cooking!"

(End of this chapter)

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