Chapter 103 I will be responsible

"Ah!" Dongfang Tongxi saw that Ye Feitian suddenly stretched out his back, and was about to pull the tattered clothes on her body, so he couldn't help exclaiming, and hurriedly tried to grab the clothes to prevent him from taking them off.

But... after the sound of "嗤啦", Dongfang Tongxi's little wish was declared bankrupt, and the only thing she could do in time was to reflexively reach out and cover the mark on her left shoulder.

Dongfang Tongxi turned around and wanted to escape, but Ye Feitian obviously didn't intend to let her succeed, so he picked her up casually, picked her up easily, and threw her into a big wooden bucket full of hot water.

The water gushing from all directions immediately blocked Dongfang Tongxi's desire to blurt out.

When she finally stood up in the wooden barrel that was about the same height as her, she suddenly discovered a more frightening fact - Ye Feitian was actually taking off his own clothes.

Could it be what she was worried about?
Ye Feitian is finally going to stretch out his claws to her?
Dongfang Tongxi mobilized her internal strength, and with just a touch of her feet in the water, she was about to fly out.

However, before she could fly, Ye Feitian had already undressed and stepped into the tub with big strides.

Dongfang Tongxi's bathtub, which seemed huge when he was alone, suddenly became extremely crowded after Ye Feitian came in. Of course, Dongfang Tongxi's escape plan could no longer be carried out.

Ye Feitian stretched out her hand and grabbed Dongfang Tongxi's naked body, and kept groping her body with her hands. Dongfang Tongxi had to cover her left shoulder with her right hand, so she couldn't stop him at all.

"Ah..." Dongfang Tongxi had no choice but to yell.

"What's wrong? Little Tonger?" Ye Feitian stopped immediately when he heard Dongfang Tongxi's cry, looked at her nervously, and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong with you?"

Looking at the nervous Ye Feitian, Dongfang Tongxi swallowed the pervert who wanted to scold him.She raised her eyes and stared at Ye Feitian: "Brother Tian, ​​you... how could you do this? She is a woman after all. If you are like this, what face will she have to go out to meet people in the future?"

Hearing this, Ye Feitian looked at Dongfang Tongxi with a strange expression on his face, and said, "Little Tonger, don't worry, I will take responsibility!" After speaking, Ye Feitian began to touch Dongfang Tongxi's body again. .

I owe you a big head ghost!Dongfang Tongxi rolled her eyes violently in her heart, cursing.

Seeing that Ye Feitian was still moving on her body, Dongfang Tongxi, even if her martial arts were exposed, she still had to teach Ye Feitian a pervert.

But at this moment, Ye Feitian hugged Dongfang Tongxi, and kept saying, "It's fine, it's fine."

Hearing Ye Feitian's words, Dongfang Tongxi immediately understood what Ye Feitian meant.

After realizing it, Dongfang Tongxi couldn't help feeling a bit of guilt for using the belly of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman.

Dongfang Tongxi quietly put down his half-lifted left hand, and hugged Ye Feitian gently from behind.

Raising her head, Dongfang Tongxi looked into his eyes carefully, and in Ye Feitian's eyes, she found an unmistakable reassurance.

Seeing this, Dongfang Tongxi couldn't help but sigh inwardly: Ye Feitian... So he was afraid that she might get hurt at Xue Qingyi's place.

The move she thought was taking advantage just now was just to make sure that she was okay.Was he most worried about her safety?
(End of this chapter)

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